BulkSupplements.com Taurine Powder – Suplemento de Taurina, Taurina 2000mg – Suplemento de Aminoácidos para Energia – Sem Sabor
Maximize seu Potencial: Aprimore seu estilo de vida ativo com nosso pó de Taurina, projetado para apoiar seus objetivos de força e desempenho. Cada porção oferece uma dose substancial de 2000mg, atendendo tanto aos entusiastas do fitness que desejam superar seus limites.
Versatilidade para todos os Estilos de Vida: Seja você um atleta, um corredor de velocidade ou alguém que simplesmente deseja se manter ativo, nosso suplemento de Taurina em pó, com 2000mg de Taurina, se adapta perfeitamente à sua rotina, sendo adequado para uma ampla gama de necessidades e preferências dietéticas.
Otimizado em cada Porção: Nosso pó de Taurina, ou pó de L-Taurina, é sem sabor e livre de alérgenos desnecessários, oferecendo um produto de alta qualidade que se integra facilmente a outros suplementos ou ao seu shake ou bebida preferida.
Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação em conformidade com rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso suplemento de Taurina em pó, com 2000mg de Taurina, é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aprimora o desempenho físico e a resistência
- Contribui para a recuperação muscular pós-treino
- Compatível com diferentes estilos de vida e preferências alimentares
- Produto de alta qualidade, testado por terceiros
- Fabricado em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade
O uso do pó de Taurina da BulkSupplements.com oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, ele aprimora o desempenho físico, permitindo que você treine com mais intensidade e por mais tempo. Além disso, a taurina é conhecida por contribuir para a recuperação muscular, ajudando a reduzir a fadiga e a dor após os treinos. Sua versatilidade permite que seja facilmente incorporada a diferentes dietas, sendo ideal para veganos e vegetarianos. Outro ponto importante é a qualidade do produto, que é testado por terceiros, garantindo que você está consumindo um suplemento seguro e eficaz. Por fim, a fabricação em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade assegura a pureza e a eficácia do produto, proporcionando confiança em cada dose.
Misture uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 2g) do pó de Taurina em sua bebida favorita, como água, suco ou shake de proteína. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente antes do treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, é recomendável que a ingestão seja parte de uma rotina de exercícios e uma dieta equilibrada, maximizando assim os benefícios da taurina em sua performance e recuperação.
Greg –
I was browsing supplements when I came across this product. The reviews and company reputation is what sold me. More over, it addressed all of my issues. Best of all it works. There’s no hype and the company is so sure of it’s products,they’re going to send a free sample of any of their other products I wanted.
I stole this from another product review, but was the selling point. => Taurine is the amino acid of anxiety control and stress management because it will lower cortisol and helps people sleep getter. It also improves athletic performance and reaction time, making it useful for athletes.
It supports insulin health, can help prevent diabetes, and elevates energy production. Taurine is a potent brain nutrient, lowers blood pressure, protects the heart, and fights inflammation. Sounds like we could all use a little extra!
This article will focus on the ten best benefits of taurine for a lean body composition and excellent health. Taurine can give you that extra boost by improving your mood, motivation, and helping you feel all around better.
1) Take Taurine For Less Stress
Even the most serene individuals often say they’d like to have less stress in their lives. Taurine can help us get there.
Taurine is an amino acid that calms the nervous system by facilitating the production of the neurotransmitter GABA. By helping to raise GABA levels, taurine will allow your body to manage anxiety so that your thoughts don’t go spiraling out of control and you don’t get the associated cortisol and adrenaline spikes that go with anxiety and stress.
If you have low taurine, your nervous system will be over-responsive to stress. A chronically excited nervous system means persistently high cortisol, and often, an increase in body fat. If you have any experience with fat loss, you know that the body is most agreeable about giving up its fat stores when it is calm and not stressed or overly stimulated. The simple stress-lowering effect of taurine will help you improve body composition and lose weight.
For example, research shows that taurine supplementation can lower anxiety in stress-producing situations, thereby allowing for greater work output and performance. One study in Advances in Experimental Medicines and Biology found that a taurine treatment prior to an anxiety-inducing exercise test resulted in less anxious behavior and better performance than a placebo.
2) Eat Meat To Optimize Taurine Levels
Taurine is an organic acid that is derived from the amino acid cysteine. However, taurine behaves more like a neurotransmitter because of how it calms the nervous system. Getting enough taurine will make you healthier.
Taurine can be synthesized in the pancreas if sufficient cysteine is available. For best results you should get taurine in the diet, supplementing when your diet is lacking or you are under elevated stress.
Resistance trainees and athletes will deplete this nutrient since it is involved in fat burning and recovery. For example, baseball pitchers and track throwers tend to be deficient in taurine and magnesium due to all the high velocity throws they perform.
Foods that are natural sources of taurine are meat and animal products such as seafood, meat, milk, and eggs. Vegetarians and vegans tend to be chronically deficient in taurine. One of the more harmful things about nutrient deficiencies associated with the vegan diet is that the lack of taurine leads to chronic anxiety. With the added stress and over-stimulated nervous system that goes with taurine deficiency, vegans can be in for a rough time.
A supplement will help non-meat eaters, but carnivores are recommended to include grass-fed animal products because this will also provide a nice dose of DHA and EPA omega-3s. Plus, you’ll get extra carnitine (essential for fat burning and works synergistically with taurine), creatine (great for body composition and performance), and conjugated linoleic acid (helps prevent cancer).
3) Take Taurine to Burn Fat
Taurine helps the body metabolize fat, making it essential for energy production and a lean physique. But, it’s also necessary for many aspects of health because beneficial fats play a role in the health of every cell in the body.
Fat burning works like this: The nutrient carnitine is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body. By raising the level of muscle carnitine, you support the fat burning process, but you also must have adequate taurine for this to happen. Taurine plays a role in the initial phase of fat metabolism, while carnitine takes the fat into the cell to let your body burn it up.
4) Take Taurine for Insulin Health
Taurine is a well known supplement for improving insulin sensitivity. Taurine makes the cells more sensitive to insulin binding and glucose uptake by multiple mechanisms.
First, taurine has what is called an “anorexigenic” effect on the hypothalamus gland, meaning that it minimizes feelings of hunger by improving energy production and metabolism. A recent study in the journal Amino Acids found that the anorexigenic action of taurine enhances the role of insulin in the control of food intake and helps stall body fat gain.
Taurine also has an antioxidant effect and has been found to lower chronic inflammation in the hypothalamus. An inflamed hypothalamus results in greater insulin production by the pancreas, which leads to higher insulin levels and obesity.
A more concrete action of taurine on body composition is its ability to improve resting energy expenditure. Another new study in Amino Acids found that by raising taurine levels fat burning increased rest by activating pathways that play a role in insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal by 70 percent.
5) Take Taurine To Raise Testosterone
Taurine has been proven to raise testosterone production, while not raising the concentration of estradiol, an estrogenic hormone. A study in Amino Acids found that taurine supplementation stimulated testosterone production.A suggested dose ranges from 3 to 5 grams of taurine a day for an 85 kg man.
Obviously, having adequate testosterone levels is essential for the ideal male body composition because testosterone improves lean mass development and fights fat gain. Plus, it’s well known low testosterone in men is linked with poor health, particularly bad metabolism and the development of diabetes.
Taurine is one nutrient among many that should be attended to for adequate reproductive health in both men and women. Along with taurine, carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D are all essential for health and body composition.
6) Take Taurine and Fight Oxidative Stress
Taurine is a highly effective, if lesser known, antioxidant. Its ability to abolish free radicals and keep cells alive and healthy is partly due to how it helps maintain homeostasis and balance in the body.
The integrated benefits of omega-3s and taurine in the body were demonstrated in a new study published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine that measured the inflammatory status of fat tissue in response to a diet that included supplemental sardine protein. Sardines contain some of the highest concentrations of EPA and DHA omega-3s of all fish, making them an excellent dietary addition, and they also contain taurine and vitamin E, another potent antioxidant.
This study found that sardine protein minimized fat gain in response to a diet high in fructose. In addition, glucose uptake improved, oxidative stress markers were reduced, and inflammation decreased.
7) Take Taurine To Perform Better and Recover Faster From Training
Taurine supplementation will increase force production, improve endurance and performance in both aerobic and anaerobic system sports.
For example, one recent study showed that intense exercise significantly lowers muscle taurine levels, but that administering taurine during the exercise session counters the loss of taurine and helps improve work capacity.
In this study, taurine supplementation improved endurance performance compared to a placebo group. Plus, following the exercise tests, urinary loss of creatine and other biomarkers were reduced. This means that taurine administration improved recovery and reduced the effects of muscle fatigue.
One reason taurine improves performance and time to exhaustion is its ability to improve fat burning. One study showed taurine ingestion prior to a prolonged cycling time trial resulted in better performance and a 16 percent increase in total fat oxidation compared to a control group.
Taurine also helps the fast-twitch muscles produce peak force by supporting the contractile properties and countering fatigue. It’s likely a combination of better energy production and the ability of taurine to maintain homeostasis in the body that play a role in increasing force in type 2 muscle fibers.
8) Raise Muscle Taurine Levels For Cardiovascular Health
Taurine will protect the heart and lower blood pressure, and raising muscular levels has been shown to improve the exercise capacity of patients with heart failure. A recent study in the Journal of Cardiology compared the effects of 500 mg of taurine three times a day with a placebo on patients with left ventricular heart failure.
The patients who received the taurine significantly increased exercise distance, and they improved their functional mobility over a two-week period, while the placebo group demonstrated no changes. Researchers suggest taurine improves calcium homeostasis, which aids cardiovascular function, and has “an overall beneficial effect on the macrovascular system.”
The cardiovascular benefits of taurine are abundant and convincing. Multiple studies have shown taurine will lower blood pressure (it is particularly effective at preventing hypertension that is linked to insulin resistance and poor metabolic health).
Further, a recent study in the Journal of Biomedical Science found that taurine and magnesium levels along with body mass index and total cholesterol were most directly related to the lowest cardiovascular risk in a population of healthy Japanese. Researchers suggest the combination of elevated taurine and magnesium stores support heart health in this population, and that the Japanese have higher levels of these nutrients due to the presence of fish in the diet.
9) Sleep Better With Magnesium and Taurine
Together magnesium and taurine are the answer to abolish stress, calm the nervous system, and help you sleep better. You’ll also have a better overall mood. People who are deficient in either magnesium or taurine are at greater risk for depression and poor motivation.
Magnesium is well known to calm the nervous system, while countering fatigue. Similarly, taurine raises GABA levels, calming the nervous system and lowering anxiety and stress hormones that hinder rest.
10) Take Taurine For Better Brain Function
Taurine can delay the cognitive decline that comes with aging. It can also improve learning and retention in older individuals and will aid the development of cognitive function in children.
Interestingly, research shows taurine will improve reaction time and minimize sleepiness in sleep-deprived individuals when paired with caffeine. A new study in the British Journal of Surgery tested the effects of a placebo, caffeine, or caffeine with taurine on surgery performance in sleep-deprived novice surgeons. The caffeine plus taurine reversed the negative effects of reaction time due to fatigue and minimized feelings of sleepiness, although not to baseline levels.
Researchers suggest that the combination is ideal because caffeine provides the stimulus, while taurine has a calming affect that functions as an anti-fatiguer. Green tea paired with taurine and carnitine can be very effective when in a sleep-deprived state because this mixture helps to manage anxiety and improve energy and focus
JazzyHalo –
I’ve been trying to find effective fat burners AND something that is safe, with a good reputation. I came back to BulkSupplements. I checked out taurine because I read about it elsewhere and ended up on an old thread. I was impressed by one young man who gave HIS experience along with a widely known use. I’m sharing it here. Also, I know for a fact that it eases stress, but it also killed my appetite in it’s tracks. I was only craving cold water or tea. I’ll update in a month. Remember, I’m 54 years old. It boasts of burning fat around your muscles, which got MY attention.. Ok, an opinion below..”’
I imagine that it would make for a good pre-workout supp. Also nice to mix with some whey and sip on it during training
Edit: Some info
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement take 1 level scoop (1000 mg) or 1 vegetable capsule, with water or your favorite beverage 2-3 times daily with meals or on an empty stomach
Taurine (2-Aminoethane sulfonic acid) is a conditionally essential free-form amino acid that is the most abundant free amino acid in many tissues and participates in a variety of metabolic processes. Taurine is found at high levels in the heart and skeletal muscle, white blood cells, the central nervous system, and is a building block for all other amino acids.
Works as an ion and pH buffer in the heart and skeletal muscles and central nervous system.
Taurine is instrumental in preventing loss of potassium from heart muscle.
Aids in the digestion of fat, soluble vitamins, and the management of cholesterol levels.
Aids electrolyte balance and proper utilization of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Improves cell volumization and makes muscles appear larger.
Improves anabolic processes and boosts protein synthesis.
Maintains glucose uptake.
Taurine works synergistically with any form of Creatine.
Also guys, this is supposed to be AWESOME for people who have hbp…I keep finding really interesting studies. By the way, I paid FULL PRICE for this product nd I’m extremely excited!
Ok. I’ve been researching because I am losing weight! Here’s why!!!
Taurine is the amino acid of anxiety control and stress management because it will lower cortisol and helps people sleep getter. It also improves athletic performance and reaction time, making it useful for athletes.
It supports insulin health, can help prevent diabetes, and elevates energy production. Taurine is a potent brain nutrient, lowers blood pressure, protects the heart, and fights inflammation. Sounds like we could all use a little extra!
This article will focus on the ten best benefits of taurine for a lean body composition and excellent health. Taurine can give you that extra boost by improving your mood, motivation, and helping you feel all around better.
1) Take Taurine For Less Stress
Even the most serene individuals often say they’d like to have less stress in their lives. Taurine can help us get there.
Taurine is an amino acid that calms the nervous system by facilitating the production of the neurotransmitter GABA. By helping to raise GABA levels, taurine will allow your body to manage anxiety so that your thoughts don’t go spiraling out of control and you don’t get the associated cortisol and adrenaline spikes that go with anxiety and stress.
If you have low taurine, your nervous system will be over-responsive to stress. A chronically excited nervous system means persistently high cortisol, and often, an increase in body fat. If you have any experience with fat loss, you know that the body is most agreeable about giving up its fat stores when it is calm and not stressed or overly stimulated. The simple stress-lowering effect of taurine will help you improve body composition and lose weight.
For example, research shows that taurine supplementation can lower anxiety in stress-producing situations, thereby allowing for greater work output and performance. One study in Advances in Experimental Medicines and Biology found that a taurine treatment prior to an anxiety-inducing exercise test resulted in less anxious behavior and better performance than a placebo.
2) Eat Meat To Optimize Taurine Levels
Taurine is an organic acid that is derived from the amino acid cysteine. However, taurine behaves more like a neurotransmitter because of how it calms the nervous system. Getting enough taurine will make you healthier.
Taurine can be synthesized in the pancreas if sufficient cysteine is available. For best results you should get taurine in the diet, supplementing when your diet is lacking or you are under elevated stress.
Resistance trainees and athletes will deplete this nutrient since it is involved in fat burning and recovery. For example, baseball pitchers and track throwers tend to be deficient in taurine and magnesium due to all the high velocity throws they perform.
Foods that are natural sources of taurine are meat and animal products such as seafood, meat, milk, and eggs. Vegetarians and vegans tend to be chronically deficient in taurine. One of the more harmful things about nutrient deficiencies associated with the vegan diet is that the lack of taurine leads to chronic anxiety. With the added stress and over-stimulated nervous system that goes with taurine deficiency, vegans can be in for a rough time.
A supplement will help non-meat eaters, but carnivores are recommended to include grass-fed animal products because this will also provide a nice dose of DHA and EPA omega-3s. Plus, you’ll get extra carnitine (essential for fat burning and works synergistically with taurine), creatine (great for body composition and performance), and conjugated linoleic acid (helps prevent cancer).
3) Take Taurine to Burn Fat
Taurine helps the body metabolize fat, making it essential for energy production and a lean physique. But, it’s also necessary for many aspects of health because beneficial fats play a role in the health of every cell in the body.
Fat burning works like this: The nutrient carnitine is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body. By raising the level of muscle carnitine, you support the fat burning process, but you also must have adequate taurine for this to happen. Taurine plays a role in the initial phase of fat metabolism, while carnitine takes the fat into the cell to let your body burn it up.
4) Take Taurine for Insulin Health
Taurine is a well known supplement for improving insulin sensitivity. Taurine makes the cells more sensitive to insulin binding and glucose uptake by multiple mechanisms.
First, taurine has what is called an “anorexigenic” effect on the hypothalamus gland, meaning that it minimizes feelings of hunger by improving energy production and metabolism. A recent study in the journal Amino Acids found that the anorexigenic action of taurine enhances the role of insulin in the control of food intake and helps stall body fat gain.
Taurine also has an antioxidant effect and has been found to lower chronic inflammation in the hypothalamus. An inflamed hypothalamus results in greater insulin production by the pancreas, which leads to higher insulin levels and obesity.
A more concrete action of taurine on body composition is its ability to improve resting energy expenditure. Another new study in Amino Acids found that by raising taurine levels fat burning increased rest by activating pathways that play a role in insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal by 70 percent.
5) Take Taurine To Raise Testosterone
Taurine has been proven to raise testosterone production, while not raising the concentration of estradiol, an estrogenic hormone. A study in Amino Acids found that taurine supplementation stimulated testosterone production.A suggested dose ranges from 3 to 5 grams of taurine a day for an 85 kg man.
Obviously, having adequate testosterone levels is essential for the ideal male body composition because testosterone improves lean mass development and fights fat gain. Plus, it’s well known low testosterone in men is linked with poor health, particularly bad metabolism and the development of diabetes.
Taurine is one nutrient among many that should be attended to for adequate reproductive health in both men and women. Along with taurine, carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D are all essential for health and body composition.
6) Take Taurine and Fight Oxidative Stress
Taurine is a highly effective, if lesser known, antioxidant. Its ability to abolish free radicals and keep cells alive and healthy is partly due to how it helps maintain homeostasis and balance in the body.
The integrated benefits of omega-3s and taurine in the body were demonstrated in a new study published in the International Journal of Molecular Medicine that measured the inflammatory status of fat tissue in response to a diet that included supplemental sardine protein. Sardines contain some of the highest concentrations of EPA and DHA omega-3s of all fish, making them an excellent dietary addition, and they also contain taurine and vitamin E, another potent antioxidant.
This study found that sardine protein minimized fat gain in response to a diet high in fructose. In addition, glucose uptake improved, oxidative stress markers were reduced, and inflammation decreased.
7) Take Taurine To Perform Better and Recover Faster From Training
Taurine supplementation will increase force production, improve endurance and performance in both aerobic and anaerobic system sports.
For example, one recent study showed that intense exercise significantly lowers muscle taurine levels, but that administering taurine during the exercise session counters the loss of taurine and helps improve work capacity.
In this study, taurine supplementation improved endurance performance compared to a placebo group. Plus, following the exercise tests, urinary loss of creatine and other biomarkers were reduced. This means that taurine administration improved recovery and reduced the effects of muscle fatigue.
One reason taurine improves performance and time to exhaustion is its ability to improve fat burning. One study showed taurine ingestion prior to a prolonged cycling time trial resulted in better performance and a 16 percent increase in total fat oxidation compared to a control group.
Taurine also helps the fast-twitch muscles produce peak force by supporting the contractile properties and countering fatigue. It’s likely a combination of better energy production and the ability of taurine to maintain homeostasis in the body that play a role in increasing force in type 2 muscle fibers.
8) Raise Muscle Taurine Levels For Cardiovascular Health
Taurine will protect the heart and lower blood pressure, and raising muscular levels has been shown to improve the exercise capacity of patients with heart failure. A recent study in the Journal of Cardiology compared the effects of 500 mg of taurine three times a day with a placebo on patients with left ventricular heart failure.
The patients who received the taurine significantly increased exercise distance, and they improved their functional mobility over a two-week period, while the placebo group demonstrated no changes. Researchers suggest taurine improves calcium homeostasis, which aids cardiovascular function, and has “an overall beneficial effect on the macrovascular system.”
The cardiovascular benefits of taurine are abundant and convincing. Multiple studies have shown taurine will lower blood pressure (it is particularly effective at preventing hypertension that is linked to insulin resistance and poor metabolic health).
Further, a recent study in the Journal of Biomedical Science found that taurine and magnesium levels along with body mass index and total cholesterol were most directly related to the lowest cardiovascular risk in a population of healthy Japanese. Researchers suggest the combination of elevated taurine and magnesium stores support heart health in this population, and that the Japanese have higher levels of these nutrients due to the presence of fish in the diet.
9) Sleep Better With Magnesium and Taurine
Together magnesium and taurine are the answer to abolish stress, calm the nervous system, and help you sleep better. You’ll also have a better overall mood. People who are deficient in either magnesium or taurine are at greater risk for depression and poor motivation.
Magnesium is well known to calm the nervous system, while countering fatigue. Similarly, taurine raises GABA levels, calming the nervous system and lowering anxiety and stress hormones that hinder rest.
10) Take Taurine For Better Brain Function
Taurine can delay the cognitive decline that comes with aging. It can also improve learning and retention in older individuals and will aid the development of cognitive function in children.
Interestingly, research shows taurine will improve reaction time and minimize sleepiness in sleep-deprived individuals when paired with caffeine. A new study in the British Journal of Surgery tested the effects of a placebo, caffeine, or caffeine with taurine on surgery performance in sleep-deprived novice surgeons. The caffeine plus taurine reversed the negative effects of reaction time due to fatigue and minimized feelings of sleepiness, although not to baseline levels.
Researchers suggest that the combination is ideal because caffeine provides the stimulus, while taurine has a calming affect that functions as an anti-fatiguer. Green tea paired with taurine and carnitine can be very effective when in a sleep-deprived state because this mixture helps to manage anxiety and improve energy and focus
M –
It is what it is