Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes, 12 Count, Natural
As fraldas de pano estão se tornando cada vez mais populares entre os pais conscientes do meio ambiente. Se você está procurando uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para as toalhinhas descartáveis, as Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes são a escolha perfeita para você. Feitas de 100% algodão não branqueado, essas toalhinhas são macias e delicadas na pele do seu bebê.
A costura colorida em overlock adiciona um toque divertido e vibrante a cada toalhinha. Com medidas de 8,5″ x 8,5″, elas são grandes o suficiente para várias finalidades, desde a limpeza de fraldas de pano até o banho do bebê e a limpeza após as refeições. Além disso, essas toalhinhas são laváveis à máquina, o que as torna ainda mais convenientes e ajuda a reduzir o desperdício.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Sustentabilidade
As Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes são feitas de 100% algodão não branqueado, o que as torna uma opção ecologicamente correta. Ao optar por essas toalhinhas reutilizáveis, você estará contribuindo para a redução do desperdício de plástico e papel associado às toalhinhas descartáveis.
2. Maciez e Delicadeza
O algodão não branqueado utilizado nessas toalhinhas é suave e delicado na pele sensível do seu bebê. Com a costura colorida em overlock, elas também adicionam um toque divertido e vibrante ao momento da troca de fraldas ou do banho.
3. Versatilidade
Essas toalhinhas são versáteis e podem ser usadas para várias finalidades, desde a limpeza de fraldas de pano até o banho do bebê e a limpeza após as refeições. Com medidas de 8,5″ x 8,5″, elas são grandes o suficiente para atender a todas as suas necessidades.
4. Economia
Ao optar por toalhinhas reutilizáveis, você estará economizando dinheiro a longo prazo. As Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes são duráveis e podem ser lavadas à máquina, o que significa que você não precisará comprar constantemente toalhinhas descartáveis.
5. Fácil Limpeza
Essas toalhinhas são laváveis à máquina, o que as torna extremamente fáceis de limpar. Basta jogá-las na máquina de lavar e elas estarão prontas para serem usadas novamente. Isso também ajuda a reduzir o desperdício e a poupar tempo e esforço na limpeza.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para usar as Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes, basta umedecê-las com água morna ou uma solução de limpeza suave e delicadamente limpar a pele do seu bebê. Após o uso, lave as toalhinhas à máquina e deixe-as secar ao ar livre ou na secadora em temperatura baixa. Certifique-se de ter sempre um estoque dessas toalhinhas prontas para uso, para que você possa desfrutar de uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para as toalhinhas descartáveis.
Para usar as Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes, basta umedecê-las com água morna ou uma solução de limpeza suave e delicadamente limpar a pele do seu bebê. Após o uso, lave as toalhinhas à máquina e deixe-as secar ao ar livre ou na secadora em temperatura baixa. Certifique-se de ter sempre um estoque dessas toalhinhas prontas para uso, para que você possa desfrutar de uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para as toalhinhas descartáveis.
amazonmama –
I was looking for washable, re-usable natural cloths to use with a bidet and really liked that these are natural/unbleached cotton with finished edges. They’re a good size for this purpose (8.5 x 8.5) which really is mainly for drying – not cleaning. I also like to support small businesses whenever possible. The only thing better would be if they were made of organic cotton and not made in China – which I only discovered after purchase. (Designed in Arizona, responsibly made in China).
Although I don’t regret my maiden-voyage first purchase from this company, I will probably order my next set from another small business: OsoCozy Organic Flannel Cloth Baby Wipes (9×9 @ 12 in a pack for $5.00 more than these mainly because of the organic cotton and being made in Pakistan). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5R77VP/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B01N5R77VP&pd_rd_w=A1dU1&content-id=amzn1.sym.0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_p=0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_r=577153HT9206MQMXT94B&pd_rd_wg=PHkUE&pd_rd_r=548de75e-5434-4ee5-8fe6-1cb5f7f22f1b&s=baby-products&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy
I do expect, since these are 100% cotton, that there will be some slight shrinkage after being washed – so I plan to minimize that by washing in cold or warm water and air drying. The 9×9 size will combat the shrink factor a little better as well.
Summer Wilks –
We use these wipes for our bidet and they work perfect. They’re soft and non toxic!
amazonmama –
I rely heavily on reviews. So I really try to write comprehension & real world useful reviews. Follow up reviews MATTER! So here is my, THREE YEARS post purchase, review… I purchased these Bumkins reusable flannel baby wipes almost exactly 3 years ago, in preparation for my grand daughter’s arrival. I loved them from day one. The are a great size & thickness. They are made well & very soft. I use these wipes daily! I use them for their intended purpose. But I also split them for using as face washing clothes for myself. My skin is sensitive & I started out taking a few with me when I traveled. Their size makes that convenient, so that I don’t have to worry about detergents that hotels use, irritating my skin. But the size & feel of them is so nice, that I ended up using them at home every evening to wash my face before bed. They rinse quickly & are dry by morning to toss in the hamper. After 3 years, they are holding up great. They are getting a little thinner, but they have been washed & dried a zillion times, over 3 years, people! I’m purchasing another pack & will add photos comparing the old with the new. But today, I’ve included photos of the originals after 3 years of regular, daily use. My only wish (& reason for the loss of 1 star) is that there would be a color selection to choose from. Perhaps a neutral gray with gray stitching. It would make for less staining, when used to remove makeup. I often add a small amount of coconut oil when I use for makeup removal. Works fabulously! You cannot go wrong with these wipes. If you found my review to be helpful, please click/tap the [helpful] button below this review. Thanks 🙂
My husband and I moved into our RV about two years ago. I have a washer and dryer in my unit. A must have in my opinion. At first I did not use any dryer sheets in my dryer. I found some in a box that came from my sticks and bricks and started using them in my dryer. I noticed that my dryer screen was becoming increasingly dirty and hard to clean. After I got into essential oils I learned about making my own laundry products. I threw away the store dryer sheets and bought wool dryer balls. I also bought these wool baby butt wipes. I fill a lockable container with vinegar, add 20 or so drops of lavender essential oils and add the folded wool baby wipes to the vinegar solution. I lightly squeeze out the vinegar in one wool baby wipe, throw it into my dryer with 6 dryer balls and I have wonderful smelling clothes when it’s done. I refold the wool baby wipe and put it on the bottom of the solution, take out another one on the top and throw it into the next load. No more dirty dryer screen. I don’t have a static problem so I can’t address that issue. Love my new laundry solution. Next I’m going to make my own laundry detergent with essential oils.
ST –
These are very soft. I have washed them several times now and the isn’t any fraying on the edges. I would prefer no tags attached. I use these as sweat cloths and face wipe for myself. I live on a boat so appreciate the small size and absorbency of the cloths. I hang them to dry after rinsing in the sink and they dry quickly.
Wyatt Clifton –
Lo mejor si usas pañales de tela, excelente a la hora de lavar. No tienes que separar las toallitas y no se enredan como pasa cuando por accidente se te va u a desechable. Excelente precio. Solo la costura debería estar más reforzada pero me gustaron
Jamie –
I bought two packs of these reusable wipes to use after meal time with my toddler. I wipe her hands and face with these with a small amount of water and they work amazingly well. They are super thin so they dry out quickly and they have held up great in the wash. I’ve been using them for about 9 months now and they have started getting weird brown specs all over them. I launder them regularly and they aren’t sitting wet for any long period of time. They don’t smell and the texture of the fabric hasn’t changed but it’s just very very strange.
Wyatt Clifton –
They didn’t shrink after washing. They are really soft, so great for baby’s skin. Some of the threads did come off, but still holding up well
Cliente mrz –
I mean these suppose to be baby wipes, you know with poo & urine. And you are supposed only to wash them with ‘warm’ water and you cannot iron them.
So, obviously I did iron them and my iron ended up with blue plastic mass on the surface. I dont know how this should be baby friendly.
I got these because I hoped it from 100% cotton so I can watch them with 60C and iron them. Now these seem to be as overpriced disposable wipes, def worse for planet then paper.
Mia –
I’ve had these for a while and they are still soft and absorbent