Descrição do Produto: Bark & Whiskers Glandular Support
O Bark & Whiskers Glandular Support é uma fórmula inovadora e completa, desenvolvida especialmente para atender às necessidades de saúde de cães e gatos. Composta por uma mistura de 16 concentrados glandulares liofilizados, este produto oferece componentes naturais que promovem o suporte das glândulas e tecidos do seu animal de estimação. A fórmula é a primeira do tipo, personalizada para machos e fêmeas, utilizando glandulares provenientes de vacas e porcos alimentados com pasto, livres de hormônios e antibióticos.
Este suporte é projetado para proporcionar um equilíbrio hormonal saudável, oferecendo ao seu pet o auxílio extra que ele pode precisar para manter uma saúde geral robusta. O Glandular Support é um produto apropriado para a espécie, elaborado com a saúde do seu animal em mente, e é isento de OGM, glúten e soja. A Bark & Whiskers está comprometida em estreitar a conexão entre você e o bem-estar diário do seu pet, com produtos formulados por veterinários que incentivam passeios mais longos, brincadeiras mais intensas e a criação de memórias inesquecíveis juntos – porque eles também são parte da família.
– Suporte Glandular Natural: A combinação de 16 concentrados liofilizados oferece um suporte eficaz para as glândulas e tecidos do seu pet.
– Fórmula Personalizada: A primeira fórmula completa que atende tanto machos quanto fêmeas, garantindo que todos os pets recebam o suporte necessário.
– Ingredientes de Qualidade: Feito com glandulares de animais alimentados com pasto, sem hormônios ou antibióticos, promovendo uma saúde mais natural.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Proporciona um suporte suave, mas profundo, para manter o equilíbrio hormonal saudável do seu animal.
– Isento de Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de OGM, glúten e soja, ideal para pets com sensibilidades alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Bark & Whiskers Glandular Support, recomenda-se administrar a dose indicada na embalagem, de acordo com o peso e a condição de saúde do seu pet. O produto pode ser misturado à ração diária ou oferecido como um petisco. É importante observar a reação do seu animal e consultar um veterinário caso haja qualquer dúvida sobre a introdução deste suplemento na dieta. Mantenha sempre água fresca disponível e armazene o produto em local fresco e seco para preservar suas propriedades.
Sandra Southerland –
My beagle/husky mix is exhibiting signs of Cushings disease. Testing is scheduled for late next week. The Vet had him on prednisone which caused bleeding ulcers. then prescribed Omeprazole & Carafate which caused vomiting. I stopped these meds and now trying holistic natural supplements. This is suppose to promote normal hormone balance. He is showing signs of improvement.
Le Re Lu Ru –
Got for my male chocolate lab after he was neutered. He was peeing in his sleep and had very low confidence. I spoke with professionals and read some neutering research and came up with low hormone levels possibly causing both. I started him on the recommended dose of the male glandular supplements. It worked so well we tapered him to half and then off. But then he started leaking again so we went back to half dose and now he’s on quarter dose. He has so much confidence, he sleeps dry, and he enjoys all sorts of activities! We got the female support for his black lab sister. She is a little timid and this also helped her confidence levels. I highly recommend this for neutered/spayed young dogs to aid in proper development. The only side effect is maybe a BIT too much testosterone on full dose for extended period of time!! (Hump happy lol)
Helene Lindemans –
Op de site van amazon stond het product in voorraad maar na bestelling te plaatsen en te betalen kreeg ik te horen dat het wel ging duren tot 29 maart 8 april wat op dat moment wel ruim drie weken was. Gelukkig kwam het toch sneller. Maar zou fijn zijn als dat al vermeld staat voor je betaald hebt.
HomeBodyGreen –
I sprinkled a partial scoop on my cat’s food and he ate it no problem. We noticed his coat looked better, he seemed to have more energy, and he filled out (put weight on. He is an older cat.
Hunter –
Our dog feels better and is more alert. He was a rescue at one year old and was pre castrated. He had a lot of energy but as his testosterone diminished his energy gradually faded. With this he gradually began to feel better.
This is 2 months later and he has gained 4 unwanted pounds and is now being treated for a torn ACL. HIS ENERGY IS GONE AND HE GETS SICK FROM THIS AND CAN’T EAT BUT STILL GAINED WEIGHT.
JoeyBishop –
Oh my gosh guys! I have a 9 year old GSD who I had to have neutered since we got a female puppy that I didn’t want to have a litter at 6 mo. After he was neutered, he gained weight, looked years older and lost his desire to play and live basically. I started sprinkling this on his food and I kid you not, within one week he was already acting years younger and after a few more weeks, he is playing like the one year old and is trying to “get together” with her. I can’t recommend this glandular support enough!
As to the taste, which I see some have rated poorly, I don’t know how they know this, but my experience is that when I put it on his food, he eats it with relish and she is even trying to steal it from him. Must taste real good to THEM! Lol!
Lore –
Purchased this supplement due to concerns regarding canine emergency surgery for pyometra. At 3 years old dog could benefit from estrogen-supporting substances, hence Dr.Mercola’s product for canine glandular support. Dog has been off supplement for almost 6 weeks and noticed mild incontinence with urine drips sometimes.
Something to consider are the ingredient’s listings, as there appear to be soy in some and not in others? Funny enough, the female canine version was listing the male canine’s ingredients in the ad pics. To be clear I received jar with proper ingredients, but am watching for more soy-based ingredients. Will get another batch to further see impact on dog’s wellness.
Reborn Flattie –
My two male intact dogs were constantly trying to “romance” my other male neutered dog due to his hormone imbalance. My vet said he was giving off female hormones as a result of getting “fixed” (what a dumb term for throwing his hormone balance off btw). I give him this along with the Canine Hormone Support and the shenanigans have ceased. He loves the taste too. I will never neuter/spay another animal knowing it can throw off their hormone balance. They need their hormones for a healthy life. If a person can’t control their pet when there is another animal in heat around maybe you shouldn’t be a pet owner imo. This supplement is great.
Stuart J. Noelte –
After my dog was spay, she started chewing up things when I wasn’t home. Normally well behaved, her breeder suggested Bark & Whisker’s Glandular Support for female dogs. There is a small scoop in the jar and I put one scoop in each of her meals. After a week, the chewing behavior stopped and hasn’t returned.