Descrição do Produto: Lime Powder – Pó de Limão Desidratado
O Pó de Limão Desidratado da é um produto de alta qualidade, elaborado a partir de limões frescos que passam por um processo de desidratação a ar, preservando seu sabor intenso e propriedades nutricionais. Este pó é ideal para quem busca adicionar um toque cítrico a diversas receitas, como smoothies, sucos, molhos, marinadas e sobremesas. Com uma textura fina e fácil de misturar, o pó de limão é uma alternativa prática ao limão fresco, oferecendo conveniência e durabilidade. Além disso, é uma excelente fonte de vitamina C e antioxidantes, contribuindo para uma dieta equilibrada e saudável.
1. Sabor Intenso: Proporciona um sabor fresco e vibrante, ideal para realçar o gosto de diversas preparações culinárias.
2. Praticidade: A desidratação a ar garante uma longa vida útil, permitindo que você tenha limão disponível a qualquer momento, sem a preocupação de estragar.
3. Rico em Nutrientes: Fonte natural de vitamina C, que ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a combater radicais livres.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em bebidas, pratos salgados e doces, oferecendo uma ampla gama de aplicações na cozinha.
5. Sem Conservantes: Produto 100% natural, sem adição de conservantes ou aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável.
Para utilizar o Pó de Limão Desidratado da, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de chá do pó em suas receitas, conforme o gosto pessoal. Para bebidas, misture o pó em água ou em sua bebida favorita, garantindo que esteja bem dissolvido. Em preparações culinárias, o pó pode ser incorporado diretamente em massas, molhos ou marinadas. Armazene em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades e sabor.
Ryan –
Bought this product because I make my own electrolyte powder and wanted to flavor the mix. This is advertised as no added sugar/sugar free and that’s technically true but be advised maltodextrin is a processed sweetener. I had headaches from the electrolyte mix I made and after extensive testing over the last month the offending ingredient was the maltodextrin. Want to return this but the return window closed four days ago. Oh well, live and learn. But I’m disappointed that maltodextrin was not listed as an ingredient when I bought it (Aug 2024). Hopefully they change the listing. On with my search for something naturally flavored, or back to the more expensive but appropriate lime or lemon crystals.
K. Durivage –
Doesn’t dissolve well or taste good.
Amazon Customer –
If you have have never tried lime powder, you really should but now use it on chicken on vegetables I’ve put it on ice cream. I try it out even on green beans how it’s such a flavor enhancer is amazing. And yes, I put it in my water bottle every day I think I’m getting addicted to it. I love it.
What I ordered vs what I got –
I really like this
Edie Doherty –
I was using TrueLime before but it was getting expensive as I use it everyday. I decided to try bulk lime powder because it was more economical. It does the job, however it doesn’t taste as real as the TrueLime. I will get this again when I need to cut costs.
Sarah Spring –
If you like to eat the white part of a citrus peel. Then this is the product for you. I use true lime crystalized powder to add to my water as a flavor enhancer, really enjoy the flavor, like squeezing a lime wedge into the water. This product may be cheaper, but that is probably bc based on the taste, color and consistency it is made from grinding up lime peels after the zest has been removed. Absolutely unusable, even if it tasted good, it is such a fine powder it won’t mix in with any water, just clumps in sticky blobs. There is a reason humans don’t eat citrus peels, they taste disgusting and so is this product. Now I have a pound of unusable and un-returnable powder. Try to save a buck and wasted more. We generally really like bulk supplement products, this one is a hard pass.
Caleb Wall –
This is more of a disconnect between the perception and actuality. I wanted to make the LMNT electrolyte recipe they post on their website and decided to try lime powder instead of lime juice for the citrus flavor. The direct comparison between the 2 results in the lime powder being unbearable and the lime juice being delicious. I’m sure there are uses for this product, but the normal lime flavor like you would get from lime juice is not what you will get.
Muskrat –
Flavor is just okay I had to sweeten it a bit. If you like bitter it might be okay!