Descrição do Produto: Cellulase Individual Enzyme – 180 Cápsulas
A Cellulase Individual Enzyme é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma combinação poderosa de enzimas digestivas, projetadas para otimizar a digestão e promover a saúde intestinal. Com uma formulação que inclui 90.000 CU de celulase e 75 FTU de fitase, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar a absorção de nutrientes e a digestão de fibras vegetais. A celulase é uma enzima essencial que atua na quebra da celulose, um componente das paredes celulares das plantas, facilitando a digestão de alimentos ricos em fibras. Por outro lado, a fitase desempenha um papel crucial na degradação do ácido fítico, um antinutriente que pode interferir na absorção de minerais essenciais.
A combinação dessas enzimas não só melhora a digestão, mas também ajuda a reduzir o desconforto gastrointestinal, como inchaço e gases, frequentemente associados ao consumo de alimentos fibrosos. Com 180 cápsulas em cada frasco, a Cellulase Individual Enzyme é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde digestiva e maximizar a absorção de nutrientes.
– Melhora da Digestão: Acelera a quebra de fibras vegetais, facilitando a digestão e reduzindo o desconforto abdominal.
– Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Promove a liberação de nutrientes essenciais, melhorando a biodisponibilidade de vitaminas e minerais.
– Redução de Gases e Inchaço: Minimiza a formação de gases intestinais, proporcionando um alívio significativo para quem sofre de distúrbios digestivos.
– Suporte à Saúde Intestinal: Contribui para um microbioma saudável, favorecendo a flora intestinal benéfica.
– Praticidade e Facilidade de Uso: Disponível em cápsulas, é fácil de incorporar à rotina diária, sem necessidade de preparações complexas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de Cellulase Individual Enzyme antes das refeições principais. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a dissolução e absorção das enzimas no trato digestivo. Para pessoas com dietas ricas em fibras ou que enfrentam dificuldades digestivas, o uso regular deste suplemento pode ser particularmente benéfico. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Theresa A. Croteau –
Using powder from cellulose capsule on empty stomach before meals & Diet Coke with meals to aid Diabetic gastroparesis. It works really well.
Tony DiSilvio –
The serving size of four capsules is really easy because the capsules themselves are small. They do smell of black licorice. Lou, the owner of this company, appears to be walking proof of what he teaches. The price of this could come way down to make it more accessible for continued use.
Sammy Miller –
I’m having a strongly positive experience with this supplement, but I’m taking it differently than directed. (You do you.) I have severe fiber issues and have not been able to eat a vegetable in a very long time. Recently I had a stew with kale, spinach, beans, corn, carrot, celery, etc. without tummy troubles. I take one of these 20 minutes before I eat any food with fiber (I also take the Now Super Enzyme supplement and some Bean-O) and together I’m good to go. Note that the Bean-O and Now Enzyme did not help much with harder fiber foods like kale, cabbage, etc.) With my little supplement “cocktail” I can eat like a regular person again and not someone obsessed with making sure every bite is FODMAP friendly so that my body doesn’t hurt or embarrass me. The taste of these is awful but the freedom to eat again without fear is most definitely worth it for me. Taking it the way I take it, I have experienced none of side effects other reviewers have mentioned, either.
Anonymous –
I needed to take cellulASE because my GI system has too much cellulose.
They put the cellulASE in cellulose capsules! No sense!
Eduardo Duran –
I ordered this, and while one digestive enzyme capsule can cause gastrointestinal irritation and other symptoms including irritation to tissues. This is four times the amount of only one enzyme that is usually only found in small amounts in comparable quantity of a full spectrum digestive enzyme formulation.
The result was me experiencing many different symptoms of what feels like internal bleeding, capillaries in fingers and else where busting, what felt like possible cardiac event. Varying degrees of severe pain, and what might be injury to my kidneys, as I’ve began to experience what appears to be proteinuria and irritated hernias that were in a state of remission for atleast three years. If for one reason or another you feel compelled to try this product. take no more than half of one pill and see how it affect you after a few days.
If you have leaky gut syndrome or anything that could pass the gut blood barrier, it is highly adviced not to take this supplement. Also it seemed to clear microcrystalline cellulose deposition disease but became more of a health hazard due to it passing into the bloodstream and becoming difficult to pass from the body. Note that microcrystalline cellulose can be deposited in tissues in those with a leaky gut, weakened gut blood barrier, or those who have increased permeability of cellular membranes due to long term use of Dimethylsulfoxide or dmso which can be purchased on amazon. Why its used for horses, athletic injuries, veterenarian use and as a compounding pharmaceutical agent isn’t well understood as it is hazardous and unethical as it has major cytotoxic implications for both human and animal use.
This enzyme is incredibly hazardous if it manages to get into the bloodstream or seep into tissues of the body as its biological half life activity seems continue well after three weeks.
J.R. Sedivy –
Update (02.25.24)
This morning I had experimented with taking four capsules upon waking and prior to breakfast, whereas the previous day I had taken two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon.
While taking four capsules on an empty stomach I had experienced a noticeable and significant increase in energy. I’m not sure if I’ll continue with the four capsules in the morning and see if I acclimate to the higher energies or go back to two capsules twice a day. I may just have to see how I feel going forward.
In any case, this is a good thing to observe when considering how you integrate Cellulase into your daily routine and how it impacts your energy.
Original Review (02.24.24)
A Good Option
Cellulase is said to moderate sugar blood levels, by converting cellulose into beta-glucose. Also, it is said to preserve an optimal cholesterol level and can also lower cholesterol. Another benefit of cellulase is said to be that it eliminates toxic chemicals, free radicals and other harmful organisms from cell membranes.
Given the benefits I was curious to try a Cellulase supplement.
The PuraDyme Cellulase Individual Enzyme Capsules appear to be an easy way to increase Cellulase intake.
The recommended dosage is four capsules per day on an empty stomach. It doesn’t specify if they should be taken all at once or staggered throughout the day, so I’m assuming it’s okay to take them all at once. The capsules are small and easily digestible and have a neutral taste.
J.R. Sedivy –
Confusing instructions, but says take on empty stomach(or not), so 4 empty stomachs(2 hours without food) won’t work for anyone. Tastes like licorice. Don’t know if they are working. A systemic enzyme does it’s work in the gut, digestive enzymes in the stomach. Gonna try 4 in the morning before I eat (45 minutes.)
Infinite3 –
I have had problems with digestion and mainly on fruits and vegetables but not like meats, fat, proteins and others. I have found this product mainly contains cellulase that breaks down fibers. I have taken it for years and feel very good and at the same time I have saved the trouble of taking other enzymes which my body does not need.