Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas 1 Body Brain Supplement com Lion’s Mane são a solução ideal para quem busca aprimorar a memória e o foco. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina nootrópicos poderosos como Alpha GPC, Bacopa Monnieri e outros ingredientes naturais, este suplemento foi desenvolvido para nutrir sua mente e potencializar suas capacidades cognitivas.
- Melhore a Memória e o Aprendizado: Nutra sua mente com suplementos que promovem uma melhor recordação e retenção de memória, aprimorando suas habilidades de comunicação e facilitando o acesso a memórias importantes.
- Aproveite Maior Foco e Clareza: Nada transforma você em um profissional mais eficiente do que ter um foco, concentração e clareza superiores, permitindo que você enfrente suas tarefas e estudos sem a pressão constante de distrações.
- Ingredientes Nootrópicos: Nossa fórmula contém Alpha GPC, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, Rhodiola Rosea, Huperzine A e muito mais, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde cerebral.
- Energia Limpa: Nossa fórmula proporciona uma energia calma e limpa, sem cafeína ou estimulantes agressivos, ideal para quem busca um impulso sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados.
- Não-OGM e Vegetariano: Nosso suplemento inteligente para o cérebro contém 30 porções de 3 cápsulas fáceis de engolir. Fabricado nos EUA, sem laticínios, glúten, soja, ovos, peixe, nozes e sem cores ou sabores artificiais.
1. Aprimoramento Cognitivo: Melhora significativa na memória e na capacidade de aprendizado, essencial para estudantes e profissionais.
2. Foco Sustentado: Aumenta a concentração, permitindo que você trabalhe ou estude por períodos mais longos sem distrações.
3. Energia Sem Estímulos: Proporciona energia sem os efeitos colaterais da cafeína, ideal para quem busca um impulso sem nervosismo.
4. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes não-OGM e vegetarianos, é uma escolha saudável para todos.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com apenas três cápsulas por dia, é uma solução prática para integrar à sua rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de três cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso garantirá uma absorção ideal dos nutrientes e maximizará os benefícios cognitivos. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e, se possível, combinar o uso do suplemento com uma rotina de exercícios físicos e uma alimentação equilibrada para potencializar ainda mais os efeitos positivos sobre a memória e o foco.
Healthy Biohacker –
I’m impressed with the quality and variety of ingredients in your Brain Support supplement. I have been taking it for over 6 months, recommend it to others and have noticed improvement with recall, clarity and concentration. Thank you 1 Body !
Gladys Lupton –
Arrived early than the expected delivery but its hard to tell if there has been any changes. I guess I need to take it longer to see the effectiveness.
Phil Peterson –
This my first review on after years of purchasing products on this site. Anyway, I’ve been working at a warehouse for the past 11 months and heavily rely on my short-term memory for counting & memorizing numbers quickly, as well as maintaining a high level of focus as we work with medical products and mistakes and errors are costly. Before I started taking 1 Body’s Brain Support Supplement, I heavily relied on taking caffeine daily whether in the form of energy shots or pills, so much so that I reached a tolerance for it (>400mg of caffeine per day) after many months of taking it. I would sometimes if not often, feel dehydrated from taking caffeine, which is also a diuretic. Because of that very reason, I would sometimes, if not often, have to leave work for restroom breaks, which is not good at all on the job. Caffeine’s effects on my body had become overall inconsistent overtime and my reliance on it was mostly unhealthy so I started looking at other products online that were healthier, natural, and more efficient alternatives to caffeine for my purposes. After doing some research on nutrients, herbs, and other “brain-food products”, I settled on 1 Body’s Brain Support Supplement, primarily for its blend of Alpha GPC & Huperzine-A. Ginkgo Biloboa Extract and the rest of the ingredients in the supplement are also pluses. Honestly, though, I will say this: I admit that I was a bit hesitant to make the purchase of this product primarily because there just weren’t a lot of reviews of it on Amazon compared to several other supplements that had ton of reviews. Yes, I had some doubts about purchasing this stuff, even after doing research on some the ingredients in the supplement just wondering if it would actually work. To my surprise, this supplement is actually pretty amazing! Over the past 2 weeks of taking 1 Body’s Brain Support Supplement, my short-term memory is a lot sharper, I have been able to process numbers much faster at work and I am able to think a lot more clearly. Overall, I love this stuff! It really has been making a difference in the quality of my production at my job. I will absolutely be purchasing more of this supplement in the near future. – Phil P.
Didimaa –
Preliminary info — I’ve taken up an interest in trying and studying a lot of the different nootropic brands and supplements available online. Probably 40+ hours of studying, watching videos, research, etc at this point.
This brand has a great budget blend of ingredients, containing many of the supplements that “actually work”. It contains both Bacopa and Lion’s Mane right off the bat, which is a good sign. Alpha GPC is another proven supplement, of which this has a good amount. Without getting into too much detail, the ingredients in this brand are definitely solid when you look at the available science and studies behind each.
However, that all being said, after going through the bottle, I honestly don’t think this made much difference if any in my cognition and memory. There is not enough of each ingredient to actually make a difference.
I’d recommend getting Bacopa and Lion’s Mane plain, and just having those. Then you will get the 1 gram+ day and it will be enough to actually make a difference. Bacopa is great for memory and brain fog, highly recommend it. There just isn’t enough of it in these pills to make a difference.
Phil Peterson –
After doing some research I decided to go with this brain support supplement because of the ingredient combination (includes more then most other brain support supplements) and I’m glad I did!
I have suffered from depression, anxiety and ADD for most of my life and within a week of taking this supplement I began feeling it loosing its grips on me. And for the very first time in 16 years, I was able to make and stick to the decision to quit smoking! I was a heavy smoker and began smoking at the age of 14 so I never thought I would be able to actually quit. Especially given my mental illnesses and the extreme anxiety I use to experience on a daily basis. Now here I am reaching the 3 week mark and haven’t touched a single cigarette!!
I have also noticed better concentration, more motivation & energy and my memory has improved ALOT!
I definitely recommend this product to anyone wanting to get their brain health on track, providing the proper nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong!
Eve –
Went off of other reviews from didn’t notice anything. They have a great formula, just not sure it’s accurate…
Lindsey Miller –
Love this- you can feel the change in mental strength. Hard to explain, helped me get off other medication.
E –
Check out my Amazon profile – you’ll see there that I’ve tried 150+ supplements. So, I have a lot to compare this to. Also, feel free to shoot me a note with any questions or follow me to check out my other reviews!
I originally purchased this supplement because it contained Bacopa + Lions Mane in a single formulation, at a good price. The other ingredients are great, but I already have them in separate pills.
I’ve found that my energy & focus is up and my mood is stable & calm. I feel sharp and alert.
This is not quite as powerful as Qualia, but it’s about 25% of the cost, and really packs a punch.
If you find that this makes you tired, it’s most likely the Alpha GPC, followed by the Centrophenoxine (in order of likelihood). Some people are “choline dominant”, and any additional choline will knock them out. This trait can also change: Alpha GPC used to make me feel fatigued and I *had* to take a nap. Now, I’m able to take it without a problem, and feel the benefits of the increased alertness and focus.
Milly –
Strongest brain supplent I’ve found so far (since Life Extension ruined that great one by reducing the good contents–probably to improve profits.)
jlachnit –
Delivery was good but not convinced the product is working bought for my husband and its hard to tell if there has been aby changes