Descrição do Produto: Organic Green Tea Extract Powder
Descubra o poder da natureza com o nosso Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico em Pó da Este suplemento herbal é uma verdadeira joia para aqueles que buscam uma vida saudável e equilibrada. Cada porção deste pó é um verdadeiro baú de tesouros, repleto de antioxidantes e nutrientes essenciais que promovem o bem-estar geral. O Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico é cuidadosamente elaborado para capturar a riqueza da terra, oferecendo os nutrientes necessários para uma saúde vibrante.
Apoie sua jornada de bem-estar de forma intuitiva com nosso Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico. Este suplemento em pó foi projetado para se integrar perfeitamente ao seu estilo de vida natural, sendo adequado para uso diário. Com ele, você pode facilmente incorporar um suporte saudável à sua rotina, sem a necessidade de regimes complicados ou preparações elaboradas.
Simplifique sua jornada de saúde com o nosso Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico em Pó. Alcançar suas metas nutricionais diárias nunca foi tão fácil. Diga adeus às receitas demoradas e complicadas; agora, você pode desfrutar de uma maneira simples e direta de apoiar seu bem-estar a cada gole.
Ao escolher nosso produto, você experimenta a confiança que vem de um suplemento que passa por rigorosos testes de terceiros. Valorizamos a transparência e a integridade em nossa formulação e produção, garantindo que você saiba exatamente o que está consumindo.
Comprometidos com a excelência, nosso Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico é produzido em uma instalação que atende aos rigorosos padrões cGMP. Isso garante que você possa confiar na consistência e na qualidade do nosso produto, lote após lote.
– Rico em Antioxidantes: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Suporte ao Metabolismo: Pode auxiliar na perda de peso e na queima de gordura.
– Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso natural de energia sem os efeitos colaterais do café.
– Melhora da Concentração: Contribui para a clareza mental e foco, ideal para dias produtivos.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a manter a saúde.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Extrato de Chá Verde Orgânico em Pó, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 3 gramas) do pó em água, sucos ou smoothies. Pode ser consumido uma a duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Para melhores resultados, combine com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Joshua Samuelson –
I’m giving this 5 stars because I don’t think it’s fair to mark it down because of the taste, but seriously it tastes bad. It reminds me of when you accidentally leave a tea bag in for away too long but it’s 1000x more intense. It might be less obvious if it were in a smoothie, but don’t think you can just add this to coffee and not notice it.
Now for the positive. It seems to really work for my ADHD symptoms. I’d take it alongside Mucuna and it seemed like the combo really made a difference, like a fog was lifted and it just got easier to focus. YMMV based on your neuro-chemistry, but it’s definitely worth a shot if you’re looking to avoid stimulant medication. There’s a warning on the bag to not take it for more than 3 months, I think there’s some worry about liver toxicity or something, so be aware of that. But for an occasional brain lift, it seems to really work.
T. Pollard –
I can only really comment now on delivery, taste, ease of use, because I’ve only had it for a week. It arrived on time, in perfect condition, no complaints there. Like everyone mentioned, the taste is something else, and I can usually handle strange tastes, but this is bitter & not good. However I take it in my morning coffee, a little after my workout in a protein drink mixture, and mixed with protein powder before bed time, they seem to help with the taste somewhat. It’s easy to use, which is why I like the powdered form, I can mix it in my drinks easily, that’s what I wanted to do.
As for the reviewers mentioning the bag not closing, they were right, it does not close. I looked closely, and noticed the powder itself is in the ziplock crevices, which prevents it from ziplocking up. I think the company needs to put the product in the bag, ziplock it first then mend the very top like they do after ziplocking it first, and that would solve the problem.
I put my powder in a mason jar. Then I used water to fill the bag, poured that remaining mixture in a cup, because im not wasting any product, lol. Then I rinsed the bag throughly again, and dryed it up. The bag was then able to ziplock as it should. But I kept my powder in the mason jar, it’s easier for me this way. But for others who want to use the bag, do these steps, and put the powder back into the bag, and you should be good to go, it should ziplock like it should.
I will come back to update you all If the product has aided me in my weight loss/ overall well-being journey that I’m doing. Thank you
Cristi –
As far as a green tea extract goes, this is about as good as it gets. I’ve noticed a few people accidentally buy this thinking it is green tea – it is not. It’s an extract, so it won’t have the pleasant flavor of a tea. It is orangish-tan, somewhat chalky, fairly bitter in taste, and a little difficult to dissolve in straight water. Like others, I’ve been using it in smoothies instead of trying to take it straight in water or a flavored drink, and have found it to add a slightly earthy taste to fruity smoothies that pretty much goes away the more green (veggie based) I make the smoothie. Unlike others, I did not notice a big increase in energy levels, but this was ok since I’m taking it more for the anti-cancer and anti-neurodegenerative benefits. Also…for me, the amount of caffeine is negligible and I do not even notice it despite the fact that I am not a coffee drinker and do not have a high caffeine tolerance. I did notice that when I tried to increase to using 1000mg at a time or even 2 doses of 500mg in a single day, I was more prone to nausea, so I will be sticking with a low dose in a morning smoothie.
K. Wilcox –
I’ve been drinking tea for years. Green tea, black tea, matcha, etc… . Well, I figured I’d give EGCG a try because I drink tea mainly for the health benefits and not because I’m particularly nutty for tea. Well, as most people know EGCG is the main tea ingredient that research point to perhaps being highly beneficial for a variety of ailments (I’m no scientist so I can’t speak to the truth of those claims). Anyway, that’s why I bought this product. And so far so good.
I bought the powdered version (not capsules) and take two 1/8 teaspoon servings per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. It is extremely bitter by itself and not at all pleasant. But, i dissolve my 1/8 teaspoon in maybe an ounce of hot water at the bottom of a coffee cup and fill the rest up with some kind of juice (something with lots of vitamin c because I believe egcg uptake is more efficient when paired with vitamin c — again, i’m no expert, but whatever!). Anyway, the juice makes the egcg taste like just juice, and I’m happy with it.
So, bottom line — don’t listen to me for health advice! Do the research on that and come to your own conclusions. However, this is just what I do, and I’m quite happy so far.
Shewolf Babe –
Everytime I take this I throw up that cannot be normal I have taken this by other vendors and not gotten sick and they don’t seem to care because they refuse to give me my money’s back !! I get they don’t do returns but when your products make people sick it’s probably best to give them there money back! So save yourself from hugging the toilet all day and don’t buy this !! Just to be fair I didn’t take this for 3 days then took it again idk if it was bravery or pure stupidity but after I tried it again boom 7 or so mins later I was in the bathroom throwing up again and spent the rest of said day doing the same thing !! Not to mention the taste is absolutely disgusting idk what the issue is maybe this bag is expired or what but it’s a no go for me !! I feel like the company should remedy me my money back if it was my customer I would feel horrible the fact I bought several other items from them and only this one is defective needless to say if they don’t I won’t be returning for the other items I plan to continue purchasing sadly it is what it is though kinda silly to lose a customer over 12$ but I feel like it’s only right !
Olya M. –
I love to buy from Bulk Supplements!
Good quality, excellent price.
I will buy it again.