Descrição do Produto: Buried Treasure Childrens ACF – 16oz
O Buried Treasure Childrens ACF é um suplemento nutricional especialmente formulado para apoiar o sistema imunológico das crianças. Com 16 porções em uma embalagem de 16oz, este produto é uma escolha ideal para pais que buscam fortalecer a saúde de seus filhos de maneira natural e eficaz. Com ingredientes provenientes da natureza, este suplemento é livre de açúcar adicionado, ingredientes artificiais, xarope de milho e sabores artificiais, garantindo que seu pequeno receba apenas o melhor.
Entre os ingredientes destacados, encontramos uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas e minerais, como a Vitamina C e o Zinco, conhecidos por seu papel fundamental no suporte ao sistema imunológico. Além disso, ervas como Gengibre, Mirra, Casca de Cereja Selvagem e Folha de Mullein são incorporadas para potencializar ainda mais a defesa natural do organismo infantil. Os ingredientes direcionados, como Raiz de Uva do Oregon, Casca de Cereja Selvagem e Raiz de Osha, foram escolhidos por seu uso tradicional na promoção da saúde geral das crianças.
Este produto é projetado para proporcionar um suporte imunológico robusto, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais trabalhem em sinergia para ajudar o sistema imunológico da criança a funcionar de maneira ideal. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, o Buried Treasure Childrens ACF é a solução perfeita para pais que desejam garantir que seus filhos estejam sempre prontos para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
– Suporte Imunológico Eficaz: Fortalece o sistema imunológico das crianças com ingredientes naturais.
– Sem Açúcar Adicionado: Ideal para crianças, evitando o consumo excessivo de açúcar.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composição livre de aditivos artificiais, promovendo uma saúde mais limpa.
– Fórmula Equilibrada: Combinação de vitaminas e ervas que trabalham em conjunto para o bem-estar infantil.
– Fácil de Usar: Suplemento prático que pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária das crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças tomem 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15ml) do Buried Treasure Childrens ACF diariamente. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou misturado a sucos ou smoothies, facilitando a ingestão. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança estiver sob cuidados médicos ou tomando outros medicamentos.
Huelya Soeguet –
This stuff works. It tastes very herbal earthy, but it can be done. Its medicine after all.
Sandra Rizzo –
My granddaughter goes to daycare everyday, really helps boost her immune against all the sickness that goes around..
Mamabear2015 –
My sons literally puked after attempting to swallow this stuff. I even personally tried it and it was hands down the most disgusting vitamins on the planet. Considering the price you would expect at least a decent taste…. Nope!!! I was literally cleaning puke up because my sons couldn’t handle it. Please don’t waste your money. I’m currently still on my search for non gummy vitamins (multi and immune boosting) hopefully I find some that doesn’t make my sons puke everywhere.
Lathyra –
This is a MIRACLE in a BOTTLE!
My 2 year old didn’t like the taste at first but he takes it without a fuss and now I put it in his juices and soups!
He was sick for two weeks with a horrible cold and within three days he was up and running! This is now apart of our daily regimen to build up both him and my one year olds immune system! My one year old gets it in her breast milk as well! I don’t give her a lot!
We’ve been using this for nearly two years now and we love the amazing results. Considering all that’s happening with this COVID-19 this was our first choice for immune support. Sometimes my husband and I take it as well when the adult version is out of stock! I have NOT received an open packaging or spilled product since purchasing this product. Despite the reviews about taste it is an EFFECTIVE product. Along with many of their other products like the Neuro Nectar, Added Attention, Childrens Multivitamin and Women’s Wellness products. Great line of products but some of the products does have a strong taste but can be tolerable when poured into a drink. Because of its high potency it won’t be less effective!
Kam –
Hesitant about buying it? Don’t be!! Literally buy it. This stuff is pure magic gold. My daughter just started pre school and what do you know the second day she is sneezing and coughing all night long and nose is extremely stuffed. Gave her this for a full day 3x a day and the next morning tada! Symptoms about 85 percent gone and then the next day after that gave it to her again 3x a day and they were 98 percent gone by the time the night time came! (Had a cough or two throughout 24 hours that was it). I now plan to give this to her as often as I give her juice/water. I mix it in and she drinks it like it’s not even there. It actually does not taste sooo horrible as other reviewers are saying. Especially when it’s cold because you have to refrigerate it after you open it. It has a fruity taste to me and pairs Well with fruity juices for the kiddos! So happy I made the purchase! This will save me many of sleepless sick nights as a mother!
deez –
ShelliDoubleU –
This is my go to whenever our daughter is starting with anything. It prevents it from developing further 99.9% of the time. It will also help her recover quickly if she does come down with a virus or cold. My husband and I use the Advanced Immune support, and that also works amazing! Hold your nose and shoot it back! I think back to my college days of stupidly doing Jaeger shots and how gross those were. This is much easier for me to get down. (Haha!)
Cheyenne –
A must have for sick season or if your child attends school.