Descrição do Produto: Primaforce Caffeine Pills 200mg, 180 Cápsulas
As cápsulas de cafeína Primaforce são a escolha ideal para quem busca um impulso de energia sem os açúcares e calorias adicionais encontrados em bebidas energéticas. Cada cápsula contém 200mg de cafeína pura, proporcionando uma dose potente que pode ajudar a aumentar a concentração, melhorar o desempenho físico e mental, e combater a fadiga. Com 180 cápsulas em cada frasco, você tem um suprimento duradouro que se adapta perfeitamente à sua rotina, seja na academia, durante um dia de trabalho intenso ou em atividades de lazer.
Essas pílulas de cafeína são especialmente populares entre frequentadores de academias, atletas e aqueles que precisam de um reforço extra para enfrentar o dia. A cafeína é um estimulante natural que pode ajudar a aumentar a resistência e a performance durante os treinos, além de promover uma sensação de alerta e foco. Fabricadas em uma instalação registrada pela FDA e em conformidade com as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP), as cápsulas Primaforce garantem qualidade e segurança em cada dose.
– Energia Sustentada: A cafeína proporciona um aumento de energia que pode durar várias horas, ideal para treinos intensos ou longas jornadas de trabalho.
– Sem Açúcar ou Calorias: Ao contrário das bebidas energéticas, as cápsulas oferecem uma forma limpa de obter cafeína, sem adição de açúcares ou calorias desnecessárias.
– Foco e Concentração: A cafeína é conhecida por melhorar a clareza mental e a capacidade de concentração, ajudando a manter o foco em tarefas importantes.
– Praticidade: Com 180 cápsulas, você pode levar suas pílulas de cafeína para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você tenha sempre um impulso de energia à mão.
– Apoio ao Desempenho Atlântico: Ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness, as cápsulas ajudam a melhorar a resistência e a performance durante os treinos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se iniciar com uma cápsula de 200mg de cafeína, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes do exercício ou de atividades que exijam maior concentração. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada de 1 cápsula por dia, especialmente se você é sensível à cafeína. Mantenha-se hidratado e evite o consumo excessivo de outras fontes de cafeína ao longo do dia. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
majormusiclover –
Just so you know, you have to be CAREFUL with these bad-boys! They actually do work! Just please be careful because they did give me heart palpitations. I don’t have any pre-existing heart conditions and I am an otherwise healthy, at a normal BMI, totally run of the mill 30 year old female. I only take 1 to 2 at a time. The first time I tried them, I seriously underestimated their power. DO NOT take in the evenings until you know how your body works with these! I was up ALL NIGHT. Not cool, BUT it definitely was great, because the product is effective as all get out. So, I can’t blame the manufacturers! They did their job. I just was an idiot. I can definitely say I would recommend this for the RIGHT population! Please be careful and enjoy the energy rush, kids!
oizys –
It’s a simple product and a great alternative for me when I don’t have time to make coffee in the morning. Works fairly fast.
Desert H.E.A.T. –
This is an excellent product for fast energy. and gives a lasting impact for hours.
I often use energy and pre-workout drinks but this product lets me have the boost
without the mix and sometimes yucky taste.
This caffeine anhydrous is NOT equivalent to two more cups of coffee.
It’s stronger than regular caffeine.
>>> Anhydrous means without water, and is made from the seeds and leaves
of the coffee plant.
After harvesting the plants, caffeine is extracted and dehydrated making it
more concentrated and potent than regular caffeine.
> The rule of thumb for caffeine energy is that it’s full effects are felt in 15-45 minutes
and after that the liver starts breaking it down.
With the1/2 life of caffeine about 5-6 hrs.
>>> Which I’m assuming is why it’s often suggested to not have caffeine
with-in 6 hours of bed time to avoid sleeplessness. = for those sensitive to it.
Studies indicate that 320 mg of caffeine has been associated with short-term
cardiovascular side effects, including hypertension, prolonged heart palpitations.
>>> But those side effects were NOT seen with smaller intake of 200 mg or less.
Debra Nelson –
Capsules are easy to swallow and there’s no lactose (dairy) filler in them for those who are sensitive to dairy.
oizys –
The pills are pretty big and have a woody taste and smell to them. I tried them the morning before work, when I would usually have my morning cup of coffee. Taking the capsule was a lot less satisfying than drinking a cup of coffee and it went down with difficulty.
As far as giving me energy, I believe it gave me about as much as my morning cup of coffee, maybe a bit less, but it also wore out at about the same rate: at 4 hours later, my energy was completely depleted, in the middle of my work day. Normally, I’d have another cup of coffee at this point, and instead of taking another pill, I had a single sip of coffee. Shortly after, I started having a very bad headache that lasted into the next day. The bottle states not to exceed 400mg of caffeine in one day, which would be 2 capsules. I’m guessing with the 1 capsule and sip of coffee, I exceeded what my limit was, and it made me feel awful. With these downsides, I’d just stick with regular coffee over these pills.
ahmed kamal –
It is only a placebo and I don’t think it has any active ingredients in it. Don’t buy.
kdddbbb –
These are fantastic for some extra energy when it’s needed and it’s easily a half year supply if taken every day which it won’t be for me. I don’t always need a kick in my day but this is quick and effective enough to give me a kick me when I do.
I usually prefer more natural forms of caffeine intake through herbs that contain it naturally as it tends to be a bit smoother than this kind of supplement. However, I would still continue to use this supplement for it’s serving quantity value and above average effectiveness. 4 stars from me.
Domenico –