Descrição do Produto: BSL 100%% Pure Stevia Extract Powder Without Erythritol 0.6 Oz
Descubra o sabor natural e a doçura sem culpa com o BSL 100%% Pure Stevia Extract Powder. Este extrato de stevia é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma alternativa saudável ao açúcar, sem aditivos artificiais e com zero calorias. Através de um processo exclusivo de purificação, garantimos que nosso pó de stevia seja 100%% puro, sem o amargo residual que muitas vezes acompanha outros adoçantes. Cultivada em locais renomados como México, Peru e as Carolinas, nossa stevia é extraída de forma a preservar suas características naturais.
- 🌱 100%% PURE POWDER STEVIA: Obtemos a stevia pura sem aditivos através de um processo de purificação único, onde não são utilizados álcoois ou enzimas, razão pela qual não possui o amargo residual e é amigável à percepção natural do consumidor. A stevia em grande escala é cultivada em uma variedade de locais, incluindo México, Peru e as Carolinas (Norte e Sul).
- 🌱 EXTRAÇÃO & PURIFICAÇÃO: Nosso pó de stevia orgânica pura é produzido apenas com extração e purificação em água. Como este é um processo extremamente natural, algumas substâncias coloridas das folhas de stevia permanecem em solução em quantidades muito pequenas, sem afetar o sabor e a pureza. Evitamos o uso de qualquer branqueamento químico ou purificação alcoólica para proteger a total naturalidade do pó de stevia puro.
- 🌱 CONFIÁVEL & CERTIFICADO: Produto de propriedade feminina. Certificado Kosher. Amigo da dieta Keto e Vegana, sem adoçantes artificiais. Não-OGM. Livre de solventes orgânicos e enzimas, tornando o BSL BSweetBNatural um produto natural seguro e de ótimo sabor de pó de stevia puro sem aditivos. Sem sabores naturais.
- 🌱 QUALIDADE SUPERIOR & LIVRE DE PESTICIDAS: Nossos fornecedores mantêm os mais altos padrões no cuidado e seleção da planta, com zero uso de pesticidas ou metais pesados, e com uma política rigorosa de rastreamento que garante que o processo de colheita não interfira nas características naturais da planta, resultando em um pó de stevia sem eritritol.
- 🌱 INGREDIENTES: Apenas um, Extrato de Folha de Stevia. Purificado e extraído apenas em água. Não contém enchimentos. Contém zero carboidratos líquidos, é sem açúcar, sem calorias, sem glúten e possui índice glicêmico zero.
- 🌱 COLHER DOSADORA INCLUÍDA: Com apenas 1 colher, você pode substituir cerca de 7 gramas de açúcar, dependendo do gosto de cada pessoa. Um recipiente substitui mais de 1.000 colheres de chá de açúcar.
1. Saudável e Natural: Sem aditivos artificiais, preservando a pureza e o sabor da stevia.
2. Zero Calorias: Ideal para quem busca controlar o peso e a ingestão calórica.
3. Amigo da Dieta: Perfeito para dietas Keto e Veganas, sem comprometer a saúde.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, desde bebidas até sobremesas.
5. Fácil dosagem: A colher dosadora facilita a substituição do açúcar, tornando o uso prático e eficiente.
Para utilizar o BSL 100%% Pure Stevia Extract Powder, comece adicionando uma colher dosadora ao seu chá, café ou smoothie. A quantidade pode ser ajustada conforme o seu gosto pessoal, lembrando que 1 colher substitui aproximadamente 7 gramas de açúcar. Experimente em receitas de bolos, sobremesas ou até mesmo em marinadas para realçar o sabor dos alimentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco para manter a qualidade do produto.
S McCann –
We have searched for a tasty, good Stevia for over a year and this one wins the blue ribbon! At long last we finally found a stevia that is pure, tastes great, with zero aftertaste and is priced and packaged just right. We have only had the bottle for a few days (love the teeny tiny scoop inside, it’s the perfect measure for a cup of coffee) and we just ordered another bottle. Unlike Stevia In The Raw and other stevias found in the grocery stores this stevia is PURE… there is no dextrose, additives or chemicals in this stevia at all. Years ago we vowed to stop using Splenda (it contains dextrose which is very high on the glycemic index, as is sugar) but just could not find a sugar substitute that was flavorful, plant based and did not have an aftertaste so finding THIS pure stevia is truly a home run for us and it will be for you too. Buy with confidence, you will be glad you did!
DorienGrais –
I wouldn’t typically leave a review for a food item but I do feel this brand deserves it.
I had been using a certain liquid stevia for some years. I recently found out it was actually mixed with sugar alcohol. It turns out almost all liquid stevia, at least the ones on this site, have sugar alcohol or is mixed with some other component. I bought one that was just stevia and water but I need like 20+ drops of that to even get my tea or coffee a little sweet. It’s really not good!
So I thought maybe powder is the best option but also struggled to find one that wasn’t mixed with anything.
Having then come across this brand, I’m completely satisfied with this stevia. I hope the ingredient stays this simple always. The small scoop included makes my matcha tea and coffee taste delicious with just that small amount. I really do not need more than that! I drink tea or coffee around 2 times a day and I’ll order the bigger bag next time since I really liked it. Plus, the company operates in the USA which is always a great thing.
PattyT –
I use this for my coffee. I’ve used it in my oatmeal but it gave me a bitter taste. Lasts a long time.
Figmunt –
I tried to get the top off and couldn’t. I could see any tape that was holding it on. However, I was able to cut out the protective layer and use this product. It is good, it tastes like Stevia and I guess it’s a better stevia so I’ll keep it.
PattyT –
I have been using Splenda for ages but read that pure stevia was the best sugar substitute. I chose this one because it had nothing but stevia in it. When I got it, it was as small as a little spice jar. I couldn’t imagine how there could be so many servings in that little bottle. It comes with a tiny scoop and a tiny scoop is literally all I need for my iced tea, oatmeal, or whatever I want to sweeten. I have not baked with it so I don’t know how the ration will be but the taste is great. I am used to Splenda and even aspartame which have a funky aftertaste but this tastes totally natural to me. I don’t use sugar substitutes a lot but, when I do, it will be this one from now on.
Kathryn –
I found this powder to be very sweet when using the full amount in the dispenser spoon. I recommend starting with about 1/3 the amount. If dispensed in very small amounts this product provides sweetness without after-taste. I generally mix with a little sugar or agave to improve the flavor.
L –
I bought my first jar in 2022 and thought it was the best stevia product I had ever tasted. That little jar lasted for 2 years! When I ran out, I naturally bought another. The first thing I noticed was that the color was yellowish/tan instead of the pure white I had in the first jar. I made my morning cup of tea and had to spit it out with the first sip. I thought maybe the tea had gotten old, because I could not believe there would be anything wrong with the stevia. I made another cup using a different tea. The taste was just as bad. This stevia actually tastes rancid now! What I used to love about this brand is that it is a women-owned company and the product is 100% produced from plants grown in the US. Similar brands outsource their ingredients from China, Bolivia, and other countries. I am so sad that this wonderful product is now awful and I have to waste money trying other brands. The price has also more than doubled in the last 2 years…to the point I would now consider it a luxury item. Sweetening my tea should not cost an arm and a leg. I’d willingly pay it, though, if the product still tasted good. But it is truly awful now.
Ann Belz –
I love pure stevia . It’s very concentrated which is great . The little bottle lasts a long time .
I ran out of the pure stevia that I had bought here on Amazon in a bag and resorted to using stevia in raw packets. This tastes so much better and will not run out in future. I switched to this little bottle because it fits in my purse easily and it has a little scoop to measure . It was so messy with the bag because I had to find something smaller to carry in my purse and I was sticking the end of spoon or coffee stirrer to get out a tiny bit for my coffee . I would end up sticking the wet end back in the stevia by mistake. The little scoop measures perfect . For me like 2 scoops . I am not tempted to stir my coffee with the scoop cause it’s just tiny enough . I put it back in the little bottle not contaminated with coffee. Per ounce this may be more money than a bigger bag but well worth it for just me . Will last a very long time . Can’t beat the convenience of the little bottle and scoop . Highly recommend.