Burt’s Bees Creme Hidratante Intenso para os Olhos, Tratamento Hidratante para os Olhos, 15g
Descrição do Produto:
O Burt’s Bees Creme Hidratante Intenso para os Olhos é um tratamento inovador que visa restaurar a vitalidade da pele delicada ao redor dos olhos. Com uma fórmula não oleosa, este creme é enriquecido com ingredientes naturais, como manteiga de karité e óleo de semente de uva, que proporcionam uma hidratação profunda e duradoura. Clinicamente comprovado para reduzir a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, ele nutre e suaviza a pele, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada. Com 98,9% de ingredientes naturais, o creme é livre de parabenos, ftalatos e petrolato, garantindo que a pele retenha a umidade necessária para um cuidado eficaz. Testado por dermatologistas e oftalmologistas, este tratamento é ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz para a hidratação da área dos olhos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Restaura a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando conforto e suavidade.
- Reduz a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, promovendo um olhar mais jovem.
- Fórmula natural, sem parabenos, ftalatos e petrolato, ideal para peles sensíveis.
- Testado por dermatologistas e oftalmologistas, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
- Parte do regime de hidratação intensa de 5 etapas da Burt’s Bees, potencializando os resultados.
O Burt’s Bees Creme Hidratante Intenso para os Olhos oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, ele proporciona uma hidratação intensa, essencial para manter a elasticidade da pele ao redor dos olhos. Além disso, sua ação anti-envelhecimento ajuda a suavizar a aparência de rugas, resultando em um olhar mais fresco e descansado. A fórmula natural é uma escolha segura para quem tem pele sensível, evitando irritações. O uso regular do creme não só melhora a textura da pele, mas também a protege contra os danos ambientais, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina diária de beleza.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Burt’s Bees Creme Hidratante Intenso para os Olhos, aplique uma pequena quantidade do produto na pele limpa ao redor dos olhos. Utilize o dedo anelar para massagear suavemente, garantindo que o creme seja absorvido completamente. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, para maximizar a hidratação e os benefícios anti-envelhecimento.
I have extremely sensitive eyes. This product doesn’t have a scent or if it does, it’s so light that I don’t smell it. You only need a very small amount. I’m 33, and it helps hydrate around my eyes. I don’t believe it claims to minimize wrinkles around the eyes, which I’m blessed to not have yet. It does however hydrate around the eye well. The bottle is very small BUT it lasts forever! I was completely shocked with how long it lasted.
Seleniasybilla –
Molto leggera adatta sia mattina che sera, poco corposa molto liquida. Adatta a chi non ha un contorno occhi segnato. Perfetto come base trucco. La nota disturbante però è data dall’odore, la crema promette di essere inodore ma in realtà puzzacchia un po’
Ale&Ale –
Si assorbe velocemente ma l’odore è poco gradevole e si sente per un po. Non mi ha dato alcun fastidio ma finito il flacone non l’ho presa nuovamente.
Katlyn Minard –
I’ve only been using this eye cream for about 2 weeks, but so far I love it. I’m 26, so I don’t have a lot of experience with buying eye creams, but I just wanted something that was simple and inexpensive for a beginner. I also wanted something that had natural ingredients with as few chemicals as possible, and Burt’s Bees products are always great for that. What I love about this cream is that the tube has a pointed end, so it’s super easy to squeeze out teeny dots onto your skin and rub them in evenly (as opposed to having to dab your fingertip into a container of cream, and then ending up getting too much on your finger and wasting the cream — I had one other eye cream like that before, and I didn’t like it as much). I really like the way my skin feels after I apply it — the cream feels nice and cool and moist going onto your skin. I think I’ve even noticed that my under-eye lines have already started to soften from using this. In summary: it’s a good eye cream for young beginners like myself, and it didn’t cost me an arm and a leg.
SusanS –
I’ve been having this crazy time with my eyelids and undereye areas lately–they were itchy, red, dry…nothing like I’d ever experienced before, and I was freaking out a little. I was using my Burt’s Bees Radiance Eye Cream like five times a day to help, but that seemed only to make it worse. I looked exhausted and a little insane because my eyelids were this red-gray under my eyes.
I was looking at all these super-expensive eye creams (that I can’t afford) to see what would be good for my problem, and then I saw this one, the Burt’s Bees Sensitive Skin Eye Cream, and decided that it couldn’t hurt anymore than anything else, and since it was only $10 on Amazon, I decided to give it a try.
The results are amazing. I put it on before I went to bed the day I got it, and 1) it didn’t sting like the Radiance Cream, and 2) the NEXT MORNING my lids were already feeling 1000x better. Just a few days later now, the redness is all gone and the dry skin is almost gone too. And no more itching.
I am not usually a person who gets “wowed” by products and am always skeptical of advertising, but I have to say, if you have super-sensitive eyelids like I (apparently) do, this is the stuff. And if you get it on Amazon, it’s not too expensive–bonus!
Shannon –
I wanted to use this for a couple months before writing a review so here I am nearly 4 months later. I have pretty sensitive skin as I get allergic reactions/rashes pretty easily from products. I patched tested this first for the first week and everything went well.
At first I used this one my eyes in the morning and at night. The first thing I noticed was that is very smooth, but be careful not to push the pump too much because a little product goes a long way. In addition, the lotion does not sink in quickly and sometimes I was left with white streaks that would not go away, but it might simply be because I used too much product.
After around a month or two, I began only using it at night since I was not finding any difference between my regular moisturizer. As of today I am still using it simply because I want to use the rest of it, but I do not see a difference between this and my regular moisturizer. I will not buy it again, but if you have sensitive skin and are worried certain product might break you out around the eyes, or give you a reaction, I would definitely try this out.
I’ve tried lots of eye creams for fine lines and general eye care and always have a reaction to them after a while, but not this one! I’ve used it every day for months now and it’s lovely and gentle. I’m not sure you get the advanced effects of some of the other harsh creams but I don’t mind that as I’m pleased that this is pure and kind and does what I need.
whipple –
I love the “sensitive” skin line of Burt’s Bees. Ever since I started using these products 2 months ago, I have seen such a huge difference in my skin. Using this eye cream has made my eyes feel less puffy and my dark under eye lids seem to have lightened.
Since using this eye cream, along with the rest of the “sensitive” skin product line, my skin does not break out anymore and my skin is hydrated. I used to really struggle with cystic break outs on my chin and dry peeling skin on my nose. Since I started using all 4 products (face cleanser, facial moisturizer, night cream and eye cream), my skin has drastically changed. I no longer deal with acne and my skin is hydrated. I love all of these products. I have been using them for 2 months and I’m not even close to running out…and I use these items daily. I love this line. It’s affordable, all natural and lasts a long time!
Edited to add: I suffer from seasonal allergies and I can tell a difference in the puffiness of my eye lids when I don’t use this product. It is very obvious. I wake up with puffy eyelids, so I apply this eye cream about 15 minutes before I put on my makeup and it’s amazing the difference it makes.
Mia –
Completely removed the dryness around my eyes, no idea about wrinkles or fine lines. But it is a good under eye moisturizer indeed.
Testeuse –
Que j’ai utilisé dans ma vie. J’en ai acheté des TAS. Toutes me faisaient gonfler les paupières avec se grosses réactions allergiques. Des marques de pharmacie soit disant « respectueuses des peaux sensibles blablabla » la seule qui me convient et m’hydrate parfaitement sans avoir de zodiaque a la place des paupières c’est ELLE. Pourquoi ? Sa composition. Juste ce qu’il faut. Pas de fioritures. Juste l’essentiel !