KIVA Premium Ceylon Cinnamon Powder Capsules (120 Veggie Capsules)
Descubra o poder da canela de Ceilão com as cápsulas KIVA Premium, uma experiência que combina sabor e saúde em cada dose. Proveniente das exuberantes plantações do Sri Lanka, nossa canela de Ceilão é cuidadosamente selecionada e processada para garantir um produto de qualidade superior. Com um sabor suave e complexo, que traz sutis notas cítricas, essas cápsulas não apenas elevam o paladar, mas também oferecem uma gama de benefícios à saúde.
- Premium True Ceylon Cinnamon: Sustentavelmente obtida do Sri Lanka, nossa canela de Ceilão 100% natural possui um sabor delicado e complexo, repleto de benefícios para a saúde.
- Powerful Health Benefits: As cápsulas de canela de Ceilão Kiva são uma rica fonte de nutrientes que apoiam o bem-estar geral.
- 3rd Party Tested and Verified: Nossas cápsulas de canela de Ceilão 100% naturais são testadas em laboratório por terceiros para garantir qualidade premium, com 1200mg por porção, NON-GMO, sem glúten e veganas.
- Superior Quality: A canela de Ceilão Kiva é moída frescamente em pequenos lotes para garantir qualidade superior.
- Convenient Usage: Cápsulas veganas fáceis de engolir para uso diário, ou abra e polvilhe facilmente em chás, torradas, cereais, aveia, smoothies, sobremesas e receitas favoritas. 1200mg por porção. NON-GMO, Vegano, Sem Glúten, Fabricado nos EUA.
1. Apoio ao Metabolismo: A canela de Ceilão é conhecida por ajudar a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, promovendo um metabolismo saudável.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Rica em antioxidantes, a canela ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
3. Aumento da Imunidade: Os compostos naturais presentes na canela podem fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
4. Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são práticas e podem ser facilmente incorporadas à rotina diária, sem a necessidade de preparo.
5. Alternativa Saudável: Uma opção deliciosa e saudável para adicionar sabor a diversas receitas, sem adição de açúcares ou conservantes.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios das cápsulas de canela de Ceilão KIVA, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir, mas também podem ser abertas para polvilhar o conteúdo em chás, aveias ou smoothies, proporcionando uma maneira versátil de incluir este superalimento na sua dieta. Cada porção contém 1200mg de canela de Ceilão pura, garantindo que você receba todos os nutrientes essenciais sem aditivos indesejados.
L. Huard –
J’utilise la canelle de Ceylan et chanca piedra pour un probleme de cystite interstitielle.
Sep 19, 2019
I’ve been researching a connection between interstitial cystitis and gout. I found this medical article “Some unusual features of gouty arthritis in females.
Yü TF. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 1977.” on a website called Pubmed. The article says that a “frequent complication of gout in females was chronic urinary tract infections dating from previous pregnancies”, in other words premenopausal. If this article really is from 1977, very few in the medical community are seeing this connection.
Only recently has the medical community begun to recognize that medical research using only male rats/mice has failed to isolate the unique female manifestations of many ailments.
I have a strong family history of gout, IC onset at age 35 and have never been pregnant. I was tipped off when my uncle described his diet for gout and the foods he has to avoid that matched my IC diet. I experienced a first remission of symptoms after taking the herb chancra piedra for kidney stones, also frequent complication of gout.
In addition to chanca piedra, during a flare up, I take cayenne pepper pills (which I make myself) which speeds up healing. Other research indicates that cayenne also reduces uric acid in the body
Aaron Miller –
We purchased the product just before the FDA issued a warning about lead in cinnamon.
The product clearly states on the bottle and website about 3rd party testing. No results are posted. I’ve written Kiva and asked, but there is no reply.
Rafael –
Product really works, it had lower my blood sugar levels, sweet!🤩
Joe Cohen –
Hi, the product is great. Seems to be controlling my sugar.
You get 120 capsules in the bottle and definitely could put about 300 in this bottle. Either use a smaller bottle or give us a great deal on 300 capsules!
Thanks Joe
Susan E. Nelson –
These capsules are smaller to swallow. And if you follow the directions, you don’t get weird cinnamon reflux (directions state: 20 – 30 minutes before a meal). But even the weird cinnamon reflux isn’t such a bad thing. Bottomline, it’s a quality supplement and you should make sure you eat within 20 – 30 minutes to help them absorb and do their job. Getting consistently lower sugar readings (I’m not diabetic, just a little insulin resistant). If you have PCOS, do some research on the insulin resistance and cinnamon seems to be helping me.
Amazon Customer –
I love this particular brand of ceylon cinnamon ! It’s the only brand I use. It helped me get my A1C from 13 down to a 7! I take 2 in the morning and 2 at bedtime. I don’t ever want to run out !
Anita Artascos –
Love this product
Albertito Tamburrelli Rosas –
It has a good price vs quantity and mg to be ceylon. I will see my results since I used another brand before.
Kimlyn –
I have been on this brand for about two weeks now and they seem just as good as some of the other brands. I like that I can get 120 in one bottle since my husband takes them as well. The bottle is a little too big though when you open it and look in there is enough room there for another 120 or more, lol! It’s crazy wish they would make smaller bottles they are massive and takes up too much space where you sometimes don’t have enough space. That’s my only complaint, the brand is good quality and that’s all that matters and that they work which they do seem to. So thank you!
E.Calderon –
I like the easy way to swallow and the quality of the product , I use it as one of my natural products to fight my prediabetic problem.