Descrição do Produto: Brieofood 5-HTP 200mg por Porção – 240 Cápsulas
O Brieofood 5-HTP é um suplemento inovador que oferece 200 mg de 5-Hidroxitriptofano por porção, proporcionando um total de 240 cápsulas por frasco. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma forma natural de promover o relaxamento saudável e o bem-estar emocional. O 5-HTP é um precursor da serotonina, um neurotransmissor essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na regulação do humor, sono e apetite. Com a garantia de testes de pureza e qualidade realizados por terceiros, o Brieofood assegura que cada cápsula contém apenas os melhores ingredientes, livres de contaminantes.
- Testado por Terceiros para Pureza e Qualidade
- Busca por Vida Saudável, Tornamos uma Realidade
- 200 mg de 5-HTP por Porção – 120 Porções – 240 Cápsulas por Frasco
- Isento de glúten, trigo, leite/laticínios, nozes, soja, ovos, peixe, crustáceos, levedura, açúcar, lactose e aditivos artificiais
- Todos os produtos Brieofood são fabricados nos EUA de acordo com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), um dos mais altos padrões de qualidade do mundo.
1. Promoção do Relaxamento: O 5-HTP ajuda a aumentar os níveis de serotonina, promovendo um estado de relaxamento e bem-estar.
2. Melhora do Humor: Contribui para a redução dos sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
3. Apoio ao Sono: Facilita a regulação do ciclo do sono, ajudando a combater insônias e distúrbios do sono.
4. Controle do Apetite: Pode auxiliar na redução do apetite, sendo uma opção para quem busca controle de peso.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Com testes rigorosos de qualidade, os consumidores podem confiar na pureza e eficácia do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Brieofood 5-HTP 200mg, uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Mile High –
To be sure, this is a large quantity of htp5 for the money. I’ve been taking htp5 for many years and I remember prices many times higher than this.
However, I also remember it being much more effective. It could be that my body had adapted and developed a tolerance to to htp5 in general, or it could be that the product is less effective for some reason I can’t determine. I remember years ago feeling deeply relaxed and at peace with the world but it’s been a long time since I’ve had that effect.
Still you’re only risking 15 dollars here which isn’t bad at all. Might be worth a try.
Keith –
I will add more to this after a few month of ingesting these. So far I feel pretty good first week, but no intense dreams like other brands out there so these may not be as strong as other brands like natures way in which to me is very potent 5http
Singing Otter –
Easy to swallow
J. Sidwell –
Family members say maybe, possibly, probably?
Reasonable price.
Brent Hinson –
I can’t rate them either high or low based on their effectiveness, because, as with most supplements, I really can’t tell if these are doing anything or not. I suffer from insomnia and have taken them a few times to help me relax and sleep. One night, I felt like they made a positive difference; another night I felt like they made a negative difference. At some point I’d like to try them for several nights in a row to see if there’s any cumulative effect, but now is not the time.
They seem like a good value for the money, and the capsules are on the smaller side, which makes them relatively easy to swallow.
Gregor Samsa –
Brieofood 5-HTP delivers a potent dose of 200mg per serving of 5-Hydroxytryptophan, providing a natural solution for promoting healthy relaxation. With 240 capsules per bottle, you’ll have a long-lasting supply to support your wellness journey.
As someone who has incorporated Brieofood into my daily routine, I can attest to its effectiveness. It has become one of my go-to supplements for promoting a calm and balanced mood, especially during stressful times.
Results may vary from person to person, as with any supplement. Some users may experience a noticeable improvement in mood, relaxation, and overall well-being shortly after starting this supplement regimen. However, individual responses can vary based on factors such as dosage, frequency of use, and overall health status.
Third-party lab tested for quality and purity, you can trust Brieofood to deliver consistent results. If you’re looking for a natural way to support relaxation and mood balance, give Brieofood 5-HTP a try and see the results for yourself.
ilo –
I’ve used these capsules for about a week now and, for me, they do seem to promote the qualities needed for going to and staying asleep.
Everyone’s body chemistry is different so I can only speak as to how they have benefited me personally.
I’ve tried quite a few sleep-aids that haven’t been as effective as 5HTP. They are easy to swallow and there doesn’t seem to be anything unfavorable about the flavor of the pills.
A good option for me. I’ll keep these in the medicine cabinet for the nights when I can’t quite turn my brain off.
Keith –
**Product Description**: Supplement: 5-HTP, 120 servings, serving size: 200mg
**Price at Time of Purchase:** $14.20
**General Impression:**No issues at all with the product itself. Packed well and it appears as advertised. Primary win for it is the overall price per serving and that it is 3rd party lab tested.
**Buy or Pass?**Buy – at this price or higher. I’m currently subscribed to it for auto-delivery every 3 months.