Burt’s Bees Baby Pomada para Assaduras 100% de Origem Natural – 3 Tubos de 85g
A pomada para assaduras Burt’s Bees Baby 100% de Origem Natural é a escolha ideal para os pais que buscam um cuidado delicado e eficaz para a pele sensível dos seus bebês. Composta por ingredientes naturais, como óxido de zinco e cera de abelha, esta pomada não apenas trata, mas também previne assaduras, proporcionando um alívio imediato e duradouro. Cada tubo contém 85g de uma fórmula suave, livre de fragrâncias artificiais, parabenos e petrolato, garantindo que a pele do seu pequeno esteja sempre protegida e saudável.
O óxido de zinco, um dos principais componentes, atua como uma barreira protetora contra a umidade, enquanto a cera de abelha ajuda a manter a hidratação natural da pele. Além disso, a pomada é enriquecida com ingredientes como manteiga de karité e óleo de amêndoa doce, que nutrem e acalmam a pele irritada, promovendo uma sensação de conforto. A combinação de ingredientes naturais faz com que a pomada seja uma opção segura e eficaz para o uso diário, permitindo que os pais fiquem tranquilos ao cuidar da pele dos seus filhos.
- Previne e trata assaduras de forma natural e segura.
- Contém óxido de zinco e cera de abelha, que protegem e acalmam a pele irritada.
- Fórmula livre de substâncias químicas nocivas, ideal para a pele sensível do bebê.
- Enriquecida com ingredientes naturais que nutrem e revitalizam a pele.
- Testada por pediatras, garantindo eficácia e segurança para o uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, limpe cuidadosamente a área afetada com água morna e um sabonete suave. Seque bem a pele antes de aplicar uma camada generosa da pomada para assaduras Burt’s Bees Baby 100% de Origem Natural. Reaplique sempre que necessário, especialmente durante as trocas de fraldas, para garantir que a pele do seu bebê permaneça protegida e livre de irritações. Caso a irritação persista ou piore, consulte um pediatra.
Sophia Gaston –
This ointment helps immensely with redness or moisture rash in my kiddos. I have a 8 month old with lots of rolls & as we know those rolls get a little red & irritated sometimes with lack of airflow. Whenever I see any redness I put a little on his skin and it provides relief & soothing almost immediately. After one application any redness or irritation on my baby’s skin disappears (bottom included). It provides anti fungal & healing for the skin. Grateful for the straight forward ingredients & relief this product provides.
Makayla –
I had this diaper cream with my first baby and now using with my second. With both I put it on right as I see the rash coming and the few times when it had gotten bad because I wasn’t home and didn’t have the cream I’d use it right as I got home (which the rash would get worse by then) and it would be gone by the next diaper change. I swear by this diaper rash cream. I have used aquaphor and it does not compare.
stacia oemig –
After seeing the video of the synchronized swimmers using this as sunscreen, I tried it and it worked really well compared to actual mineral sunscreens. It looks obnoxious, but I didnt burn and it stayed on in the water.
Sophia Gaston –
My husband and I love Burt’s Bees Baby products! Especially this diaper rash ointment! My 17 month old is battling the stomach bug if you know what I mean and because of constant wet diapers he has a bad diaper rash even though I’m on it! I called his pediatrician and they asked me which diaper rash cream we use. When I mentioned Burt’s Bees, they told me to use triple paste even though the rash wasn’t much of my concern because Burt’s bees takes care of it and with this ointment we had it under control. After using triple paste, I didn’t see the fast results I was getting from my Burt’s bees ointment so I went back to my Burt’s bees! This ointment is FAST ACTING! I mean it brings down the redness tremendously after only 1 application whereas other brands, it does not!
We have used this ointment since my little guy was only a few months old and this NEVER EVER let us down both to treat diaper rash and to prevent!!
If you’re looking for the best diaper rash ointment, look no further!
Kelly Stepuch –
We tried this recently for VERY nasty diaper rash that our newborn son had developed. We were changing him regularly and washing him carefully after each changing. We had been using Dr. Smith’s and then Boudreaux’s Buttpaste on the recommendation of a friend. Neither one of those worked, and in fact, the rash developed while we were using Dr. Smith’s. We were ready to take him in to the Pediatrician because things were so raw, and the rash seemed to be spreading despite all of our careful efforts. Within two days of using this, the rash started to noticeably improve in the form of being far less red, and starting to heal over. Within about 5 days it was completely gone.
In addition, the consistency of the cream is far better in that it covered all of the sores. The other creams would sort of slide past the sores when you were spreading it around rather than cover them completely, which meant they weren’t staying clean and dry when he would pee and poop.
The Burt’s Bees max strength cream is awesome, and we are complete converts. I used to laugh at Burt’s Bees and couldn’t see what the fuss was about. This dad is convinced, and in fact, I just bought two more tubes of it so that we will always have some on hand if things start to get out of control again.
Matt Murtland –
best product
S. Franklin –
This is HANDS DOWN the best diaper rash cream! After two kids one with sensitive skin and the other not sensitive skin this heals the rash in hours!!! I’ve tried others and absolutely not.. I swear on this stuff!
QueenBea –
Love this product but hate trying to squeeze the product out of the tube. It’s really difficult to press hard enough to get cream out of tube. Wish it weren’t quite so thick but buy it because the stuff really works!
Jason –
This is the only diaper cream we use in our house. I have used it with both my kids and it quickly clears up redness caused by diaper rash.
It is convenient that it comes in a tube for easy access.
The cream itself is less tacky than other diaper creams so I find it spreads easy and you can just wipe your fingers off on the diaper (or a wipe).
I have a drawer full of other diaper creams that I have tried and none compare to this product. Hands down my favourite diaper cream.
Mariah –
Best natural, petroleum free, cream we have used. Others are not as “paste” like and do not stick to the skin as well as this one. A little expensive but well worth it. One tube lasts us a month and it covers the bottom very well (even when applied thinly-probably thanks to the 40% zinc).
If you cloth diaper this will tend to stain. When I rinse the diaper before putting in the wetbag I use dawn soap on the stain and scrub vigoriously then rinse very, very well to get all the soap out. Almost all of the time I can get everything out. Every once in a while a little will remain. It’s still worth it to me. I have not found Bordeaux’s natural buttpaste or Babyganics to come close to the efficiency and effectiveness of Burt’s Bees.
Still using cloth full time and Birt’s Bees when baby’s butt is in need (even a thin application works very well).
Updated to add;
One downfall is the tube in which it’s in. I find I have to cut open the tube to get the last half ounce or so that is left when the tube is empty. (I cut open tube and put the remaining paste in small glass container). If it were in a tub this would not be an issue and I would not be wasting any product. (Or wasting my time getting the last half ounce out of the darn tube.) For an expensive product I really do not want to waste any of it! But that would be the only thing I would change.
Good luck!!