Descrição do Produto: MSM Powder – Methylsulfonylmethane
O MSM Powder da é um suplemento de metilsulfonilmetano (MSM) em pó puro, projetado para promover a saúde das articulações e melhorar o bem-estar geral. Cada porção contém 3000mg de MSM, garantindo uma dose potente e eficaz para aqueles que buscam suporte articular. Este produto é livre de glúten e não contém aditivos, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Com um total de 1kg (2,2 lbs) por embalagem, o MSM Powder é uma solução prática e econômica para quem deseja incorporar este suplemento em sua rotina diária. O MSM é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, ajudando a reduzir a dor e o desconforto nas articulações, além de promover a recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos.
1. Saúde das Articulações: O MSM ajuda a aliviar a dor e a rigidez nas articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade e conforto.
2. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Contribui para a redução da inflamação, beneficiando atletas e pessoas com condições articulares.
3. Recuperação Muscular: Auxilia na recuperação após exercícios físicos, reduzindo a dor muscular tardia.
4. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: O MSM pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções.
5. Fácil de Incorporar na Dieta: O pó pode ser facilmente misturado em bebidas, smoothies ou alimentos, tornando o uso prático e versátil.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção de 3000mg (aproximadamente 1 colher de sopa) de MSM Powder, uma vez ao dia. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou shakes de proteína. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância individual. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do MSM com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
So I am going to do a combined review since I am using 4 products from this company. Let me start off by saying I am very active.. endurance runner, sprinter, weight training, hiking etc.. I have been getting joint pain and inflammation for the past year. Looked into products that would help these problems along with others to add to my workout routine, so I ended up purchasing their MSM, L-Glutamine, BCAA’S and Creatine Monohydrate. The first thing I noticed is how good my body actually felt with this combination. I was able to power through my runs and workouts and have not had any joint pain or inflammation AT ALL! I take the recommended doses a few times per day and boy do I feel a difference in my health, strength and focus! Been pushing out more reps and speed on my sprints. For those who are complaining about the taste, I have been using the True Lime & Crystal Light packets and I find they mask the taste quite well. I am very pleased with bulk supplements. Good quality, clean products, affordable and very effective. If you’re serious about your health/workouts, I would definitely recommend this company. I paid FULL PRICE for all of these products and am 100% satisfied. If you found my review to be helpful please click yes.
Clint Krall/Noema Ibarra –
I have been sedentary for over a year now and almost 300 lbs. I have suffered from a general malaise that has kept me on the couch pretty much all day. My health is beginning to fail me and my immune system is starting to crash, I get sick a lot easier and for a longer time. This year I have decided to change my lifestyle. I have tried “miracle pills” chock full of caffeine and the next wonder cure for obesity and general sloppiness. This time I wanted to hit the root of the problem. I didn’t want to fool my body with “instant energy” that is merely a stimulant in disguise. I know with my processed food diet and habit of wearing a whole in the couch, I was missing some key nutrition to jumpstart my system. I searched everything from creatine to thermogenics always finding the same basic “bad for me in the long run” ingredients. Then I found bulk supplements. I started doing my research on amino acids and other supplements offered. What I found was these were pure, unadulterated building blocks essential to proper nutrition. Basically everything they sell is found in real food. While the names and abbreviations might be a little scary (being mostly scientific) a little research will set your mind at ease.
Now, I bought a milligram scale (which you WILL need for proper daily dosage) and got about 6 supplements I thought would fill holes in my current diet and increase my energy from the ground up. I ordered AAKG, Beta Alanine, BCAA 3:1:2, D-Aspartic Acid, DHEA, and MSM. I mostly read the product descriptions and saw what they do, and decided what I wanted them to accomplish for me, then picked the ones that offered those benefits. I have been taking all of these daily for about two weeks now.
RESULTS: Wow, the first day I cleaned the whole house, I couldn’t stop. My soft muscles were aching the whole time, but somehow that didn’t matter. I wanted to sit, I did sit, but found myself back up after 5 minutes without realizing it doing something else without even thinking about it. That is why I haven’t gone to the gym yet. I am a little worried I will lose myself working out and accidentally hurting myself by going too hard too soon. I am planning to start hitting the gym next week and start off with light cardio to get my body used to being active again. One other important thing to mention, my appetite has gone from brontosaurus to sparrow. I’m not sure if I wasn’t hungry or just forgot to eat. I know skipping meals is bad when trying to lose weight, but I guess a couple missed lunches won’t upset the cart. I am also chugging water like a champion racehorse, water in is water out as they say.
BAD THINGS: I want to touch on a couple things that I don’t particularly care for about these products. Some might find them unbearable, but if you power through they should become more bearable over time. Bathroom visits were frequent and powerful for the first few days. I was using the bathroom so much I had to buy some baby wipes for my sore bum. I think this is due to a quasi detox period my body was and still is going through, plus all that water has to come out some way, lol. I think of it like putting engine cleaner through your tired engine, the gunk is going to come out, one way or another. The taste of some of these supplements is plain horrible. I tried them with water the first day and figuratively almost died. I switched over to using V8 juice and the taste is almost completely masked. I can’t wait to hit the gym so I can update this review with how great I feel before during and after working out, thanks to bulk supplements.
🐆😺MeoW😸🐆 –
This was a ”free in exchange for review “deal, and at 5 days in I am impressed enough that I know I will continue to order this. I became interested in this after seeing the results of Arthrimaxx for cats (excellent pet formula) in my kitty….I was impressed with how that worked and with the long list of benefits particularly from the ingredients Msm and Astareal astaxanthin…so thanks to the supplement review program here when my order of C crystals prompted this offer I knew I wanted to try Msm!
Product quality/delivery/packaging..Always Excellent from this company!
Taste: I prefer to add this into my large water bottle( 1/4-1/2 tsp), and either add 1000 mg C crystals to it, or take a C pill with it, this takes care of the Not forgetting the C or extra water issue…I don’t find there to be ANY taste unless a slight lemon taste if I use the C crystals…so I would say if you taste it try putting in a larger amt. of water….I do think that even though I also throw some in my morning shake, that taking it in my water later in the day is nice because you get a slower longer release of it vs. the all at once of the shake, and it gives you a nice lift ( not like caffeine, but a definite lift and increase in energy)….also since heat can destroy this in natural foods, that’s why I don’t put this in my coffee etc..
Gradual Buildup: I did this with my cat and with us…My husband has gout so I was particularly interested in this helping him, but he is also prone to cramping, so I wanted to introduce it slowly..we split a shake, so I used 1/4 tsp the first 2 days, now 1/2, will probably go to 1 tsp ( maybe more, but he doesn’t drink as much water as I do)…for myself, I added the extra 1/4- 1/2 tsp in my water in the afternoon and that’s when I really felt like I could tell a discernable difference. ( my expectation with the shakes were that it would likely take a month or so and that it would be a subtle change)
What I noticed: I have no joint pains etc…but am prone to headaches…I noticed that in the water with the C,( and sometimes green coffee pwdr also Bulk Supp.), if I am feeling a bit of a headache or sore throat that it definitely takes the edge off…if I I do take a half of an an ibuprofen it seems to amplify the effects of it …I always try to save that for a last resort though years ago I used to take ’em 4 at a time, several times a day! ( its amazing what getting rid of food additives and eating more plant based diet will do!!!)…the pain relief seems to last about 4-5 hours, as does the “lift” in energy and endurance….as far as side effects, none except first time I dumped the 1/2 tsp in my water, a little gas for a short period of time
In my cat ( from arthrimaxx)….within a week a Marked improvement in the limp and in overall happiness energy!, a little more thirsty but no problems ( and I was worried cuz she’s my sensitive tummy baby, though I did read that msm can help an acidy belly!)
Detoxing: Everyone is different and since we have cleaned up our diet a lot over the past few years, we don’t get as strong detox symptoms so if you are just starting out on that journey, EXPECT some of these effects ( headache, skin, fatigue etc..), and please don’t just assume its a side effect…drink extra water, and back down the dosage if you must but stick with it!…and if you are taking this for the skin effects…clean up your diet and especially get rid of msg ( watch” hungry for change”) and all artificial sweeteners, that alone made a MASSIVE difference in my skin and migraines!!!!! I wish someone had told me that in my teens!!!
Skin: took the Astareal (sports research brand 12mg black bottle) for 10 days prior to this..made my skin more plump & supple, gave me a really nice ( subtle but nice) colour to my skin ( much like when we started juicing carrots and I got a light golden colour and everyone thought I’d been tanning, this added a nice rosey tone)…also started fading my obnoxious sun spots and allows me to skip the sunscreen when gardening!
The Msm made my skin clearer and finer textured, and helped clear up minor breakout quickly, I think it is also helping with the sun spots…tightened up a little too, the two together are a nice combo…I even made a toner by putting 1/4 tsp msm in a shotglass of water Love it!! …btw use only on clean skin, as msm is a transporter good and bad, so following up with moisturizer Good…using it as a quick cleaner and risking letting bacteria go deeper Bad! ( in fact I’m careful with it for that reason even when putting in my water, I always make sure my hands are extra clean when handling it and I store it in a Glass jar)
It occurs to me that years ago I tried proactive wich made me worse EXCEPT the masque wich I think was Sulfur based hmmmm, I really liked that and this toner has that feel!
Overall: supplements can take time, so I give at least 3 months to really decide, there have been hits and misses along the way, this is a hit, and although I started it mainly as a healthy additive, I have been impressed with the energy/pain relief/skin effects…Great price/Great company!