A espátula para creme de fraldas Bumco é um item essencial para a bolsa de fraldas, sendo livre de BPA. Inventada por uma mãe, ela possui uma ponta macia que facilita a aplicação da pomada para assaduras. A espátula é flexível, permitindo uma aplicação suave e uniforme do creme, proporcionando alívio e proteção para a pele sensível do bebê. Com um design inovador, a Bumco se destaca por sua praticidade e eficiência, tornando o momento da troca de fraldas mais higiênico e menos complicado.
1. Higiene Impecável: Mantenha seus dedos limpos da pomada de assaduras pegajosa com a espátula original, garantindo uma aplicação mais higiênica.
2. Silicone Macio e Gentil: Aplique suavemente a pomada na pele sensível do seu bebê, evitando irritações e desconfortos.
3. Fácil como ABC: A aplicação da pomada se torna simples e rápida, facilitando a rotina dos pais.
4. Base com Ventosa: A base com ventosa permite que a espátula fique em pé em superfícies planas, evitando quedas e bagunças durante a troca de fraldas.
5. Pequeno e Portátil: Com um tamanho ideal, a espátula é fácil de transportar e perfeita para uso em qualquer lugar, incluindo banheiros públicos.
Para usar a espátula Bumco, comece pegando uma quantidade adequada de pomada de assaduras com a espátula. Aplique suavemente na pele limpa e seca do bebê, garantindo que a pomada cubra bem a área afetada. Após o uso, limpe a espátula com um lenço umedecido para manter a higiene e armazene em um local fresco e seco. Essa prática não só assegura a saúde da pele do seu bebê, mas também facilita a rotina dos pais durante as trocas de fraldas.
Nora –
Always thought these were unnecessary but I was wrong!! This is a game changer when changing diapers, use this everytime!
Amazon Customer –
Muy bueno para aplicar la crema a los bebés. Lo recomiendo
Amazon Customer –
No mess
Kenyon Gatlin –
I literally use this product ALL THE TIME. I put it on my registry and my whole family made fun of me for getting it because “I should just use my finger”. BOOOOO!!! I don’t want my fingers smelling like diaper rash cream for 2 years of my life. This spatula spreads diaper cream so smoothly on my baby’s butt and now my family uses it ALL the time on her as well and they have admitted that they were wrong and I was right. Another win!!
H.Clark –
People will tell you that you don’t need this.. ignore them and buy it! I love not having to get diaper cream all over my hand! I love the suction on the bottom so I can put the cream on it before the diaper change and set it up on the changing table to use!
Owndoq –
Comes in handy. I mean I can use my hands with or without gloves but it’s easier to just dispense a little bit of diaper rash cream on it and spread it on my little one’s butt.
Christine –
Because each kid needs their own. I’m happy to say my fingers don’t know what diaper cream feels like because I have this. It’s a small luxury that is well worth it!
LexiD –
We use this daily for diaper changes. Keeps this somewhat sterile when scooping out baby products. Easy to clean! Highly recommend.
Kathy –
I was gifted this during my baby shower and I honestly thought I would never use it (I had no issue in my mind with applying diaper cream to my baby’s bottom with my bare hand). A few weeks postpartum I was getting annoyed of having diaper cream getting stuck under my nails or on the diaper/babies clothing bc I didn’t wipe the cream off my fingers fast enough or good enough during a change- so, I gave this a try. Now I use it every single time I apply diaper cream to my baby’s bottom. I love it so much that I bought an extra one for upstairs and a mini one for the diaper bag. It makes application of diaper cream much easier and no more mess w/diaper cream getting everywhere. It also has a suction cup on the bottom which is helpful and all I do is wipe off the excess baby cream with a wipe after a change. Plus, let’s be real, sometimes after a diaper change you don’t get the chance to go wash your hands right away, so this has been great for that as well. My husband also uses it to get a good slather of diaper cream on the babies bottom and appreciates not having to get the diaper cream on his hands as well. Highly recommend!
Beth –
I buy this anytime I get invited to a baby shower. I wish someone had gotten me one for first baby! I waited until i had my second before I bought one for myself. Easy to use, easy to clean, easy to pack in the diaper bag!