CANNABIOLOGY EST. 2016 Complete Body Cleanse – Natural, Healthy Cleansing Support for Liver, Urinary Tract, Kidney, Digestive System – Made in United States – 42 Vegan Caps
A limpeza completa do corpo é essencial para manter uma saúde ótima e o CANNABIOLOGY EST. 2016 Complete Body Cleanse é a solução perfeita para isso. Com suas cápsulas de desintoxicação do fígado e remoção de toxinas, este produto foi projetado para eliminar uma ampla gama de toxinas do seu corpo.
A fórmula terapêutica deste produto é eficaz e poderosa, proporcionando suporte de bem-estar a longo prazo. Ele limpa o sistema digestivo, os rins, o fígado e o sangue, garantindo uma desintoxicação completa do corpo. Se você está procurando uma limpeza natural e suporte à desintoxicação, este produto é ideal para você.
As cápsulas do CANNABIOLOGY EST. 2016 Complete Body Cleanse são projetadas para eliminar rapidamente as toxinas do seu corpo. Com este produto, você pode reduzir o tempo necessário para eliminar as toxinas, realizando uma desintoxicação abrangente em apenas uma semana. É perfeito para quem precisa de uma desintoxicação rápida e eficaz.
A mistura natural e pura deste produto contém a dose ideal de moléculas necessárias para uma desintoxicação eficiente. Além disso, é 100% vegano e livre de enchimentos, aglutinantes e ingredientes artificiais. Com o CANNABIOLOGY EST. 2016 Complete Body Cleanse, você pode ter certeza de que está realizando uma desintoxicação natural e pura.
Nosso produto é orgulhosamente fabricado nos Estados Unidos. Valorizamos a satisfação do cliente e nos esforçamos para fornecer um suporte excepcional. Entre em contato conosco a qualquer momento e faremos o possível para resolver qualquer problema.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Desintoxicação completa do corpo
- Fórmula eficaz e poderosa
- Eliminação rápida de toxinas
- Mistura natural e pura
- Produto fabricado nos Estados Unidos
– Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 2 cápsulas do CANNABIOLOGY EST. 2016 Complete Body Cleanse diariamente. Recomendamos tomar as cápsulas com água, de preferência com o estômago vazio. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de desintoxicação.
Runner123 –
I am a healthy male with a BMI around 21 (normal). I was a heavy consumer of cannabis but quit. This supplement doesn’t help detox THC for heavy users, so if you’re a heavy user, I’d look at different products or just quit at least a month before you apply to jobs that require a drug test that tests for THC. I bought two bottles and they didn’t work, and I ran every single day/worked out for the past 3 weeks and still testing positive for THC. So I’d say try other supplements or drink teas/cranberry juice to detox. I gave it two stars cause it did help improve my skin and sleep.
EDIT: I’m giving them 5-stars for reaching out to me and giving me a refund for the product. Appreciate the company for doing that.
David Archer –
This is my second purchase of this product to pass a pre employment whiz quiz. I live in the state of Colorado, and both recreational and medical cannabis is 100% LEGAL here. So where is the fed to ditch cannabis from the list of controlled substances…..? RIGHT.. But ANYWAY, besides hating Nixon for creating OSHA and pre employment drug testing which is no different than jamming a microscope in your bung, I got the job I have now thanks to this specific product. I quit the herb. That is something you must first do for this product to work it’s wonders. I quit, took the pills as prescribed for 9 days, and passed the whiz quiz. It normally takes me at least 2 & 1/2 weeks after quitting to pass one without this product. It really does rapidly cleanse THC metabolites from your digestive system. If your pre emp is urine, you will pass. If it is blood or a more in depth test, that will take much longer to pass. NOW also realize, different people metabolize THC differently on a sliding scale. I eat edibles, toke, DAILY. Still passed the urinalysis with this product after 9 days of quitting and taking the pills. I bought 2 bottles last time, the price went up now, but hasn’t EVERYTHING went up? You will not be disappointed with the results. People that post this as not working likely didn’t drink the water required, or didn’t totally QUIT the herb. I drank ice water the whole time, and it worked just like it said it would. You must halt THC intake of course, very important. You can do it! The product worked for me 100%, and I am about to likely use it again to get a better paying job. I’m a forklift operator, so a pre emp whiz quiz is pretty much guaranteed, even though it is a direct violation of our states constitution.
Amazon Customer –
I was excited after reading all the positive reviews. I am a heavy smoker 2-4 blunts a day, 41y.o male , 6’1” and 220lbs. Average body but don’t work out. Eat fairly well and had quit smoking cold turkey 3 weeks prior to using the product. Followed the instructions as directed and the results remained positive, thought because I am a heavy smoker decided to give it another try with a 2 day break in between. Followed instruction again and after the second round still remains positive to testing. I was drinking on average about 1 gallon – gallon and a half a day of water.
David Archer –
I bought this bottle and took as directed with plenty of water and ate as directed and did not work. I should get a refund
James Russell –
First every bodyweight and metabolism makes these pills affect people differently.
I only smoked the vap cartridges about .9g every month. I’m 5’10” and 185#.
I got the first bottle. Stop smoking 1 week prior. Followed perfectly. Ran every morning, drank a lot of water and even had body changes losing my fat and gaining more muscle.
ZERO results. The only thing I saw that helped which I read many others say the same thing. Was it helped the metabolism side, made my skin feel great and I just felt rejuvenated (maybe not even with the pills these simple affects could have happened)
ROUND 2. Got worried because I still tested positive. Going into day 14. Got another bottle and restarted the cycle day 15, with same routine. Same results after 7 days. Day 23 in the morning woke up and took the test and was positive on two different types of strips.
WHAT I DID DO AFTER – after the negative test and since I was to take a pre-employment test 10 days from that morning I yet again failed the at home test. I starting adding to my liquids unsweetened green tea and Trader Joe’s cranberry juice, with a powdered drink called DripDrop. On day 27, 29 and 31 I tested negative.
Which the natural study said you can test negative after 30 days + (depends on body fat it can stay in your system for an many as 90 days)
In the end – just do it yourself! Eat right, exercise and drink a lot of liquids with low sugar content and you will be fine after 30 days. Don’t take a chance smoking if you know your looking for a job and about to do a pre-employment, if you are smoking while working and have a random drug test, you better off going. With Quick Fix and/or get a Detox Flush and do a minimum of 2 of them back to back and you will see your urine with the at home tests will test negative.
Your welcome buyers! 2 stars because seriosuly my skin was glowing lol would have been 1 because it was a waste of money.
Update: 2.24.23
This was rectified by the company. Usually the expectation is that a company will turn a blind eye. But they actually reached out to and did what most companies won’t do here on amazon. I added the 2 stars because they did the unexpected.
Asatoson –
I bought this twice now and took it as directed 2 pills 3 times daily with tons of water. Well I’m still failing at home test and have not even smoked in a month. I do have Fatty liver so pretty sure that is why. I am writing this for others with liver issues as it is nearly impossible for me to clean my system. I have a feeling this will be a 2-3 month wait for me.