Burt’s Bees Creme de Limpeza Hidratante Intensa, Sabonete Facial Hidratante com Sálvia Esclareia, 177 ml (Embalagem Pode Variar)
O Burt’s Bees Creme de Limpeza Hidratante Intensa é um limpador facial cremoso que combina eficácia e cuidado em uma única fórmula. Com 177 ml de produto, este sabonete facial é enriquecido com sálvia esclareia, um ingrediente conhecido por suas propriedades de retenção de umidade, que ajuda a manter a pele hidratada enquanto a limpa profundamente. A textura cremosa do produto proporciona uma experiência de limpeza suave, deixando a pele com uma sensação renovada e radiante.
Formulado com 98,9% de ingredientes de origem natural, o Burt’s Bees Intense Hydration Cream Cleanser é uma escolha consciente para quem busca produtos livres de parabenos, ftalatos e petrolato. Sua fórmula não irritante é adequada para uso diário, permitindo que você mantenha uma rotina de cuidados com a pele sem preocupações. Além de limpar, este limpador facial é eficaz na remoção de impurezas e na desobstrução dos poros, promovendo uma pele saudável e equilibrada.
O produto foi testado por dermatologistas e é classificado como não comedogênico, o que significa que não obstrui os poros, tornando-o ideal para todos os tipos de pele. O Burt’s Bees Intense Hydration Cream Cleanser é parte do regime de cuidados com a pele Burt’s Bees 5-Step Intense Hydration, que visa proporcionar uma pele suave, macia e bem hidratada. A marca Burt’s Bees é amplamente reconhecida e recomendada por dermatologistas, garantindo qualidade e eficácia em seus produtos.
- Hidratação intensa: Retém a umidade natural da pele, proporcionando uma hidratação profunda e duradoura.
- Fórmula natural: Com 98,9% de ingredientes naturais, é uma opção segura e livre de substâncias químicas agressivas.
- Limpeza eficaz: Remove impurezas e desobstrui os poros, resultando em uma pele limpa e saudável.
- Testado por dermatologistas: Garantia de segurança e eficácia, ideal para todos os tipos de pele.
- Marca confiável: Burt’s Bees é a marca de cuidados com a pele natural mais recomendada, oferecendo produtos de alta qualidade.
Para melhores resultados, aplique o Burt’s Bees Intense Hydration Cream Cleanser sobre o rosto úmido. Massageie suavemente com movimentos circulares para promover uma limpeza eficaz. Enxágue bem com água morna e seque delicadamente com uma toalha limpa. Utilize diariamente como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele para garantir uma pele suave, macia e intensamente hidratada.
semcg –
I bought this to replace an Olay product that I hated and had to discard after just a couple of weeks (I tried!) due to the overbearing, unpleasant, manufactured perfumed scent that stuck to me all day. It also had a greasy feel on my skin. This Burt’s Bees product is lovely. The scent is pleasant: natural and light. It cleans without stripping moisture from my skin, and rinses away without leaving behind a greasy residue.
LuvBooks –
I like this face wash for several reasons. It leaves my face feeling so soft, even the next morning when I wake up. It cleans make up off with no problem, and leaves my skin looking nice. There are two problems I have with it. The first is the smell. The sage smell is so strong to me, and I just don’t like it. I wouldn’t buy again for that reason alone. The other issue is that when I wash my makeup off at night, if it drips while I’m washing or rinsing off my face, it leaves spots on my clothing. Easy fix, it washes right off. But sometimes I like to wash my makeup off right when I get home, and that doesn’t work for me to get spots on my clothes.
If you don’t mind the smell of this, I think it does what it says, in that it really hydrates and leaves the skin soft and moisturized. Just not for me.
Ann –
Cant believe the negative reviews that it feels waxy. Just very moisturizing. Not a heavy scent at all. Just fresh. I use DHC oil cleanse first. Wipe off with warm wash cloth and follow with burts bees cleanser. Use warm wash cloth again to remove after rinsing. Skin feels very moisturized. Love this! ❤
Sanctuary_25 –
Perhaps the first thing you’re going to notice about this formula is its pleasant scent. This is quite possibly the nicest smelling cleanser I’ve come across. The cleanser itself is very cool to the touch and feels like it really is deeply cleansing the skin as you’re massaging it about your face. This also works well on the neck area. I’ve used this right after shaving on several occasions and it does a good job of moisturizing and soothing my freshly shaven face.
There are several other cleansers on the market that also claim to moisturize your face, in addition to cleansing. In my experience, they usually do not. This one, however, does! Burt’s Bees makes good products of all types, but I think this is one of their most useful.
I think it’s important to also take notice of the price here on Amazon. I have seen this very item at several retail stores and none of them can match this price. As I type this, the price on Amazon is $9.47. Every other store I’ve been to sells this cleanser for at least $15 for the very same product. I think you’re getting a good value by purchasing this online instead of in person.
Thanks for reading!
Char –
Removes dirt, oil and make-up all while hydrating my skin….yes please! It has a strong citrus scent. If you love the smell of fresh squeezed oranges you’ll love this cleanser because that’s mostly what it smells like with some of that Clary Sage scent added to the mix. Personally, I love how this stuff smells! I have extremely dry skin living here in the desert so this stuff is a God send for me. It is a non-foaming cleanser with a thin, lotion-like consistency. If you wear a lot of make-up I have to warn you that although it says it removes makeup I have had mascara left under my eyes even after cleansing with it. But that’s not a deal breaker for me, as I love it so much I can look past that and just remove my makeup first with a facial wipe or makeup remover and then follow up with the Burt’s Bees cleanser.
Marianna O. –
Edit: I don’t know what was going on before, but I am still using this cleanser and everything is back to normal now. It cleans well, skin feels ok and ready to be prepped by daytime moisturizing lotion.
Old review :
I have very dry skin, so I buy this brand of moisturizers day and night lotions / creams. I compared this facial cleanser with other brand of previous facial cleansers and I don’t particularly like this one. I feel like, it is too much of moisturizing in it for me and not enough leathering to clean face thouroughly from dirt ( pollution ) or make up. Definitely do not leathers enough to remove make up. When I put this facial cleanser on my face with a water , it looks like very liquidy and smooth cream spreads through my face.
C. Gore –
I’ve been using this for years. I have extremely dry skin and it has helped me tremendously.
Johnsnana –
As with many things, I decided to Google what I was looking for and when I input “best moisturizing facial cleanser”, this product was one that came up in top 10 reviews. After reading the reviews on Amazon, i decided to give it a try. i received it today and was first impressed with the smell. i was expecting it to be unpleasant as some “all natural” products are, but this wasn’t the case. i didn’t notice a sage smell either, it was a refreshing slight lemon smell, but nothing overpowering. i have sensitive skin and this did not irritate my skin either. it was very creamy, went on very easily and removed all of my makeup. my skin gets very dry in the winter so i was looking for a moisturizing cleanser and this left my face feeling soft, smooth and clean without feeling greasy. i fell in love right away and just had to leave a review! This is a product that i would put on subscribe and save if available. Because of the quality of this product, i am going to check out their facial moisturizers. i was using the Olay Thermal Mini-Peel Scrub, but this is 10 times better. Although this does not exfoliate, it seems to leave my skin glowing and feeling so much better. i will keep the olay for a once a week exfoliator instead of using every night as i was. Now i am on a mission for the perfect moisturizer for dry skin that will work for under eyes as well as the rest of my face that doesn’t cost a fortune! i just purchased organic jojoba oil and use that for under my eyes as well as for split ends, dry hands/feet/ but i want a real facial moisturizer.