BulkSupplements.com BCAA 2:1:1 Powder – Aminoácidos de Cadeia Ramificada, Suplemento de BCAA, Pó de Aminoácidos BCAAs – Sem Sabor
Maximize seu Potencial: Aprimore seu estilo de vida ativo com nosso pó de BCAA, com uma proporção de 2:1:1 de Leucina, Isoleucina e Valina, projetado para apoiar seus objetivos de força e desempenho. Cada porção oferece uma dose substancial de 1000mg, atendendo tanto aos entusiastas do fitness que desejam superar seus limites.
Versatilidade para todos os Estilos de Vida: Seja você um atleta, um corredor ou alguém que simplesmente deseja se manter ativo, nosso pó de Aminoácidos de Cadeia Ramificada, ou pó de BCAAs, se adapta perfeitamente à sua rotina, sendo adequado para uma ampla gama de necessidades e preferências dietéticas.
Otimizado em cada Porção: Nosso suplemento de BCAA, em pó de BCAA 2:1:1, é sem sabor e livre de glúten, oferecendo um produto de alta qualidade que se integra facilmente a outros suplementos ou ao seu shake ou bebida preferida.
Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação em conformidade com rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso pó de BCAA 2:1:1, ou pó de Aminoácidos de Cadeia Ramificada, é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Melhora do Desempenho Físico
Os aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada presentes no nosso pó de BCAA 2:1:1 são conhecidos por melhorar o desempenho físico, ajudando a reduzir a fadiga muscular e aumentar a resistência durante os treinos.
2. Recuperação Muscular Acelerada
A proporção ideal de Leucina, Isoleucina e Valina em nosso suplemento de BCAA promove uma recuperação muscular mais rápida, reduzindo o tempo de recuperação pós-treino e ajudando a prevenir o catabolismo muscular.
3. Suporte ao Crescimento Muscular
O consumo regular de BCAAs estimula a síntese de proteínas musculares, auxiliando no crescimento e na manutenção da massa muscular magra, o que é essencial para atletas e entusiastas do fitness.
4. Adaptabilidade a Diferentes Dietas
Nosso pó de BCAA é livre de glúten e sem sabor, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com diferentes restrições alimentares e preferências. Ele pode ser facilmente adicionado a shakes, bebidas ou outros suplementos.
5. Qualidade e Confiança Garantidas
Nosso produto passa por rigorosos testes de terceiros e é produzido em conformidade com os padrões cGMP, garantindo a qualidade, a pureza e a eficácia do nosso pó de BCAA 2:1:1.
1. Aumento da resistência durante os treinos, permitindo que você treine por mais tempo e com mais intensidade.
2. Redução da fadiga muscular, ajudando a manter o foco e a energia durante as atividades físicas.
3. Aceleração da recuperação muscular, permitindo que você retorne aos treinos mais rapidamente.
4. Estímulo ao crescimento muscular, essencial para quem busca aumentar a massa magra.
5. Facilidade de uso e integração com outras bebidas, tornando a suplementação prática e conveniente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5g) do pó de BCAA 2:1:1 em 200ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma antes, durante ou após o treino, ou conforme orientação profissional. A dosagem pode ser ajustada de acordo com suas necessidades individuais e objetivos de treinamento.
CA. Kline –
I was skeptical in buying this at the beginning, due to some mixed reviews, but I’m glad I did! This has helped my workouts a lot and has helped me with recovery as I’m not feeling as sore the day after my heavy lifts. I lift pretty heavy about 4 times a week and this (plus a few other things) has made my soreness almost non-existent. It has also helped a lot when I take it before working out. I don’t tire out as easy and I can lift for a lot longer. I’d definitely recommend this supplement and company for anyone looking to get good quality product at a decent price.
The only real cons to this stuff are the smell and taste. As my headline says, this stuff smells like a box of stray cats, and it tastes bad, but it’s worth it in the end. You won’t really notice a taste while you’re drinking it, it just leaves a somewhat unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth. I’ve found that taking an extra sip of just regular water helps clear any aftertaste up without a problem.
If you want a seriously good product at a decent price, pick this up. If you’re still on the fence after reading this, do what I did: Order the smallest amount they offer so if you’re not a fan then you’re not losing much.
Ryan Gonzales –
Tellement dégueulasse que j’ai jeté le tout directement !
Jonny S –
In short: Wanted something simple, proven and I could readily mix with Gatorade, Powerade or other liquids. Goals with the product are to see testable performance gains over time, which I will.
Long Story:
Been weight lifting in some capacity since I was 16. I’m almost 40 and have been doing Crossfit for the last 3 years exclusively. I look like I workout but also have enough of a dad’s bod not to be intimidating. You know the shape that someone says “oh they workout, but they also don’t turn down taco’s either.”
The current Male Champion at the Crossfit Games had some good advice in a recent movie about the CF Games. He said ” buy products that have no hype or special blends. Simpler is better!” Been focusing on training & improving my diet over the last couple years so now is a good time to add supplements to shore up weak areas. Went with BCAA, Glutamine, Creatine Monohydrate because they have proven track record IMO and are as old as dirt in the supplement realm. Stumbled across Bulk Supplements on Amazon while doing some research. Seemed like a no-nonsense product with packaging and definitely NO HYPE marketing screaming ” I’m the best so buy me.” I mean it’s basically white powder in a nice sealable white bag.
So I ordered from them. The packages came as described. No scoops provided which is fine. Simple fine thread resealable bags (though I wish they went with the double seal method like zip lock does to help ensure freshness), though no trouble sealing bags so far. The taste mixed with just water is not very specific, not enjoyable either but very very and easily MASKABLE TASTE with any flavored liquid (simple go-to is chocolate milk). Product mixtures seem to dissolve clear with no clumps at all with little effort of stirring.
Nice thing about CrossFit is that it constantly gives you measurable means & methods on your performance. I don’t think these supplements will make or break me, but realistically give me a 2% gain. While that might not sound like a lot the compounding effects over months, days and years add up and that’s what I am in for.
I can already tell I can push myself just a little harder than I use to after about a month of using these supplements. The quantity should last me a few months and at the price point can’t be beaten for quality. WIN-WIN in my book.
Update: 12/4/2009. Love the products still and stand by them. I definitely can tell when I have been on them for longer than a week. Use them when trying to trim up and ready for competitions (local crossfit events) or other highly physically challenging situations. When I’m on glutamine, creatine, and BCAA (in order from most helpful to least helpful for me) I notice some bigger improvements than off when I’m off and just adjusting my diet. The biggest changes occur naturally when I clean up my diet for a while and add in supplementation. So even if “placebo is an effect” this stuff makes me feel better and allow myself to push harder during workouts. That’s what I want and willing to pay for.
Jonny S –
I’ve been working out for a while now, but I finally decided to get serious and was curious to know if supplements could augment my fitness program. After looking at some of the bigger supplements typically used, I decided that a good “pre-workout mix” would be a valuable addition to my lifestyle. However, there were two problems to this solution. First, I found that most pre-workout’s were just out of my budget. I mean, it is outrageous what some of the more name brand companies charge. There is no way I am willing to spend twenty to thirty dollars a month on just a pre-workout mix alone, along with the other supplements that are necessary for a weightlifter. See, this feeds into the second issue I found, which is that even when using the top rated pre-workout mix on the market, you find that they fail to provide the necessary “quantities” of individual supplements. For example, most pre-workouts will put Creatine in their mix as a selling point, but they will skimp on the dosage. It is generally accepted that you need to dose around 5g per day to maintain proper Creatine levels. Very few, if any, pre-workout mixes will contain the proper dosage of key ingredients. And this is only one example; there are several other supplements (e.g., BCAA’s, Taurine, or Vasodilators) that are only added in minimal levels. So, if you use a pre-workout, you will STILL have to purchase additional supplements on top of the monthly mix you buy.
This is where Bulk Supplements comes in. After analyzing the costs, I decided it would be cheaper to just buy my own supplements and make my own pre-workout mix. Since Bulk Supplements offers such a variety of vitamins, minerals, and supplements, and offers them in many different quantities (I love that you can purchase some in the 1kg package), I was able to order most everything I wanted for my mix from them on Amazon. And the best part is that, not only do I control what I put in my body, and the dosage of the supplement, I also only pay about .80 cents a day, total for all of my daily supplements!
But I’ll digress from the info-mercial. I ordered BCAA’s from Bulk Supplements because, like many people, I’m trying to slim down as I strengthen my body. As such, I workout first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, since I’m lifting hard several times a week, I don’t want my body cannibalizing itself, so I made sure to add in these BCAA’s to my supplement mix. That way, I can cultivate an environment where I can burn fat, while still allowing my muscles to thrive, rebuild themselves, and come back stronger than ever each workout. I am no scientist, but I seldom get weak while working out now, and I have noticed I manage to hold onto my gains now better. Plus, although BCAA’s are expensive everywhere, Bulk Supplements prices are decent.
And as always, Bulk Supplements ships their supplements in hermetically sealed foil pouches. Just transfer into another container if you want and you’re done. The only downside is that they don’t offer a measuring scoop of some kind. But the only way they could improve their products is if they mixed and provided their own pre-workout mix!