As pastilhas de metil B-12 com sabor de hortelã-pimenta da Bulletproof são um suplemento inovador que combina sabor refrescante e benefícios significativos para a saúde. Com um frasco contendo 60 unidades, essas pastilhas são projetadas para promover energia e apoiar a função nervosa, tornando-se uma adição valiosa à sua rotina diária. O Methyl B-12, um nutriente essencial, desempenha um papel crucial na síntese e reparação do DNA, fundamental para a manutenção da saúde celular. À medida que envelhecemos, a proteção do cérebro se torna ainda mais importante, e essas pastilhas oferecem suporte para células saudáveis, ajudando a preservar a função cognitiva.
Além de serem à prova de balas, as pastilhas Bulletproof são naturalmente livres de açúcar, glúten, transgênicos e soja, sem corantes adicionados, e são testadas em laboratório para garantir pureza e potência. A praticidade é outra característica marcante: as pastilhas podem ser facilmente dissolvidas na boca ou mastigadas, proporcionando uma experiência agradável e conveniente. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se tomar um comprimido pela manhã, com ou sem alimentos, integrando-o facilmente à sua rotina.
1. Suporte à saúde celular: As pastilhas fornecem suporte essencial para células saudáveis, promovendo o bom funcionamento do organismo.
2. Proteção cerebral: Auxiliam na proteção e manutenção da saúde cerebral, contribuindo para um envelhecimento saudável.
3. Síntese e reparação do DNA: O Methyl B-12 é vital para a síntese e reparação do DNA, prevenindo danos genéticos.
4. Livre de ingredientes indesejados: São naturalmente livres de açúcar, glúten, transgênicos, soja e corantes, garantindo uma opção saudável.
5. Fácil de usar: A praticidade das pastilhas, que podem ser dissolvidas ou mastigadas, facilita a adesão ao uso diário.
Para obter os benefícios máximos das pastilhas Bulletproof Cool Spearmint Methyl B-12, recomenda-se tomar um comprimido pela manhã, com ou sem alimentos. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. A incorporação deste suplemento à sua rotina pode ajudar a otimizar a energia e a função nervosa, promovendo uma vida mais saudável e ativa.
TheGreatWifeShark –
I have to admit that it is a little expensive for the amount, however, after I tried it I was very happy with the results. It makes a big difference in my daily performance. I feel more focus, I have more energy and I was able to read more and actually understand what I was reading!
I totally recommend it
Give it a try!
thanks Dave !
Brendalynn –
I’ve been using this product faithfully since November of 2021. Methyl B-12 is bio identical form that is naturally in your body so this product is top notch. The flavor is pleasant and you simply let it dissolve in your mouth. I take it in the morning to support nerve function and to be proactive in protecting brain health.
Marissa Chong Shing –
My B-12 was critically low. My doctor tried to get me on prescription-strength B-12, but my insurance wouldn’t cover it so I had to take matters into my own hands. I was admittedly skeptical of this product, but I needed to try something. I ordered my first bottle in September and just had a blood test last week… which came back with normal B-12 numbers. My doctor is happy, I’m happy, and my body is getting what it needs. Can’t argue with results!
Donna’s music –
My naturopath suggested I take methyl B-12 before bedtime to help me sleep. I found that the minty flavor of this pill kept me awake longer than I wanted. I switched to another brand that offered a cherry flavor, and sure enough I’m getting better rest. It’s not the company’s fault, but I would love to see other “flavors” being offered for this reason. I suppose if you take it for more energy, it will Work great for you.
Paige –
I take these daily to give me a little boost of energy! They taste delicious (minty) and are small & easy to chew. I trust all of the bulletproof products and will continue to buy them. Definitely worth it & better for me than an energy drink!
Bonnie –
I have been taking this daily for about 2 years. My labs have been perfect. I do use most of the products and happy with the results.
Brendalynn –
I have Myalagic Encephalomyalitis or what is commonly known as Chronic Fatigue syndrome. My treatment is heavily concentrated on vitamin therapy, particularly Vito B12. I do both injectable and oral supplements. There are 2 forms of B12 ( the main treatment) and one of them contains cyanide, cyanocobalomin. As no one wants cyanide running around their body, I have switched up my injectable to methylcobalomin which makes the B12 immediately ready to use as it does not have to remove the cyanide and aluminum and then methylate the rest 1st in order to make the substance useable by the body. This preparation is methylcobalomin. This is very rare to find in an oral supplement and especially one that has a reasonable amount contained within. This tablet provided me with an immediate result as soon as it was all dissolved that was very easy to notice. My energy levels were increased almost immediately. I highly recommend this supplement.
Japanerd –
Zero stars. Substandard product with a known brand. Put this same product in a junk brand and it would be a 1 star product. You are honestly just buying (an expensive) a name. It Did Not dissolve easily or quickly! And completely lacked results! Bought with an open mind, the poor results were pretty obvious!