Descrição do Produto: FITNE Premium Instant Coffee Packets
Descubra o prazer de um café que vai além do sabor com os pacotes de café instantâneo FITNE Premium. Cada stick contém uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada que combina 4.000 mg de fibra, colágeno, extrato de cacto e L-Carnitina, proporcionando uma experiência única e multifuncional. A fibra presente no café ajuda a saciar a fome e a equilibrar o sistema excretor, enquanto o colágeno atua na regeneração das células da pele, reduzindo rugas e a secura. O extrato de cacto e a L-Carnitina adicionam benefícios adicionais, tornando este café uma escolha inteligente para quem busca saúde e bem-estar.
Este café instantâneo é livre de gordura trans e colesterol, ideal para quem deseja uma opção saudável pela manhã. Com apenas 60 calorias por porção e 60 mg de cafeína, é a bebida perfeita para começar o dia sem comprometer a dieta. Adoçado com sucralose, não contém açúcar adicionado, permitindo que você desfrute de um sabor doce sem as calorias extras.
Os pacotes de café FITNE são práticos e fáceis de usar, permitindo que você prepare sua bebida favorita em qualquer lugar. Cada stick é individualmente embalado e selado, garantindo frescor e conveniência. A mistura de grãos de café de alta qualidade, com um equilíbrio perfeito entre o Robusta de torra média e ingredientes funcionais, proporciona um sabor cremoso e suave em cada gole.
– Apoio à Digestão: A fibra ajuda a regular o sistema digestivo, promovendo uma sensação de saciedade.
– Saúde da Pele: O colágeno contribui para a elasticidade da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
– Baixas Calorias: Com apenas 60 calorias por porção, é uma opção leve para o seu dia a dia.
– Praticidade: Os sticks individuais permitem que você leve seu café para qualquer lugar, ideal para a rotina agitada.
– Sabor Delicioso: A combinação de grãos de alta qualidade garante um sabor rico e aromático, tornando cada xícara uma experiência prazerosa.
Para preparar seu FITNE Premium Instant Coffee, basta seguir estas instruções simples. Para uma bebida quente, despeje o conteúdo de um stick em uma xícara e adicione 120 ml de água quente. Misture bem até que o café esteja completamente dissolvido e aproveite. Se preferir uma versão gelada, coloque o conteúdo de um stick em uma xícara, adicione 60 ml de água quente, misture e em seguida adicione cubos de gelo. Desfrute de um café refrescante e nutritivo a qualquer hora do dia!
owlcoffee –
What I like about these coffee packets, you can mix with water or your favorite milk.
I mixed mine with coconut milk and water makes it pretty tasty. Everyone taste bud is different, that’s how I prefer.
Amazon Customer –
The package was ripped and powder/coffee was spilling out.
maida sandoval –
just try not wortit for the price
OneCent –
I’ve tried it at least 4 times still can’t shake the taste!
S R –
I am still on the fence with this item.. I do notice a slight difference in how I feel the last few days.. & honestly the price isn’t worse than going out for coffee everyday… however I never normally go out everyday for coffee so cost seems a bit much for the amount. I may get this again once in a while but won’t be a change from my normal coffee
Tenny –
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I struggle with drink mixes, find most of them chalky or fake tasting. I am THOROUGHLY impressed by this FITNE instant coffee. I love coffee, I have a cup of brewed black coffee every day. I’m not a coffee snob but generally don’t like most instant coffees.
To prepare, I heated up a mug of water in the microwave and stirred one packet in for about 10-15 seconds. It mixed well and wasn’t lumpy. The taste reminds me of something from Starbucks. It is sweet but not too sweet and not artificial. I didn’t need to add anything else.
For the price, I think it’s a good deal. You get 10 stir-in packets in the box. It’s convenient for on to go, running late, at work, etc. These FITNE packets will save you a morning coffee run or can just be a delicious, 2 minute beverage beverage at home.
I’m surprised at how delicious this is and the added healthy ingredients make it that much better! Very happy and will continue to use this instant coffee!!
Tenny –
This is a mistake on my part when I requested to test this through Vine. I for one avoid sucralose and other artificial sweeteners due to its bad effect on our health based on studies. With that said, it is still up to you if you want to consume them or not.
With that aside let’s talk about the taste and the “supposed” health benefits.
If you wanted this as an instant coffee, I am not a fan of the taste. It is way too sweet and the coffee flavor falls more on the light coffee flavor. If you want it medium you can lessen the water needed BUT it’s like drinking sugar syrup (in my taste) I added instant coffee granules to make it drinkable for me.
Does it wake me up? I tested this at 2pm to see if it will wake me up and it does, I’m impressed coz the coffee content seems to be low, maybe the sugar is the one who did the trick for me.
Collagen and other “supposed” benefits? I hardly recognize it.
Will I recommend this product? No!
KixyCat –
This Fitne coffee mix is ultra portable, being in a sealed stick, and everything mixed into it. It’s best for those who like to drink their coffee with cream and sweetener, as there is no way to pour just the coffee since it’s premixed. I do like my coffee with cream and sweetener and find the taste wonderful. It’s not like special diet coffees with weird taste, but more like regular sweet latte. It’s says to pour 120 ml of water, which is only about 4 oz. So for my “regular” sized coffee drink, I end up using 2. It dissolves pretty well and I like the added benefits.
OneCent –
Although it is not the traditional 3 in 1 instant coffee (milk, sugar, coffee), they have succeeded to create a great mix which also gives one a huge boost in fiber intake. It has lots of health benefits and usually those affect the taste negatively. I feel that this product is still tasty in spite of the added items.
Note that it uses sucralose, to which I don’t object. The only must-do item is -> ½ a cup of boiling water. If one keeps it to this small quantity, the taste of the coffee isn’t watered down, all the right flavor are pronounced, and one enjoys it while getting lots of benefits. A decent value for money.