Descrição do Produto:
O PaleoPro Bone Broth Collagen com Raiz de Cúrcuma (Baunilha Azteca) é um suplemento premium que combina colágeno de alta qualidade proveniente de gado alimentado com pasto e o poder anti-inflamatório da cúrcuma. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa saudável e nutritiva para enriquecer sua dieta. Com um sabor suave de baunilha azteca, ele se destaca pela sua versatilidade, podendo ser adicionado a smoothies, sopas, caldos ou até mesmo consumido puro. O colágeno é essencial para a saúde das articulações, pele e cabelos, enquanto a cúrcuma oferece propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, promovendo um bem-estar geral. Este produto é livre de glúten, laticínios e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para quem segue dietas paleo, cetogênicas ou sem glúten.
1. Saúde das Articulações: O colágeno ajuda a manter a elasticidade e a integridade das articulações, reduzindo o risco de lesões e desconfortos.
2. Pele Radiante: Contribui para a hidratação e elasticidade da pele, promovendo um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
3. Apoio Digestivo: A combinação de colágeno e cúrcuma pode auxiliar na saúde intestinal, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente.
4. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: A cúrcuma é conhecida por suas propriedades que ajudam a reduzir a inflamação no corpo, aliviando dores e desconfortos.
5. Versatilidade na Dieta: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, tornando-se uma adição prática e saborosa à alimentação diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15g) do PaleoPro Bone Broth Collagen com Raiz de Cúrcuma em 240ml de água quente ou em sua bebida favorita, como smoothies ou caldos. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um efeito potencializado, consuma diariamente, especialmente após atividades físicas ou como parte do seu café da manhã. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
marifit –
I have seen a difference in my skin and nails. The skin on my forehead is slightly tighter. I have a deep 11, and I see improvement. My nails are definitiely stronger.
K. O. Farris –
I’ve been using this product for several months, and while I do enjoy the flavor and perceived health benefits from it, a monthly re-order cycle will leave you well short of product if you use it daily, as I do.
As an exercise, I began charting how many servings I was ACTUALLY getting in comparison to the “about 20 servings” listed on the container. The charting was done using the last 3 containers purchased through Amazon, and the number of servings ranged from 14.5 – 15. I used the manufacturer supplied measuring cup and ensured that it was precisely level – not heaping.
Given those findings, the best case scenario customers can expect is your ACTUAL number of servings will be twenty-five (25) percent below what you are expecting to receive. That’s a SIGNIFICANT shortfall, in my opinion, and something the manufacturer clearly knows about and seems comfortable misleading the customers about. Plan and budget accordingly.
K. O. Farris –
I recently found out that I need to go on a anti-inflammation diet, and most of the protein mixes out there have ingredients that cause my inflammation to act up in not so great ways. Despite the reviews that hurled down curses on this mix for its sweetness, I went ahead and ordered it, and I haven’t been disappointed. In fact, I’ve re-ordered it many times. When I was first looking into the anti-inflammation diets, especially the Whole 30, I came across some people who approached it with a near religious fervor, ranting about their epic battles with their sugar dragons. My dudes…relax. You ain’t battling dragons. You’re putting down the Twix bar for once. Just because this tastes a little sweet from the monkfruit doesn’t mean you’ve committed a mortal sin.
I haven’t noticed any skin or hair benefits from the collagen like many people report, but that might be because I’m freakin’ old. My skin and hair have pretty much thrown in the towel.
Bottom line: if you’re looking for a protein mix that won’t make your dairy, gluten, chemical sensitivities flare up, order this. Drink up.
Flavor is great with clean ingredients! Coconut milk, splash of heavy cream and a scoop of this Aztec vanilla collagen protein. IT’S FABULOUS!
LisaP –
Product lists quality ingredients,prep&packaging. The taste was tasty vanilla w/monkfriut adding acdosebof sweeţness.
Yvette –
I dont like that it does not blend well. In a shaker bottle with cold almond milk its leaves tiny clumps. It’s best in a blender with other stuff to hide it. Texture for me is important. Simple and fast making as I’m on the go is paramount. For the price it should blend better. Taste is good.
Mark Mitchell –
Was looking for a collagen powder that was bone broth based and found this. The vanilla flavor was tasty, I would mix with cold water and was sufficient for a liquid lunch or snack.
I bought this thinking it was broth, it isn’t. I bought the coco one and it tastes amazing. I used my small personal blender and used 1/2 2% milk and half water. My Syvio blender made a creamy delicious shake the smells just like chocolate. Love the clean ingredients. I had know idea how easy it would be to add collagen to my diet, such a great protein even though it not a complete protein it does amazing things for your body.