BURSTkids Pasta de Dente Infantil Bubblegum Bonanza com Flúor
A pasta de dente BURSTkids Bubblegum Bonanza é a escolha perfeita para transformar a rotina de escovação em um momento divertido e saboroso para as crianças. Com um irresistível sabor de chiclete, essa pasta de dente foi desenvolvida especialmente para atender às necessidades bucais dos pequenos, garantindo proteção e cuidado de forma eficaz. Com flúor em sua composição, ela atua na prevenção de cáries, fortalecendo o esmalte dental e ajudando a remineralizar os dentes, proporcionando uma defesa robusta contra problemas bucais.
Além de seu sabor doce e agradável, a BURSTkids Bubblegum Bonanza é formulada com ingredientes seguros e limpos, como xilitol, que combate as bactérias nocivas, e sílica, que promove uma limpeza eficaz e polimento dos dentes. A pasta é livre de açúcares, SLS, adoçantes artificiais, corantes e ftalatos, tornando-a uma opção saudável para as crianças. Sua baixa abrasividade garante uma escovação confortável, ideal para as bocas mais sensíveis.
A preocupação com o meio ambiente também está presente na BURSTkids Bubblegum Bonanza. A pasta é vegana, livre de glúten e não testada em animais. As embalagens são 100% recicláveis e livres de BPA, refletindo um compromisso com a sustentabilidade e a saúde do planeta.
– Sabor delicioso de chiclete que as crianças adoram, tornando a escovação mais prazerosa.
– Proteção eficaz e segura contra cáries, promovendo a saúde bucal.
– Pasta de dente suave para bocas sensíveis, garantindo conforto durante a escovação.
– Ingredientes limpos e seguros, sem aditivos prejudiciais à saúde.
– Escolha sustentável e consciente para o meio ambiente, contribuindo para um futuro melhor.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a pasta de dente BURSTkids Bubblegum Bonanza, recomenda-se escovar os dentes pelo menos duas vezes ao dia, durante dois minutos cada vez. Aplique uma pequena quantidade de pasta de dente na escova e escove suavemente os dentes e a gengiva em movimentos circulares. É importante enxaguar bem após a escovação e evitar engolir a pasta de dente. Com essa rotina, as crianças poderão desfrutar de dentes saudáveis e um sorriso radiante!
Alicia I. –
My kids (4 & 2) love this toothpaste, they ask for more every time they brush their teeth! Great clean quality ingredients as we ween out toxic items in our home!
Carin –
We do our best to get things with simple/clean ingredients for our kids and this is great! Our kids like the taste and it fits our lifestyle. Highly recommend for those who want to get unessaceary chemicals out of your lives.
Moonsugar –
I have sensitivity to mint toothpastes, even the plain crest. I usually have to use kids paste because of it. I wanted to try this one because it’s marshmallow flavored and that should be similar to vanilla flavored.
– The mint in this is not super noticable. It’s there but not enough for me to have a problem with it.
– It doesn’t leave a residue like other non SLS tooth pastes.
– It has fluoride, which for a person with cavity prone teeth due to health conditions is a HUGE plus with a non-mint paste.
– Not overly sweet.
– It doesn’t have a bad aftertaste like other kids pastes.
– It’s hard to get used to a toothpaste that doesn’t really foam.
– I find myself going through this more quickly than anticipated. I generally try to use one medium sized strip twice a day. For kids it probably lasts a lot longer, but at the price of the paste I can’t justify it for how much I’d go through. I used two tubes in about 1.5 months.
– It’s more liquid than paste to me. I found myself being careful when trying to put it on the brush and sometimes it was too much.
Overall: good toothpaste for kids and adults alike. Not sure about price though.
Moonsugar –
My kids love this toothpaste. It smells fruity and it is sugar free (why are we having children brushing their teeth with sugar or corn syrup products? Check your ingredients.) They ask to use it multiple times a day. I wouldn’t say it is “fresh” because fresh = mint in my mind and this is strawberry. Nonetheless it is a great product and we will be buying again, probably sooner than expected with how often our kids want to use the toothpaste!
Amanda –
My daughter says it taste like chocolate mint more than marshmallows but still loves it. It’s pricy for what it is but generally you’re not supposed to be using more than a pea size anyways. It reminds me of a sweet mint. Could be nice for kids who are wanting to transition into a “big kid” toothpaste and not wanting fruity flavors anymore. This could easily be used for 2+ as it has .24% fluoride in it, the same amount as any other little kids tooth paste.
Aaron Stanton –
I recently tried this toothpaste, and I have to say that my experience left me with mixed feelings. The product claims to be suitable for ages 2+, but the bottle itself states “ages 3+,” which is a clear discrepancy that could mislead parents.
One of the most disappointing aspects of this toothpaste is its flavor. Despite being marketed as “Marshmallow Sparkle,” it does not taste like marshmallows at all. Instead, it has a sweet mint flavor, which may not be well-received by children who were expecting a marshmallow taste. This flavor discrepancy can lead to confusion and disappointment for both parents and kids.
On a positive note, the toothpaste is fluoride-based, which is essential for cavity prevention. It is also vegan and dye-free, making it a safer option for kids. However, the misleading age recommendation and the flavor mismatch are significant drawbacks that should be addressed by the manufacturer.
niki holland –
My kids love this toothpaste. The quality is fantastic and I love how inexpensive it is for great ingredients. My kids love the taste as well. We love burst products!
Such a great toothpaste! It’s a nice alternative to fluoride which we do a few times a week, but for the youngsters who still swallow a ton, makes me feel safer while knowing it’s actually strengthening their teeth. They love the taste too!