Descrição do Produto:
O Serum de Tratamento para Acne BREYLEE Tea Tree Clear Skin é um produto altamente eficaz para o tratamento de acne severa, espinhas, remoção de cravos e reparação da pele. Com uma fórmula suave e textura leve, este serum é enriquecido com óleo de Tea Tree e extratos de folha de Camellia Sinensis, que possuem alta permeabilidade. Se você receber produtos com defeito, entre em contato conosco o mais rápido possível e responderemos dentro de 24 horas.
A fórmula suave deste serum contém múltiplos extratos de plantas, proporcionando uma sensação refrescante e não oleosa, sendo rapidamente absorvida pela pele. Com o uso contínuo por 3-4 semanas, ele trata efetivamente a acne e espinhas, além de reparar os danos causados por elas. Para casos de acne severa, é recomendado o uso deste serum por 2 ciclos.
O Serum de Tratamento para Acne BREYLEE Tea Tree Clear Skin reduz a vermelhidão da acne e espinhas, além de reparar a pele. Sua fórmula contém múltiplos ingredientes naturais que aumentam o metabolismo das células da pele, mantendo a elasticidade e hidratação da pele.
Com uma capacidade avançada de penetração, este serum com moléculas pequenas penetra profundamente na pele, tratando e removendo efetivamente a acne e espinhas. Além disso, ajuda a reparar danos na pele, reduzir o tamanho dos poros e melhorar a aparência áspera causada pela acne, proporcionando alívio e suavidade à pele.
O pacote inclui 1 frasco de 17ml do Serum de Tratamento para Acne. Além disso, oferecemos um serviço amigável, caso você tenha alguma dúvida ou sugestão ao usar o serum, basta nos enviar uma mensagem e teremos prazer em ajudar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 🌟 Tratamento eficaz para acne severa, espinhas e cravos.
- 🌟 Fórmula suave e textura leve, de rápida absorção.
- 🌟 Reduz a vermelhidão da acne e repara a pele.
- 🌟 Penetração avançada na pele, tratando e removendo a acne.
- 🌟 Serviço amigável e suporte ao cliente.
- 🌱 Eficácia comprovada no tratamento de acne severa, proporcionando resultados visíveis em poucas semanas.
- 💧 Hidratação e reparação da pele, evitando o ressecamento comum em tratamentos para acne.
- 🌿 Ingredientes naturais que minimizam irritações e promovem uma pele saudável.
- 🔬 Tecnologia de penetração profunda que maximiza a eficácia do produto.
- 📞 Suporte ao cliente disponível para esclarecer dúvidas e garantir a satisfação do usuário.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o Serum de Tratamento para Acne BREYLEE Tea Tree Clear Skin na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até completa absorção. Recomenda-se o uso contínuo por 3-4 semanas para tratar a acne e espinhas, e 2 ciclos para casos de acne severa. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um dermatologista.
cindy –
Works well for acne and noticed significant improvements of my skin looking smoother than before, the serum is lightweight and absorbed easily; small bottle for the price.
Kevin & Liz –
My teenage daughter broke out and pimples on both sides of her face. she’s never had a breakout like this and we don’t know what caused it. But it was so significant that I thought it might leave pitting and scarring on both sides her face. She has been trying a lotta different remedies including washing her face and using tea tree oil. It wasn’t working so I decided to order this stuff for her. For $11, I really wasn’t expecting much. But the results were noticeable after one day of applying it morning and before she went to bed. Play pimples had really flattened out after using this the first day. She is now on day 3 and bald patches look considerably better and are healing. She said she’s going to continue using it until they’re all gone but I could definitively report that this stuff really works. I think the biggest benefit is coming from her putting it on before she goes to bed and leaving it on her face all night. But she replies in the morning. I definitely recommend this stuff.
Alice Vihonska –
After 1 use i found this serum has completely dried out my skin and my chin has been a flaky and sore to touch for almost 2 weeks. Makeup won’t even cover it.. so I’d say apply with caution. On the plus side i have noticed how it calms my spots and reduces the redness and swelling. So not completely sure about the product so far. Pros and cons.
Fatma Nusser –
My acne really hurt my self esteem and I was tired of products that didn’t do what they said, until I found this one. It helped my skin within days and after 2 or so months I would barely get new spots, and it helped immensely with scarring. My skin isn’t clear but it’s so much better than it was before. Highly recommend, but only after using a face wash & moisturiser.
Amazon Kunde –
Hat bei mir nur ganz wenig geholfen, leider sehr teuer für die Menge
P. Tran –
I don’t have a lot of pimples but I have super oily skin and, with that, comes the cystic acne, especially around that time of the month. I was looking for an acne treatment that would dry up the pimples but not over drying for my skin. Unfortunately this is not it. I used it for a month and during that time it did not help at all with my pimples. I like that it’s quite moisturizing without being greasy and soaks in the skin quickly. But that’s not why I bought it. It looks like many people had good results so maybe it’s just my skin. I don’t recommend it but maybe worth a try. It’s pretty inexpensive so you won’t break your bank.
alisha b. –
This product doesn’t even work, even though I used as directed. Would definitely NOT recommend this for “spot treatment” since it doesn’t work literally at all. Takes forever to rub into the skin, and tingles after like you put mint on your face or something. It felt like I was rubbing in my Garnier Fructis anti-frizz serum into my face, that’s how thick and heavy the oil feels on my skin. And that was only 1 drop. I bought this for spot treatments because that’s what the product page and reviews recommended it for. My skin is good and more prone to being dry. I’ve been having uncharacteristic random breakouts lately and thought this would help, but obviously not. This might work for some people, but my zits are deep under the skin (they’ll hurt because they’re too big, etc.) and maybe this just isn’t powerful enough to penetrate to that level of my skin. I’m afraid to put this all over my face because I feel like it would cause me acne. Too late to get my money back, disappointed. :l
Omar Cssy –
Good but most use it for quite long
Brian Polan –
I am a quarter of the way through my 2nd bottle and it’s just every..
if you have acne, just try it.
A few years ago I developed (hormonal) bad cystic acne. I’ve tried a thousand different products (drug store because I’m broke) and I felt defeated. I love makeup so much, but it was starting to become a necessity not for fun.. because my skin was just destroyed with acne and scars.
I have combo more on the oily side. And HUGE nose pores (not like a few little dents, like large craters). This product. Dryer up just the cystic acne and the rest of my skin was not. I’ve noticed a reduction of my acne scaring and also redness. I am able to wear it under make up and I apply it on dry cleansed skin, allow it to dry down and apply moisturizer. Then I do my makeup a routine.
(**Replenish your skin with moisturizer, when you strip the oils from your face it causes over production of oil, so replenishing the moisturizer keeps me less oily. )
I just love it and it’s only $10.99 if it doesn’t work out. I think this is a great product and can see this being so beneficial for all types of acne and skin type (including sensitive skin).
Joy –
First I need to preface this by saying I’m in my mid 30s and have hormonal acne around my chin/jawline that just doesn’t want to go away. It seems like I have acne at all times – when one heals, another one somewhere else pops up. I actively wash my face twice a day, change my pillow cases 2-3 times a week, don’t touch my face, healthy diet, etc. but I just can’t get rid of these hormonal acne (especially around the time of the month is guaranteed a breakout).
I feel like I’ve tried every drugstore product for acne, then ventured to more expensive Sephora brands for acne but nothing worked. I didn’t like paying an arm and a leg for things that don’t work. So I checked Amazon, the first brand I tried was DRMTLGY which didn’t work. I tried a Diva Stuff acne pillow spray next, which also didn’t work. Then La Roche Effaclar acne face wash, and surprise – didn’t work.
I didn’t expect anything from this BREYLEE Acne Treatment Serum, since literally nothing worked for my hormonal acne. So I was SHOCKED when it finally worked. I wish I took before and after photos (but again, I didn’t think it would work like all the others I’ve tried). My skin is the clearest its been in a really long time. I’ve only been using the BREYLEE about a month, and my acne is not 100% gone, but close – maybe, 90-95% gone, and I know its just getting clearer by the day.
NOTE: I find this works best WITHOUT any other products on top of it. Let it work its powers. I wash my face, towel dry, use witchhazel toner on a cotton pad, then apply the BREYLEE along my problem areas (mainly around the jawline on both sides of my face). I will use my regular skincare routine (moisturizers, eye cream etc.) everywhere else on my face, but not apply on top of the BREYLEE.
I used to use 3 drops at a time, but now I’m down to 2 drops each time. Highly recommend and will purchase again when I’m done.