Descrição do Produto:
O Cálcio 800 mg da Vitaminer Shop é um suplemento de alta absorção, formulado para oferecer suporte essencial à saúde óssea. Combinado com Magnésio e Vitamina D3, este produto foi desenvolvido para maximizar a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes, garantindo que seu corpo receba a quantidade ideal de cálcio para fortalecer os ossos e dentes. O Magnésio desempenha um papel crucial na formação óssea e na regulação do cálcio, enquanto a Vitamina D3 é fundamental para a absorção eficiente do cálcio no organismo. Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que buscam manter a saúde óssea em dia, especialmente em fases da vida onde a demanda por esses nutrientes aumenta, como na adolescência, na gravidez e na menopausa.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: Contribui para a formação e manutenção de ossos saudáveis, reduzindo o risco de osteoporose.
2. Alta Absorção: A combinação de Cálcio, Magnésio e Vitamina D3 garante que os nutrientes sejam facilmente absorvidos pelo organismo.
3. Saúde Dental: Ajuda a fortalecer os dentes, prevenindo problemas como cáries e desgaste dental.
4. Suporte Muscular: O Magnésio presente na fórmula auxilia na função muscular, promovendo melhor desempenho físico.
5. Regulação do Cálcio: A Vitamina D3 otimiza a absorção de cálcio, garantindo que o corpo utilize esse mineral de forma eficaz.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições, para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água. Para resultados otimizados, consulte um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
S. A. Dedio –
Sorry, but each tablet has 16% of the RDA for calcium–come on. You need 7 to get over 100%, so this is a 17 day supply. It has more of Zinc, Manganese, etc. as a % of RDA. So tired of this–if you are looking for truly a 100% calcium supplement, this is like $1.00 per day–no thanks.
Evan –
I ordered Lovita Calcium800 Supplement because I have been taking calcium supplements daily at my doctor’s suggestion to ensure that my body is getting enough of the mineral to help with bone and teeth health.
I liked that the supplement is manufactured in the US. The bottle arrived with two safety seals: on the bottle itself and around the neck of the bottle where the cap screws on. The 30-day supply of calcium is in the form of calcium citrate which is better absorbed by the body and can be taken on an empty stomach. The supplement also contains Vitamins D3 and K2 along with magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese to aid in absorption. The pills are slightly larger than a multivitamin and the recommended dosage is two pills, twice a day.
I am pleased with the quality of this product and its formulation. It can be challenging to take 4 large tablets daily, but the potential benefits, in terms of bone health, makes it an essential part of my daily routine.
Cjoy –
I’m very pleased to find this formula. Teeth health was the reason I changed my diet ten years ago. While I’ve backslidden some, it is still a focus for me. I like to see the synergistic vitamins included. While I do take more vitamin d, k and zinc, those are easy to supplement. The pills aren’t quite as easy to swallow as capsules but are still very easy to swallow. No taste and no upset stomach after.
Evan –
These supply a good amount of calcium along with some other vitamins and minerals. The bottle label shows that 2.5mg Manganese is 109% of RDA but the ad copy shows it as 92% RDA. The RDA for men is 2.3mg and it appears that they flipped the division on that (2.3/2.5=0.92, 2.5/2.3=1.087). 109% is the correct percentage for men. This should be corrected in the listing.
This recommends that you take 2 tablets twice daily, meaning one bottle will last you approximately one month. Even at that dosage, these do not provide as much D3 and K2 as I’d prefer, but those aren’t the primary focus of this supplement, so I won’t count off for that. I can supplement separately for those vitamins.
The bottle was well sealed and when it arrived had 3 years left on its shelf life. Pills aren’t hard to swallow, but they’re a little long.
Dorian –
easy to swallow and digest. The combination with magnesium and other minerals make it even better.
TheMaven –
I am very interested in doing what I can to maintain my skeletal health, and one way I do that is to supplement my calcium intake. These smoothly coated caplets help to do just that, supplying 31% of my recommended daily value with each 2 caplets. They also boost my daily intake of zinc, magnesium, copper, and manganese – in addition to the previously stated calcium and D3 and K2. The amber colored bottle helps to block light from entering the bottle and potentially damaging the caplets. In my experience, the caplets are odorless and tasteless.
Cheryl –
I like this supplement because it has the right ratio between Ca and Mg. Most supplements are way off.
Bobby –
These Lovita Calcium 800 vegetarian tablets arrived very fresh. This supplement is manufactured a Good Manufacturing Practices Facility. One mark against this supplement is there is no third-party testing that certifies the ingredients are as stated. The caplets are in a bottle of 120. The addition of K-2 and D-3 enhances the absorption of the calcium and are much needed vitamins.
The vegetarian caplets contain:
Vitamin D3 – 5 mcg.
Vitamin K2 – 15 mcg.
Calcium – 400 mg.
Magnesium – 200 mg.
Zinc – 7.5 mg.
Copper – .5 mg.
Maganese – 2.5 mg.
The amount of calcium in these caplets is not overwhelming. Each vitamin has a reasonable dose.
This supplement is manufactured in a FDA registered facility and also has the seal of Good Manufacturing Practices.
No information is on the label concerning sugar, starch, yeast, soy, wheat, egg, artificial colors or flavors and preservatives. Some of this information should apply to these caplets and also should be stated on the label.
My review is a four-star due to the supplement not having all the information needed on the label for customers to be able to make a decision whether to purchase based on their personal needs and preferences.