As cápsulas de Ashwagandha Orgânica 2100mg são um suplemento poderoso e natural, projetado para proporcionar alívio do estresse e promover um estado de bem-estar geral. Com uma formulação extra forte, cada cápsula contém 100% de extrato de raiz de Ashwagandha orgânica certificada pelo USDA, combinada com pimenta preta para potencializar a absorção e eficácia. Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam uma rotina agitada e desejam manter a energia equilibrada, além de melhorar o humor e a resistência ao estresse.
A Ashwagandha, conhecida como uma erva adaptogênica, tem sido utilizada na medicina tradicional Ayurveda por séculos. Ela atua suavemente no corpo, ajudando a acalmar a mente e a promover uma sensação de tranquilidade. Com 2100mg de extrato por porção, as cápsulas oferecem um suporte robusto para lidar com os desafios diários, proporcionando um alívio eficaz da tensão e da fadiga associada ao cortisol.
Além de suas propriedades adaptogênicas, a Ashwagandha é reconhecida por seu potencial em estimular o humor, tornando-se uma aliada valiosa para aqueles que buscam um suporte emocional. A combinação com pimenta preta não apenas melhora a absorção, mas também maximiza os benefícios que o corpo pode extrair deste suplemento, tornando-o uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde.
As cápsulas são cultivadas organicamente, não contêm ingredientes transgênicos e são vegetarianas, refletindo um compromisso com a pureza e a sustentabilidade. A Vitaminer Shop se orgulha de oferecer produtos que respeitam a filosofia de cura herbal, garantindo que cada cliente receba o melhor que a natureza tem a oferecer.
1. Suporte ao equilíbrio de energia e estresse diário.
2. Alívio natural e herbal do estresse.
3. Potencial de melhora do humor.
4. Fonte pura e orgânica de Ashwagandha.
5. Fórmula otimizada para absorção e biodisponibilidade.
Recomendamos a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Ashwagandha orgânica por dia, preferencialmente acompanhadas de uma refeição para melhor absorção. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento alimentar. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar suas propriedades e eficácia.
Logan –
Anything that’s natural that benefits your well-being is a must. A sense of Balance and control.
stephanie –
I’ve suffered from extreme anxiety the past couple years. Nothing I’ve tried has helped! I had been watching HHH for about a year, reading reviews/researching the products… One day I decided to go ahead & place an order for Joy Filled & see if it helped. Why not? I’ve tried everything else I could think of, short of getting put on prescription meds. I like all natural products & it was worth a shot. I noticed within the first couple days, my stress levels were lower & I wasn’t getting the constant flutters of anxiety. No more elephant on my chest! I do still get the occasional flutter, so I take a 2nd capsule when that happens. I start w/ 1 capsule in the AM & feel calm all day. I’ve tried other HHH products, as well & had mixed results.
Little Pick Me Up: didn’t work for me. I started out w/ 1 capsule in the AM & then tried 2. Used for 1 week.
Namestay: didn’t work for me & gave me a headache. kept me awake at night. I took 1 capsule at bedtime, then tried 2. Used for 3 days.
Maca: I didn’t notice any difference. I took 2 capsules a day. Gave me a little energy boost. Used for 3 weeks.
Ashwaganda: Made me tired, best used at night. Kept me mellow, but have the same results as w/ Joy Filled. I took 3 capsules a day, except on days I took the Joy Filled, then it was 1 capsule. Used for 3 weeks.
Go With The Flow: Wow! Helps so much w/ PMS symptoms. I take 1 capsule in the AM & 1 in the afternoon. Less cramping, no bloating, less mood swings. Used for 2 weeks.
Joy Filled: Less anxiety, not feeling so stressed out. I’m able to deal w/ every day stresses of life w/ a much calmer attitude. Less moody, more focused. I would 100% recommend HHH Joy Filled! Used for 4 months.
Although, some of the other products may not have worked for me, that doesn’t mean they won’t work for you. Everybody’s body is different & it’s recommended to give products at least 3 weeks to notice a difference.
Happy Customer for life! All natural products. Easy to swallow. No yucky aftertastes.
Robin Price –
I purchased Go With The Flow, Ashwagandha, and Joy-Filled which I believe are also helping alot. I take the Ashwagandha and GWTF in the AM and then take the Joy-Filled late afternoon. I believe this combination is helping me to feel much better and am excited to see how well they do in the long term. after looking into many options to regulate my hormones without chemical intervention. First, this seems like a very good company who is dedicated to using natural resources. I have had a hysterectomy a few years ago and recently have been having PMS like symptoms with bloating and stomach irritation, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and trouble concentrating. I used to have these issues before my hysterectomy and most subsided, but have reared their ugly head again. I feel like it’s most likely pre-menopausal symptoms so Go With The Flow sounded like it may help balance me out a bit. So far I have taken 2 tablets daily for 2 full weeks and can tell a remarkable difference. I have had very little stomach irritations and have been sleeping much better at night. My anxiety has lowered significantly
Logan –
It works as I had hoped, giving me more energy.
stephanie –
I have been struggling really bad with high anxiety and postpartum for the past year. I just finished nursing so I gave this a try before going to see a professional doctor. Let me tell you this worked immediately! This is my first time hearing about this company. I did a lot of research on the ashwagandha herb and literally my stress is alleviated tremendously! My body feels like it is extremely relaxed and I don’t have rushing thoughts. Almost like a slow motion effect but not to where I can’t accomplish anything. I literally had the clear mind and energy to go to Walmart (by biggest anxiety place) and go back home, cook, and cater to my 7 month old. I also ordered another product from this company that’s coming in tomorrow. But so far this gets an A+ from me! Will definitely be ordering this monthly.
Kerry –
I have been trying a variety of supplements over the last year. My stress levels have been at an all-time high and my body has been suffering as a result. My feet and ankles have been swollen to a painful point and the fatigue I have been experiencing has been intense. I have barely had enough energy to make it through my work day. I began taking Ashwagandha by Happy Healthy Hippie on Sunday, today is Thursday, so I am on my 5th day. Let me tell you, I have seen such amazing results in such a short time!!! I have ENERGY!!! Not jittery energy that you would get from caffeine or an energy drink, but actual energy to get through the day and then come home to make dinner and enjoy my evening. Did I mention I work 10-12 hour days in the mental health field? The stress is REAL!! So, maybe the stress reduction and energy is a coincidence? Well, the swelling in my feet and ankles is GONE!! The pressure in my head is gone, I believe overall inflammation has decreased throughout my body because I can physically see a change, not just feel it. I am so amazed by this product and so thrilled to finally be experiencing some much needed relief!! I am so grateful for this being so natural with limited ingredients. Thanks for creating such a PUREly amazing product.