Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de Bladderwrack da HERBAMAMA são uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de saúde, oferecendo 1200mg de pó de alga marinha Bladderwrack, conhecida por suas propriedades energéticas e de suporte ao bem-estar geral. Este suplemento é especialmente formulado para promover a saúde imunológica, aproveitando os benefícios naturais do Bladderwrack, que é rico em iodo. O iodo é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de energia e na manutenção do equilíbrio hormonal, contribuindo para uma sensação geral de vitalidade.
Com apenas dois ingredientes, as cápsulas de Bladderwrack da HERBAMAMA são uma escolha simples e eficaz. A fórmula é composta exclusivamente de pó de Bladderwrack e uma cápsula de celulose vegetal, tornando-as adequadas para vegetarianos e veganos. A ausência de aditivos artificiais garante que você esteja consumindo um produto puro e fácil de digerir, ideal para quem busca uma abordagem natural para a saúde.
A conveniência das cápsulas permite que você as leve para qualquer lugar, facilitando a inclusão do Bladderwrack na sua rotina diária. Seja em casa, no trabalho ou em viagens, você pode garantir que está recebendo sua dose diária de iodo para apoiar a imunidade e a energia. Além disso, as cápsulas são livres de glúten, não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO) e não possuem corantes artificiais ou outros enchimentos, tornando-as uma opção saudável para qualquer estilo de vida.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Energia Sustentada: O iodo presente no Bladderwrack contribui para a produção de energia, combatendo a fadiga.
– Fórmula Simples e Pura: Com apenas dois ingredientes, é uma opção limpa e saudável, sem aditivos artificiais.
– Praticidade: Cápsulas fáceis de transportar, ideais para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
– Adequado para Todos: Livre de glúten e não-GMO, atende a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
Para incorporar as cápsulas de Bladderwrack da HERBAMAMA em sua rotina, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula inteira com um copo de água ou suco, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também garante que você esteja aproveitando ao máximo os benefícios do iodo e do Bladderwrack para a sua saúde geral.
L, Sepeda –
I bought this product after hearing and researching its benefits, I take it every night before bed and wake up feeling well rested and ready for the day. I will reorder..
N D –
Feel like my body system is cleaner
Truth Above All –
I have no idea if this stuff works.
I suppose it would take a Theranos analysis and laboratory tests to know.
But I go on the theory that it is not hurting me.
EmiliesMom –
I am about three months in to taking this every night before bed and I feel like it has helped my stomach and digestive track. The change is subtle for me, but noticeable, and worth me continuing. Everyone will need something different and will respond differently. You have to find what works for you.
Here I am years later and while I’m thankful for this particular product, I did stop taking it. I started have issues keeping warm, keeping my body heat up. I was insanely cold all of the time. I don’t know exactly how it was related, but it was from this ingredient. I now don’t have cold issues and I switched to Zypan which has been amazing.
Justagalinlovewithlife –
I first found out about bladderwrack when I was pregnant with my second child. My midwife wanted me to take it (more on that later) and so I bought some she had there at her office. It did the trick, but I could barely get it down and keep it down, since it was a liquid that had to be diluted in water, and it wonderfully awful- like water that dead fish had been brewing in for a couple of weeks. Obviously, I didn’t take it very regularly! I found a couple of brands that looked like they would be good, and this is the brand she liked the best. Got it, tried it, and love it! So far I’ve only taken it in the evening as directed, and much to my delight, after 3 days I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels first thing in the morning! Who knew that it didn’t have to take superhuman strength to get out of bed in the morning?! At this point I haven’t noticed any side affects…. No burping or fowl bathroom odors. I do seem to have much more consistent energy throughout the day, so I’d say it’s doing its job! Now, the reason I started taking it was not for my hypothyroidism. My first labor was 40 hours long, and my midwife told me that bladderwrack does wonders at helping to tone muscles, including those needed for childbirth. Does it work? Well, my second labor was between 8 and 9 hours long, and the baby came pretty close to being born in the car because I was sure that it couldn’t be time to go yet, because labor had just started! Would I recommend? Well, ask my friends😊
Robbie –
Bladderwrack for thyroid health.
It’s Organic and the pills are easy to swallow.
kaye –
I do think this is a quality product but it is high in Iodine (which many people are deficient). I get enough Iodine in my diet so taking this suppliment suppresses my thyroid levels and makes me drowsy.