BulkSupplements.com DMAE Bitartrate Powder – Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate
Descubra o poder do DMAE Bitartrate em sua rotina diária com o nosso suplemento em pó de alta qualidade. Com 350mg por porção, este produto é uma fonte concentrada de Dimethylaminoethanol, um composto que tem ganhado destaque por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde e ao bem-estar. O nosso pó de DMAE é uma adição versátil e eficaz para qualquer estilo de vida, projetado para elevar sua saúde geral e proporcionar uma sensação de bem-estar duradoura.
- Eleve Sua Saúde Geral e Bem-Estar: Projetado para apoiar sua saúde geral, nosso pó de DMAE Bitartrate, com 130mg de DMAE, é a adição perfeita a qualquer estilo de vida. Repleto de nutrientes essenciais, ele foi desenvolvido para impulsionar seu bem-estar, mantendo você se sentindo no seu melhor dia após dia.
- Versatilidade para Todos os Estilos de Vida: Seja você alguém que busca apenas manter a saúde, nosso suplemento de DMAE, em pó de Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate, se encaixa perfeitamente em sua rotina, adaptando-se a uma ampla gama de necessidades e preferências dietéticas.
- Otimizado em Cada Porção: Nosso DMAE Bitartrate, em pó de DMAE, é sem sabor e livre de alérgenos desnecessários, oferecendo um produto de alta qualidade que se integra facilmente a outros suplementos ou ao seu shake ou bebida preferida.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso suplemento de DMAE, em pó de DMAE Bitartrate, é um testemunho do nosso compromisso com a qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Apoio Cognitivo: O DMAE é conhecido por potencializar a função cognitiva, ajudando na concentração e clareza mental.
2. Melhora do Humor: Pode contribuir para a elevação do humor, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar emocional.
3. Saúde da Pele: O DMAE é frequentemente utilizado em produtos de cuidados com a pele, ajudando a melhorar a firmeza e a elasticidade.
4. Aumento de Energia: Pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia, tornando-o ideal para quem busca um impulso extra durante o dia.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A forma em pó permite que você adicione facilmente à sua rotina, seja em shakes, smoothies ou outras bebidas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 350mg do pó de DMAE Bitartrate em água ou em sua bebida preferida. Utilize uma colher medidora para garantir a dosagem correta. O produto pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário, e deve ser armazenado em um local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Donnebell –
I purchased this DMAE after hearing about it on Dr. Oz. I then started researching it, the uses, prices, etc. This stuff is AMAZING! Pure, fresh, packaged incredibly well, and shipped fast! You won’t find better quality at a better price – I use several of Bulk Supplements supplies and am always elated with their products in every way, shape and form! I made some face serum and added the DMAE (NO FILLERS!!) to it, it’s really soon to be posting a review, but WOW! It’s been just over a week of using it, and I can already see the difference!!! Fine lines and wrinkles seem to diminish almost over night!! Not to mention that is a great additive to your diet. Mix with water, coffee, smoothies etc. and reap the rewards! I add it to my morning smoothies, and although you may find it hard to believe, my brain fog is clearing up as well! My thoughts are clearer, without the caffeine jolt coffee gives you, and I can actually concentrate better!! My skin is much more hydrated and the effects can not only be felt, but seen in the mirror! Talk about an AWESOME product… THIS IS IT!!! Oh my, you have to give this a try, you won’t be disappointed! Thanks again BulkSupplements for a winning product ~ I WILL be purchasing this supplement from you for many years to come!
Carolyn Rome –
I started using DIY skin care products 4.5 months ago and have noticed a tremendous improvement in my skin.
I have been doing extensive research on different skin improvement products and rely on Amazon for the bulk of my purchases. The reviews and seller feedback, coupled with Google and YouTube seem to be the perfect marriage.I had been wanting to try DMAE as an eye cream ingredient and finally settled on this particular brand based on ratings, seller feedback and cost.
Recipe – I chose to make a night time eye cream and prefer thicker a thicker consistency. I chose to use a Clinique night cream as my base, Rosehip oil and DMAE as my ingredients. The recipe I chose required 2 teaspoons of a cream (Jason’s Vitamin E or a night cream was suggested), 1/2 teaspoon of DMAE AND 15 drops of Rosehip oil. The texture of the finished product was not as ‘balm-like’ as I prefer, so I continued to add drops of Rosehip oil until it was to my liking . It mixed seamlessly with the other ingredients and application and wear have been superb. I am not sure if there is any difference in my skins actual texture, but there is visible improvement. Also, it did not interfere with my makeup application.
Storage – I keep in my bath area in a dark cabinet. I may start to refrigerate as the weather starts to really warm up.
Packaging – The packaging is high quality, well sealed and clearly labeled with all pertinent info. ***The container in the picture below is recycled from a previous purchase.
This product has been added to my repeat purchase list, but I do not anticipate having to purchase it often due to the amount required in recipes.
I will forewarn, do not use this product so close to your actual eye that you may accidentally get some onto your eye. It is not especially painful, but you will test so much that you will be unable to open your eye and see until you wipe the product away with a towel or tissue. Ask me how I know!
As a caveat, I am 57. This should be considered before making and judgments as to the appearance of my bare eye area.
UPDATED – The third photo is Week 3, with use as part of my night time routine. As a caveat, I also purchased the Hyaluronic Acid from this company a few days later. I made it into a serum and use that twice a day in my eye area. I could not be more pleased with this combo.
UPDATED, May 21, 2017 Photo #4 is taken after 13 months of daily night time use. I no longer use it in the morning, as I often apply it too close to my eyes and it irritates my eyes prior to makeup application.
Carolyn Rome –
I was originally considering purchasing this stuff because of some comments about it being good for the skin, but after reading some of the reviews, I saw that it was supposed to be good for helping with mental focus.
I have horrible ADD, most of the time, I walk around in a stupor, forgetting what I’m doing, then getting angry with myself, then ending up depressed. Occasionally, I’m firing on all cylinders and it’s GREAT, but that doesn’t happen very often, and it seems like as I get older, I have less days of mental clarity. I tried adderal, and it works for a few days, then I end up wired, then I’d hafta take a klonipin to get me back to mid range focus.
My body is VERY sensitive and can go from muddle brain (freeway at rush hour) to autobahn in no time. Usually in the middle of that trip, I reach a nirvana type stage where I’m running on all cylinders and it’s AWESOME, but then I hafta be careful, and watch, or I’ll end up on the autobahn with super racing thoughts. That’s when I’ll take 1/8 mg of klonipin crush it with my teeth and put it under my tongue and just that little bit brings me back to the “all cylinders” stage. Any higher dose, and I’m back to sleepy muddle brain.
I just received the product yesterday. I haven’t mixed any up for my skin, yet, but I took 1/32 tsp, mixed in a little water and drank it. It tastes tart, like squeezing a lemon wedge. After just a few minutes, I noticed my brain stupor was gone, but I didn’t feel wired. About 1 hour later, I took another 1/32 tsp and felt great. Awake, focused, but not wired.
This morning, I took 1/16 tsp and I’m doing pretty good. I don’t feel wired, but I’m keeping close tabs on it so I don’t go too high.
I’m also not sure how long these effects will last. I hope they last long enough that I don’t crash and burn mid day. If that happens, I’ll hafta carry the stuff with me and re-dose. Carrying around a little container of white powder doesn’t seem like an attractive idea, if you know what I mean, lol. Sure, it’s vitamin powder, Donna. You must share your drugs. lol
I’d definitely recommend this product to anyone that suffers from the symptoms I describe above. I’m grateful that I found this product. I pray that it doesn’t “poop out” like so many big pharma drugs have on me in the past. I’ll update later and let you know.