O Betaine HCl Powder da BulkSupplements.com é um suplemento de cloridrato de betaína que se destaca por sua formulação pura e eficaz, oferecendo 750mg por porção em um pacote de 500g. Este produto é ideal para quem busca maximizar a absorção de nutrientes e promover uma digestão saudável. A betaína, um composto natural, atua como um potente ácido clorídrico, criando um ambiente ideal para a digestão e facilitando a absorção de vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
- ✔️ Maximize a Absorção de Nutrientes: Apoie sua saúde digestiva com nosso pó de Betaine HCl. Nosso ácido clorídrico potente ajuda a fornecer o ambiente ideal para a digestão, auxiliando na absorção de nutrientes.* O nosso pó de Betaine Hydrochloride é o suplemento perfeito para extrair o máximo da sua dieta!
- ✔️ Mantenha seu Intestino Saudável!: Um intestino saudável é essencial para a saúde geral. Nossa Betaine HCl, um suplemento de ácido clorídrico, ajuda a promover níveis saudáveis de flora intestinal relacionados à saúde digestiva.* Adicione nosso pó de Betaine HCl à sua dieta diária para um intestino saudável hoje! Prepare seu corpo para refeições saudáveis com este suplemento fácil!
- ✔️ Sem Extras Indesejados!: Sem glúten e perfeito para todas as dietas! Este pó de Betaine HCl não contém laticínios, soja, açúcar ou sabores artificiais de qualquer tipo, garantindo uma dieta saudável e equilibrada. Além disso, nosso pó de Betaine Hydrochloride é ideal para quem leva um estilo de vida ativo!*
- ✔️ Mistura Fácil: Fácil de dissolver e misturar em água! Basta adicionar 1/3 de colher de chá, ou 750mg, da nossa fonte limpa de pó de Betaine HCl para garantir uma digestão saudável no seu dia a dia! Tome-o no meio da refeição ou ao final da refeição!
- ⭐ Alta Qualidade: Obtenha o suplemento de Betaine HCl de mais alta qualidade do mercado. Fabricado sob padrões cGMP e testado por terceiros quanto à pureza, você pode ter certeza de que está recebendo um produto puro e limpo a cada vez.
1. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Melhora a digestão, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite melhor os alimentos consumidos.
2. Saúde Intestinal: Promove um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, essencial para a saúde digestiva.
3. Sem Aditivos Indesejados: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois é livre de glúten, laticínios e açúcares.
4. Fácil de Usar: A mistura simples em água torna o uso prático e conveniente em qualquer rotina.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Betaine HCl Powder, recomenda-se adicionar 1/3 de colher de chá (equivalente a 750mg) do pó em um copo de água. Este suplemento pode ser consumido no meio ou ao final das refeições, facilitando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Amazon Customer –
Great product! I bought it because I’ve struggled with weird digestive issues for most of my life. I couldn’t pin them down to any particular food or trigger. I finally came across an article that mentioned problems associated with having low stomach acid and they seemed to fit my situation – fatigue after eating especially large or fatty meals, random stomach pain after and during eating, slow digestion and possible bacterial fermentation of food that hasn’t been broken down properly, etc.
So, I bought this brand of HCL since I’ve tried other products of theirs in the past and enjoyed them. I also wanted powder because I have a hard time swallowing pills. Other people have said that the taste was terrible but I didn’t mind it. If you mix it with water then it tastes like very sour lemonade without the sugar. Unfortunately, this stuff is very acidic (obviously) and it left my teeth feeling gritty all day afterwards. So, I recommend buying some pills and filling them yourself in order to save your teeth (and probably esophagus too) from damage.
Since I have a hard time taking pills I bought some size 3 ones.. the big ones are size 0 and 00 so I would avoid those if you also have difficulty. From other reviews I determined that a single dose should be around 1/8 tsp. It takes 2 1/2 size 3 pills to equal 1/8 tsp so that’s a bit annoying but it’s necessary for me. If you bought a size 0 or 00 pill I’m sure you could fit most if not all of the dose in there and take fewer pills.
I’ve found that I only need one or two 1/8 tsp doses to get symptom relief. I take more for big meals and less for smaller meals or snacks. Some people have recommended taking as much HCL as you can until you feel the burning sensation which means you’ve taken too much. Other people say to take it until you get relief, which is what I’ve been doing. It really has made a big difference for me. Less/no fatigue after eating larger meals, and only rarely do I get random stomach pain. I highly recommend it for anyone who has had weird digestive issues they can’t pin down!
Laura D. James –
I use Betaine HCL made from beets to help me digest my food. I’ve suffered from sluggish digestion for years. One day I read that often people with poor digestion have low stomach acid. Light bulb moment! I’m just starting to create my own Betaine capsules with Bulk Supplements Pure Betaine HCL Powder. The price makes taking betaine a lot cheaper. The only thing I wish is that they carried pepsin to use with the betaine. I’ve heard that betaine doesn’t work without pepsin so I don’t know if I will be able to continue using Bulk supplements betaine unless I find pepsin in bulk also.
Circles –
Pure BETAINE HCL without additives and most importantly no PEPSIN. Many people don’t realize that many side effects from supplements are NOT from the actual target substance, BUT from additives AND the amounts taken. Even gelatin capsules alone can cause significant side effects in many. Anticaking agents is another evil by itself. So if you get side effects from this product – you either do NOT need it or you take too much. For me, I needed only about 80mg with each meal to get rid of digestive issues, and then I had to gradually reduce the amount to about 20mg per meal (taken in vegetable capsule before each meal, about 1/3rd of a size 1 capsule to start with). After 4 weeks, my natural acid levels were restored and I had to discontinue betaine. It really helps with digesting proteins. Do not take it unless you have a good amount protein in your meals. Never take it without having a meal after.
It’s good to have on hand for the future if the symptoms return. In my experience, there is no need for long term intake as it can cause issues. Start with 20mg and build up until your symptoms disappear. Common suggestion on internet is to start with 500MG and for MANY it’s overkill! You’ll get insomnia, restlessness, rashes, etc., from being too acidic. So this is a GOOD product, and quite a find – because it’s pure Betaine HCL.
Surfsteve –
Been using this for a few months now. Used to use TMG but it gave me terrible breath. Unlike TMG this stuff tastes terrible but it actually improves breath and body odors instead of causing them. I’m surprised that I can take up to a tablespoon with no bad effects. I dissolve it in water, drink it down and chase it with clean water, swishing my mouth out several times to get rid of the acid. I’m pretty sure it has all the good health benefits of TMG with out the body odor. Thought about taking both since I have a ton of the other stuff left over. I’ve read that a tablespoon of this stuff in a glass of water is 10,000 times more acid than vinegar yet a glass of vinegar would make me sick while betaine HCL does not. Might take some getting used to. Start very low and increase. A also found out that it discourages my thirst and I have to force myself to drink more water or I get really dehydrated. Fixed all of my digestive problems and cured cold sores. At least I thought I was cured and stopped taking it. A month later got very sick. I feel great once again taking it. I think you also need extra calcium because your body uses calcium to buffer the HCL. Started taking Kal brand bone meal powder and I think the two supplements complement each other very well. If you don’t mind having rotten garbage can breath go ahead and take TMG form of betaine. Otherwise suck it up and take this stuff. I’ve read the bad breath comes only after taking a teaspoon or more a day of TMG but once you got it it’s hard to get rid of because you will feel so good from taking it. I can’t recommend this stuff enough. It’s cheap and it works!
bbb –
took half a dose and it made me sick.