- As Folhas de Limpeza Higiênicas para Pálpebras Bruder Micro Fine são projetadas para limpar óleo, detritos e maquiagem da área ocular. Além disso, elas também podem ser usadas para manter o Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder livre de óleo e detritos.
- FÁCIL DE USAR: Utilize essas folhas descartáveis diariamente com a Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder para ajudar a manter as pálpebras e cílios limpos e saudáveis.
- CUIDADO ADICIONAL PARA OS OLHOS: Use as Folhas Higiênicas para Pálpebras Bruder juntamente com a Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder diariamente para ajudar a manter as pálpebras e cílios limpos, além de auxiliar no tratamento de sintomas de olhos secos, blefarite, calázio e outras irritações oculares.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Limpeza Eficiente: As Folhas de Limpeza Higiênicas para Pálpebras Bruder Micro Fine são especialmente projetadas para limpar profundamente a área ocular, removendo óleo, detritos e maquiagem, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz e completa.
2. Fácil de Usar: Com sua embalagem individual, essas folhas descartáveis são extremamente práticas e fáceis de usar. Basta retirar uma folha da embalagem e utilizar juntamente com a Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder para obter resultados incríveis.
3. Cuidado Adicional para os Olhos: Além de limpar as pálpebras e cílios, as Folhas Higiênicas para Pálpebras Bruder também ajudam a tratar sintomas de olhos secos, blefarite, calázio e outras irritações oculares. Com seu uso diário, você pode manter seus olhos saudáveis e livres de desconfortos.
4. Compatibilidade com a Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder: Essas folhas são perfeitamente compatíveis com a Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder. Utilize-as em conjunto para obter uma limpeza completa e eficiente, mantendo sua compressa livre de óleo e detritos.
5. Qualidade Garantida: As Folhas de Limpeza Higiênicas para Pálpebras Bruder Micro Fine são produzidas com materiais de alta qualidade, garantindo durabilidade e eficácia. Você pode confiar na Vitaminer Shop para fornecer produtos de excelência para cuidar da saúde dos seus olhos.
Para utilizar as Folhas de Limpeza Higiênicas para Pálpebras Bruder Micro Fine, basta retirar uma folha da embalagem individual. Em seguida, aplique suavemente a folha na área ocular, realizando movimentos delicados para remover óleo, detritos e maquiagem. Recomenda-se utilizar as folhas diariamente, juntamente com a Compressa de Olhos com Calor Úmido Bruder, para obter melhores resultados e manter seus olhos limpos e saudáveis.
Kathy Hacias –
I have been using the Bruder mask without the eyelid sheets. I decided to order the sheets and what a difference. The mask did its job without the sheets but with the sheets it’ so soothing. I will continue to use both together. I was sorry I didn’t order the sheets sooner!!!
Mary-Ann Bourgeois –
I buy these to protect the Bruder eye wrap from getting any oils or dirt on them while using the product. I find these expensive but they work.
Amazon Customer –
Liked the product for keeping the eye compress clean. It would be nice if the eyelid sheets were easier to unfold (to easily find where to peel back the edges) since I don’t like to handle them with my hands very much prior to use. But good product.
Andrea Jannarone –
I’ve had to start using a warm eye mask morning and evening and was worried about it getting dirty and having to clean etc. I have an electric eye mask that has a soft black outer layer. Would be hard to clean and hard to even see when it got dirty. These little things are are amazing. You can use both sides, keeps your eye mask perfectly clean and you know you’re putting something clean over your eyes everytime. I love them!
Stormypetral –
Eye Cleansing sheets are a must. The place them over the eyes and then place the Bruder patch on top. It helps with the temperature and gives you something to wipe away what you need to wipe after the Bruder treatment.
I have purchased 2 complete additional sets, lid prep wipe, eye cleansing sheets, and the Bruder treatment system.
One for sister #1 and one for sister#2. They are astounded as how well this works. I am very happy being BRUDERED! and so are they. Sister #2 was told to just press warm compresses on her eyes. Bruder is much better, easier, and you don’t have to reheat your compress every 2 or 3 minutes to get the benefit of an 8-10 minute treatment. See better, finally have natural tears and all seems to be working Great!!! Not only for me but my sisters as well. Happy BRUDERED
Kathy Mitchell –
These arrived from the US in a plastic bag all crushed up. Ordered via Amazon Australia and shipped from US. Here’s an idea – use sturdy packaging. These goods are crushed inside and out. Not cheap either. Never again!! They are eyelid wipes!!!
sandra olson –
These cloths work well with the eye mask I purchased. They help keep eye make-up from soiling the mask. They also give your eyes a layer of protection while using a heated eye mask.
Philip R. –
Cloth is comfortable and works well with the eye pads.
Marrero, Maria E. –
I used these in preparation for catarat surgery and they are very good. They protect your eyes when you use warm compresses and then you wipe the area.
kay kraf –
This product is for dry eyes recommended by your ophthalmologist and your optometrist. It works for our family. Very easy to use put it in the microwave for about 18 minutes wraps around your eyes, nice and warm and helps keep the moisture in your eyes.