Descrição do Produto: Café Gelado com Alto Teor de Proteína
Descubra o Café Gelado com Alto Teor de Proteína, a escolha perfeita para quem busca um impulso energético aliado a uma nutrição de qualidade. Com 18g de proteína e apenas 2g de carboidratos por porção, este café é ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica e deseja manter a forma sem abrir mão do sabor. Feito com ingredientes naturais, este produto é uma verdadeira revolução para atletas e amantes de café que exigem o melhor de si.
- PROTEIN ICED COFFEE: O Café Gelado com Proteína é o café gelado de elite. Ele possui tudo o que o atleta que demanda o máximo de seu corpo precisa!
- THE BEST AVAILABLE: Seu protein pode dizer isso? Feito com leite de vacas alimentadas com pasto, não contém OGM, naturalmente sem glúten, adoçado com estévia e com o whey mais puro disponível. Este produto é imbatível! Confira o rótulo!
- DELICIOUS TASTE: O Café Gelado com Proteína é uma deliciosa e cremosa proteína que combina perfeitamente com leite de soja ou amêndoa, mas também pode ser consumido com água. Este não é um daqueles pós de proteína difíceis de engolir – você vai ansiar por ele!
- WHEY PROTEIN: O Whey Concentrado é a proteína de rápida digestão. Isso permite que você comece a reabastecer seu corpo imediatamente após um treino intenso, além de ajudar na absorção para uma refeição pós-treino. A proteína livre de hormônios permite que seu corpo absorva a proteína naturalmente e ganhe massa muscular magra!
1. Apoio à Dieta Cetogênica: Com apenas 2g de carboidratos, é perfeito para quem busca manter a cetose.
2. Rico em Proteínas: Cada porção oferece 18g de proteína, essencial para a recuperação muscular e ganho de massa magra.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem OGM e adoçado com estévia, garantindo uma opção saudável.
4. Sabor Irresistível: O sabor cremoso e delicioso torna o consumo de proteína uma experiência prazerosa, não um sacrifício.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, pode ser misturado com água ou leite vegetal, ideal para o dia a dia corrido.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Café Gelado com Alto Teor de Proteína, misture uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) do pó em 200ml de água ou leite de sua preferência (soja, amêndoa, etc.) em um shaker ou liquidificador. Agite ou bata até obter uma mistura homogênea. Para um toque extra, experimente adicionar gelo ou uma colher de cacau em pó. Consuma imediatamente após o treino ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia.
Kent psychic norton –
I bought this because it’s sweetened with stevia and not sucralose. I also wanted a coffee flavored protein shake since Ascent discontinued their cappuccino flavor. It mixes well with almond milk but the flavor isn’t the best. It’s tolerable but there’s no taste of coffee in it. Tastes like a regular vanilla protein shake. Very plain. I will finish what I have but I won’t order again.
Amazon Customer –
Dissolve easily and taste good!
Betty L Hopkins –
I did not care for it cold but found I can use a wire whip to incorporate it into my morning coffee. It tastes great and gives me a giant boost of protein and caffeine first thing in the morning. I will be ordering more.
Annalisa –
The taste testing must have been done with 3-5 yr olds. I like stevia but it’s artificial and tastes super sweet….small amounts are good I tried to blunt the sweetness with plain whey and adding dark cold brew ….no luck just made more unpalatable.drinks. HOPELESS FOR ME…nice try no cigar.
Kent psychic norton –
It has a coffee flavor but almost walnut to me it’s a sharp flavor but it’s very nice and goes down well. It mixes extremely well with water I don’t use milk or weight because I wanna save the calories. I really enjoy that and it does give me a boost to help me work out better and actually clears my mind out. The problem is like most of these barrels we buy they’re only about 2/3 full. That simply is a con I don’t mind the $29.99 but I’d like to have a smaller container because it would be easier to recycle trash plastic and I would know how much I got. They all do at this isn’t only one. I would definitely buy this again and sometimes I even mix it with my other way and I found it it’s very very tasty. Ingredients to mix very well and there’s a nice solid texture to it and I tried a lot of browns but I definitely would continue to use my other grass Fairway branch but this is pretty good and I just got it on a whim so it works
Asher Taylor-Dawson –
I like Javvy , but through i would give this a try. Oh boy, I could not even drink it. The taste I can’t even describe. It’s bad. Sorry for this review, but had to be honest.
Dottie –
Flavor: 4/10–neutral, mild, but it really isn’t giving COFFEE
Texutre/Ease-of-Use: 8/10–blends easily in a shaker bottle; not perfect, but perfectly adequate
Cost Per Serving: 5/10–because it’s more a “neutral protein powder” vibe than a “protein coffee” vibe, you can probably find a comparable neutral product for less, even though it’s the least expensive protein coffee product I’ve seen thus far.
I’m not giving this one an overall score because I think that might be misleading. It hits pretty well on texture/ease of use and cost-effectiveness, but misses pretty hard on the coffee flavor that’s sort of the main point.
One additional note in advance of the full review: Of course the jar is only about half-full. This product (like almost every other non-liquid food product) is packed by weight rather than volume, and settles considerably during shipping. Likewise, the jars are made in a handful of standard sizes, so they’ve probably gone with the one that holds the right weight at the time of packing, before settling occurs.
You’re still getting the amount you paid for; if you’re concerned about settling reducing the total number of servings, you can stir the powder up with a fork or even just give the jar a good shake before scooping to fluff things up again.
–Full Review: Director’s Cut (lol)–
A while back, I picked up some protein coffee powder on impulse. Since then, it’s become a staple for me–quick and easy to make in the morning (or whenever) and a delicious way to add protein to my diet. My work is extremely physical and doesn’t always allow time for full meals during the day, so that’s a huge help.
I’m now trying different brands to see which options offer the best balance between flavor, texture/ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. The first brand I tried, Chike, sets a high bar for flavor and ease of use, but falls on the pricier side of the cost spectrum. It’s my current gold standard, but I’d love to find something that’s almost as good but a bit less spendy.
Here’s how this option lines up:
Unfortutely, this brand falls short in the flavor department. It’s not unpleasant, but the essence of coffee is largely AWOL. There’s a hint of coffee flavor in there somewhere that comes through occasionally, but overall it’s just sort of neutral.
A good, strong coffee flavor is the main hook for me, so this is a pretty significant miss. Instead of that “Heck yeah, it’s protein coffee time!” feeling, this option just kind of leaves me feeling meh.
I’m not excited about it, but I don’t hate it, either, so let’s call it a 4/10.
-Texture/Ease of Use-
I’m combining these categories because they’re pretty related: like, do you have to drag out a blender to make the texture work, or can you just throw it in a shaker bottle, shake it up, and go?
Anyway, I am super not a morning person, which means anything that requires a blender is a non-starter. “Requires a blender to be tolerable” is a 0 on my scale; “perfect using only a shaker bottle” is a 10.
This stuff mixes fairly well in a shaker bottle. It’s not the smoothest I’ve tried, but it’s fine. A blender might render it flawlessly smooth, but that feels unnecessary. For texture and ease of use, I think it’s fair to rate it 8/10.
It seems like every protein coffee product on the market right now is fairly pricey relative to protein powders in general. Still, this is one of the less expensive protein coffee products. At less than a dollar fifty per serving at the time of this review, it’s barely more expensive than cheap gas-station coffee, which even I think is pretty affordable (in addition to being physically demanding, my career pays bupkis: I’m a professional dancer, and most of us work long, physically demanding hours for almost nothing).
It’s also the least expensive option I’ve seen when comparing prices per package.
It’s still not cheap relative to many other protein powders, so I’m going to rate it a neutral 5/10 for cost-effectiveness. If the coffee flavor was a better hit, it would compare more favorably in the protein coffee category specifically, which would bring it up to 7/10 or 8/10.
This stuff is pretty affordable relative to other protein coffee products and seems like a perfectly decent protein powder with a pretty good texture. However, it really falls short on coffee flavor, which means it sorta misses the main point.
If you’re looking for a neutral, easy-to-blend protein powder, this is probably a good fit. If you really want that iced-latte flavor, unfortunately, this isn’t your best option.
biggley –
When the product arrived, it took me about 3 tries to finally get it open, but it was well worth it. Let me tell you, I’ve been trying to find something similar to a frappe below 5g of carbs ever since I started keto, and this with some whipped cream still fits into this limit! With whipped cream this ends up having 4g carbs and alone it only has 2g. I first make the coffee with almond milk in my shaker and pour it into the ice tray and I throw the frozen coffee cubes with some additional ice into my Ninja on frappe mode, and it works perfectly. Not only does it help me get some protein in (which I sometimes struggle with), but it’s a nice treat every once in a while at a low price coming in at ~$1.70/serving including almond milk and ~$1.40 for the coffee blend alone. I mostly only drink this when I have the craving for it, but I’ve been loving the flavor. It satisfies my sweet tooth, and it’s definitely worth the money if you’re also on a ketogenic diet, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, or if you’re lactose intolerance. Although, the coffee flavor is not strong at all. If you want this purely for the coffee flavor, you’ll be dissapointed. It tastes more like choclate milk.