Descrição do Produto: Premium Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate
O Premium Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate é um suplemento vitamínico líquido de alta qualidade, formulado para oferecer suporte essencial à saúde óssea. Com um sabor delicioso de laranja, este produto é uma maneira agradável de fortalecer os ossos e garantir que seu corpo receba os nutrientes necessários para uma vida ativa e saudável. O cálcio e o magnésio são os principais blocos de construção dos ossos, dentes e músculos, e a combinação desses minerais em uma fórmula líquida maximiza a absorção pelo organismo.
A inclusão de vitamina D é um diferencial importante, pois estudos demonstram que o corpo necessita desse nutriente para absorver adequadamente o cálcio. Com a forma líquida do suplemento, a absorção chega a impressionantes 96%, em comparação com apenas 18% dos comprimidos ou cápsulas. Isso significa que você pode ter certeza de que está aproveitando ao máximo cada gota do seu suplemento.
Além de ser livre de glúten, o Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium Magnesium é uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saborosa e eficaz para complementar a dieta. Com a combinação de cálcio, magnésio e boro, este produto não só fortalece os ossos, mas também contribui para a saúde geral do corpo, promovendo um estilo de vida mais ativo e saudável.
– Fortalecimento Ósseo: Suporte essencial para a saúde dos ossos, reduzindo o risco de fraturas.
– Absorção Superior: A forma líquida permite uma absorção de até 96%, garantindo que seu corpo utilize os nutrientes de forma eficaz.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de laranja torna a ingestão do suplemento uma experiência prazerosa.
– Inclusão de Vitamina D: A vitamina D é crucial para a absorção do cálcio, potencializando os efeitos do suplemento.
– Fórmula Natural e Sem Glúten: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, mantendo a saúde em primeiro lugar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 30 ml do Premium Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate diariamente. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da fórmula. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Cle –
I have been using this Tropical Oasis for several months now. It has a wonderful taste to it.
Rucnom –
The first one, I bought was perfect but the second one must have sat on the shelf to long because it was in huge clunks and very stiff until I’m hesitant to reorder thinking I will get another bad batch.
George L. Berish –
Taste is excellent and since I am required to use a calcium supplement daily this fits the bill.
George L. Berish –
I like this a lot.
One reason is I’m 100% more likely to take this every day than I was when I tried to swallow less pleasant pills to get the same claimed dose of calcium. This is more pleasant and always sits easy on my stomach which pills aren’t and don’t.
Plus I can break this down into smaller amounts taken more often during the day instead of one big jolt once a day. And I’m convinced that small amounts taken more often during the day are more easily and completely absorbed.
BUT … Beware. This arrives with 95% of the calcium coagulated into a brick ant the bottom of the bottle. So be sure to get something like a wooden spoon with a long handle to break it up. Because you really can shake it till your arm falls off … thinking it must be fully mixed … and if you poke around the bottom find most still glopped in the bottom … or worse yet, not realizing it’s not fully mixed until you take it all and find the calcium sill stuck in the bottom.
A drawback. But worth the effort.
Once you break it up and get it all mixed the first time, all that’s required is normal shaking thereafter.
If it was my company I’d offer to include a strong stirring stick with each order. Make it optional, so we’d only need to add it when we first buy it, or … grin … lose the last stick. Because I’ll bet all bad reviews will be the result of people not realizing that “Shake Well Before Using” really means shaking it as violently, and as long, as like those 100 Horse Power paint shakers used in paint stores shake paint you take off the shelf before you take it home.
Added: 4/5
An alternative to a 100 hp paint shaker is a long handled wooden spoon. I hope the picture I attached shows well.
Because It can’t stress enough
a) How great I think it is to be able to take large calcium in a liquid form I can spread through out the day, and
b) how terribly you will be disappointed you will be if you start by just “shaking it well”. You really won’t understand unless you poke a stick into the bottom when it first arrives to see how truly dense Calcium is when it falls out of suspension. I mean that’s why you take it … so it resettles as bone. But a long handled wooden spoon is the perfect tool.
You might also look at it’s sister liquid mineral which is also easier to take and spread out. I mean nothing works unless you take it every day.
Joint Complete Premium– Liquid Joint Supplement w/ Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Hyaluronic Acid – For Bone, Joint Health, & Joint Pain Relief – 96% Max Absorption- 32oz, 32 serv
Laurie Scheck –
I recently purchased the Tropical Oasis Men’s Mega Premium Liquid Multivitamin, Premium Liquid Trace Minerals, and Liquid Calcium and Magnesium. I have taken all three together each morning for the past week. Even in this short time, I have noticed a significant increase in my energy and overall feeling of wellness.
The reason I decided to give these supplements a chance was that I, like many others, work in the high tech industry and all that comes with that–long hours, lots of stress, and not as much physical exercise as I would like. Also, being on the “wrong” side of 40 (LOL), my body doesn’t feel as resilient as it once was. I was beginning to feel like I was suffering from chronic fatigue, was having increasing anxiety and difficulty with sleep, and generally was feeling unwell and headed in the wrong direction. I began to research various nutritional deficiencies, including Magnesium deficiency and Adrenal Fatigue.
One of the first, obvious steps in the right direction was to supplement my nutrition. I had used to take vitamins religiously when I was younger and more athletic, but over the years have had a difficult time choking down the “horse pills” and would end up feeling nauseated afterwards. I thought that maybe liquid supplements would be better in this regard.
So, far, these have been easy to take (taste ranges from quite good to just okay), easy on my stomach afterwards (no nausea), and I feel like I am getting more out of them and noticing more immediate effects than I have with any other supplements that I’ve taken in the past. I’ve noticed increased energy, a reduction in anxiety, better sleep, better emotional balance, and just an increased feeling of wellness. I intend to keep taking these supplements moving forward as part of regimen of better self-care. Like many, I’ve learned that in order to take the best care of everyone and everything around you, you really need to take care of yourself.
Hope this helps someone else!
Matthew P. –
Even after shaking the bottle for several minutes the “liquid“ stays very thick. It’s hard to pour because it’s almost like pudding consistency. I have to stick a skewer in the neck of the bottle and remove the content from the inside of the neck to get it somewhat flowing. Then I have to basically shake the content into a measuring spoon. It’s supposed to give you 62 servings but not sure how well you’ll be able to get to the last drop because of the thickness. I hate taking pills so just happy I found in liquid form. I like the flavor. It’s smooth, slightly chalky but fruity flavored. Will continue using it for now.