Descrição do Produto: TMG Powder – Trimethylglycine como Betaine Anhydrous
Descubra o poder do Trimethylglycine (TMG) com o nosso pó de Betaine Anhydrous da, uma escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar seu potencial físico e mental. Este suplemento, com uma dose generosa de 1500mg por porção, é projetado para apoiar seus objetivos de força e desempenho, tornando-se um aliado indispensável para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que desejam ultrapassar seus limites.
- Maximize seu Potencial: Melhore seu estilo de vida ativo com nosso pó de Trimethylglycine, como Betaine Anhydrous, que visa apoiar suas metas de força e desempenho. Cada porção oferece uma dose substancial de 1500mg, atendendo tanto a atletas quanto a aqueles que buscam um desempenho superior.
- Versatilidade para Todos os Estilos de Vida: Seja você um atleta, um velocista ou alguém que simplesmente deseja manter-se ativo, nosso pó de TMG se adapta perfeitamente à sua rotina, sendo compatível com uma ampla gama de necessidades e preferências dietéticas.
- Otimizado em Cada Porção: Nosso pó de Betaine Anhydrous, ou suplemento de Trimethylglycine, é sem sabor e livre de alérgenos desnecessários, oferecendo um produto de alta qualidade que se integra facilmente a outros suplementos ou à sua bebida ou shake preferido.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso suplemento de Trimethylglycine em pó é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Aumento de Desempenho: Melhora a resistência e a força durante os treinos, permitindo que você alcance novos patamares.
2. Suporte à Saúde Metabólica: Contribui para a saúde do fígado e melhora a função metabólica, essencial para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
3. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a shakes, smoothies ou outras bebidas, sem alterar o sabor.
4. Sem Alergênicos: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois é livre de glúten e outros alérgenos comuns.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 1500mg (aproximadamente uma colher medida) do pó de Trimethylglycine em água, suco ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino, para maximizar os benefícios de desempenho e recuperação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Rebecca Anne –
I feel a little deceived and discouraged in the way this listing was presented to the consumer. By the wording: “The name Betaine Anhydrous is derived from sugar beets”, and so on, including other food sources. If you read that too quickly you are more likely to get the picture that the product is derived from sugar beets or another food source. IN FACT, this product is SYNTHETIC. No where in the entire listing does it state that the product is synthetic. I found that information in the Q&A section when looking to see why the product smelled funny. This leads me to my next concern, if synthetic then the smell of the product should be the same for each package. Why are there so many varied smells that people experience? Mine has a very faint smell but nothing overwhelming. The final thing that bothers me is that no where on the listing does it state that it was processed in China. I found that in the Q&A as well. I don’t have a major problem with products coming from China, I just have found that some things have a lesser quality than ones made elsewhere.
I ordered this product because I have the MTHFR C677T Homozygous gene mutation and I heard that this supplement helps with homocysteine levels. When those levels are off your body can develop complications from it such as, migraine headaches, blood clots, and a host of other things. If you have this gene mutation I highly suggest you obtain a copy of the book called The 85% Solution by Dr Dan Purser.
This supplement has helped to make me feel better in terms of headaches and migraines. It will be interesting to see if it helps additionally with other symptoms I have. I am thinking of getting a non-synthetic version of this to try as an experiment to see if there are any differences.
LeAnne –
My husband takes this for his blood pressure and we were thrilled to find this bulk bag of powder rather than paying $15 a month for capsules. This bag is a great value and will last us so long.
RA –
I am always happy with the quality of Bulk Supplements products
KD –
I’ve taken TMG before in capsule form, but couldn’t get my dosing high enough without swallowing a handful of capsules. So I bought it from Bulk Supplements, and it has made a big difference.
If you need to take methyl-donors like TMG, you may be surprised by the boost of energy. The first teaspoon of this almost felt like a clean Red Bull experience. It doesn’t feel that way anymore after getting my levels normalized, but I still feel better on it than I do without it. I tend to take it first thing in the morning, along with methyl B-12, DMG, and MSM (which I get from Bulk Supplements), just to start the day all methyl’ed up.
It tastes incredibly sweet. I don’t take time to mix it. I just put some water in my mouth, then throw in a teaspoon of TMG, and swallow. It hardens up when it hits the water in my mouth, so you have to swirl it around a bit before swallowing.
Great price for the doses I need. Definitely feeling the effects. Always very satisfied with this company’s products.
Techjunkie –
I train fasted every morning, and combine my pre-workout with BCAAs with Glutamine to prevent soreness and muscle loss. The fasted training requires that my pre-workout be as devoid as possible of calories. After trying several different pre-workout supplements that met that profile, I found one that I felt worked pretty well and delivered on its promises. It produced a great pump and a smooth energy boost with no jitters or crash. There were two things about it that bothered me a little bit though – the price per dose, and the fact that it included 350mg of caffeine. I tolerate caffeine well, but wanted the option to reduce it or eliminate it for low/no caffeine days, or on days when I can predict that I’ll be drinking lots of coffee at work.
In an attempt to recreate the formula of my favorite product, but sans-caffeine and at a lower price per dose, I purchased the following Bulk Supplements products from Amazon and combined them in the following amounts:
Pure Betatine Anhydrous 250grams package: 1 teaspoon
Pure L-Citruline DL Malate 2:1 powder 500 grams package: 1 tablespoon
Pure Beta Alanine powder 500grams package: 1 teaspoon
*Note that the amounts above are much greater than the recommended amounts on the Bulk Supplements product labels, but are very close to the dosages in the product I was using.
The product that I was using also included L-Ornathine, also available from Bulk Supplements brand. I may purchase the 250gram package of that at a later date and add to the cocktail at an amount of just under 1 teaspoon per dose.
So far, the experience of my experiment has been positive. Most importantly, I feel the effect of my cocktail is about the same – great pump, no soreness, comparable increase in energy and stamina as opposed to without. When I feel the need for caffeine, I take a single 200mg Caffeine Anhydrous pill that I also bought from Amazon (100 for six dollars).
As far as cost goes, the stuff I was using is about two dollars per serving. With the sizes that I purchased and the amounts that I’m using, my blend costs about seventy two cents per serving (less than half). If I were to add the L-Ornithine, the new cost would be just under a dollar a serving (still less than half).
The powders dissolve easily in filtered water. In 10-12 oz, my cocktail is about as acidic as strong lemonade and no less palatable. I tried it once without adding the BCAA+G and found that it was drinkable as-is; acidic, but not bitter or fowl-tasting. I tried adding pure stevia leaf extract (without erithrytol or other artificial sweeteners), but without the benefit of a flavor to enhance, that didn’t really provide a flavor improvement. Perhaps some lemon extract might have coupled with the sweetener to make a nice blend. I purposely drink my mix before brushing my teeth in the morning, as I felt that drinking it afterward might have caused some sensitivity.
Regarding the packaging, I imagine it’s very important to keep moisture out. To this end, some might find fault with the locking seal provided on the bags the products are packaged in. They can get fouled by the powder getting in the track during shipping. I simply cleaned the track out by using the thin back end of the cheap metal measuring spoons that I use (from Walmart). I suppose the tip of a keen knife would work also, but at risk of cutting through. The Betatine started to develop a clump or two on top, so I put a silica bag inside to absorb any moisture that I was unintentionally introducing to the bag and haven’t found any additional clumps since.
I’m providing this same review for all the components of my blend, as I can’t honestly review each of them individually, never having tried any of them in isolation. If I add the Ornithine, I’ll provide an update.
deadz007 –
I immediately ordered this after listening to a Joe Rogan episode that one of the guests was talking about the importance of TMG. I quickly added this to my morning regime and I don’t know if its the placebo effect or anything but I can feel a bit of a difference than not having it.