Descrição do Produto: Cápsulas de Complexo de Zinco com Absorção Aprimorada e Propriedades Antioxidantes
As Cápsulas de Complexo de Zinco com Absorção Aprimorada são formuladas para oferecer um suporte essencial à saúde, combinando a eficácia do zinco em diversas formas, como picolinato, citrato, acetato, glicinato, monometionina, bisglicinato e nanozinco. Este suplemento é projetado para maximizar a absorção e a biodisponibilidade do zinco, um mineral vital que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção de um sistema imunológico forte. Ao fortalecer os mecanismos de defesa do corpo, nossas cápsulas podem ajudar a proteger contra ameaças sazonais e promover o bem-estar geral.
Além de seu papel no suporte imunológico, o zinco é um potente antioxidante que combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular e melhorando a aparência da pele e dos cabelos. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e foram desenvolvidas para serem rapidamente absorvidas pelo organismo, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios deste mineral essencial. Para um uso eficaz, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula diariamente com um copo cheio de água, sendo adequado para homens e mulheres.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Suplemento Potente de Zinco: Contém múltiplas formas de zinco para maximizar a saúde geral, incluindo energia e equilíbrio hormonal.
– Absorção Aprimorada: Formulado para garantir que o zinco seja absorvido de maneira eficaz, otimizando seus efeitos benéficos.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e uma aparência jovem.
– Fácil de Usar: Cápsulas de fácil ingestão que se adaptam à rotina diária, promovendo conveniência e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Complexo de Zinco diariamente, acompanhada de um copo cheio de água. Este método assegura uma absorção rápida e eficaz do zinco, permitindo que o corpo utilize plenamente os benefícios deste mineral essencial. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
mchellie –
Ancient Bliss – Zinc Complex Capsules contain zinc in the form of picolinate, citrate, acetate, glycinate, monomethionine, bisglycinate, and nano. These unique capsules are transfused with trace minerals and organic spirulina. I especially like that these are NON-GMO, third party tested and made in the USA. These capsules do have a different taste and smell because of the added spirulina. Some may not like this but since I have taken spirulina before I don’t even notice it.
Lisa S –
I started to get white spots on my finger nails so I knew I was zinc deficient. Low zinc levels can also lead to hair loss and poor skin wound healing. Adding zinc as an individual supplement instead of taking it as part of a multivitamin always gives me better results. The Ancient Bliss brand offers several different forms of zinc all in one capsule that is very well tolerated, causing me no adverse reactions or side effects. You only need to take one capsule per day to get more than double your daily zinc needs. Ancient Bliss follows good manufacturing practices and is made in the USA. I have used several of their other supplements and am happy to recommend their Zinc Complex as well.
🐆😺MeoW😸🐆 –
I’m glad this is a complex so that my body can easily absorb the zinc and other minerals. It also includes the superfood spirulina, which is great but you’ll want to note in case you are taking it in other forms. The capsules are small and easy to swallow. There is a bit of an unpleasant smell when you open the bottle, but it’s not too strong. Bottle is large for the amount of pills included – could easily hold 2-3x as many.
Fork in Toaster –
But they stink and taste bad. I have to eat something at the same time to get them down. But I do like taking zinc every day. This gives you that.
Fit PharmKat –
Its the first ive seen this complex of zinc..
And i do find that interesting…
Im just not sure that at 26 mgs its particularly
Necessary… Seems a bit pricey bc zinc is
Fairly inexpensive, and from what ive read, not
Really hard to absorb… So while i like it, im not
Sure the dose for the price works out..
Made in 🇺🇸 gmp etc..
Fork in Toaster –
Really surprised at how this stuff smells. Like moss or seaweed. At 1st I thought it was a bad batch.. but it goes with the green color and other ingredients included. Also the bottle when 1st opened is opened is over half empty, hate that..
Won’t be getting this brand again. Mostly because of the smell. Never before had zinc that smelled.
I wish I liked it better as I need my Zinc!
Nicolas Caridi –
Absolutely in love with this brand! Have never had an issue and love the quality they have. Will continue buying! Feeling healthier than ever!
Josh –
Thsee are easy to swallow and seem to work well.