Descrição do Produto: BPI Sports Nite Burn – Nighttime Fat Burner
O BPI Sports Nite Burn é um queimador de gordura noturno formulado para auxiliar na perda de peso enquanto você dorme. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes, este suplemento foi desenvolvido para maximizar a queima de gordura, promover um sono reparador e melhorar a recuperação muscular. Sua fórmula avançada contém extratos naturais que ajudam a acelerar o metabolismo, além de ingredientes que favorecem a redução do apetite e a eliminação de toxinas. Ideal para quem busca resultados eficazes sem comprometer a qualidade do sono, o Nite Burn é a solução perfeita para quem deseja otimizar sua rotina de emagrecimento.
1. Queima de Gordura Noturna: Acelera o metabolismo durante o sono, promovendo a queima de gordura enquanto você descansa.
2. Melhora do Sono: Contém ingredientes que ajudam a relaxar e a melhorar a qualidade do sono, essencial para a recuperação muscular.
3. Redução do Apetite: Auxilia no controle da fome, evitando excessos e ajudando na manutenção de uma dieta equilibrada.
4. Desintoxicação: Contribui para a eliminação de toxinas do organismo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
5. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes de origem natural, é uma opção segura e eficaz para quem busca emagrecimento saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o BPI Sports Nite Burn, recomenda-se tomar uma dose de 1 cápsula cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e utilizar o produto como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares. Para maximizar os efeitos, mantenha uma rotina de sono consistente e evite o consumo de estimulantes nas horas que antecedem o uso do produto.
Monique –
I’ve tried it twice now and both times it’s like it gets stuck in the bottom of my throat and it burns a little. It’s not unbearable but it’s annoying. Like heartburn almost. Don’t think I’m going to be finishing it
J&J –
After years of this being my go to, the formula changed.
First~ the pills used to be blue now they are a see through caplet to a brown powder.
Second~ I have taken this 4 times now, 2 pills each time. They do not work.
As a matter of fact, it’s 2:17 am & I took BPI Nite Burn at 1130 pm.
I’m wide awake.
Thanks BPI for fixing what wasn’t broken & now being on day 4 of no sleep.
9/25/18- Update
I wanted to do an update bc I realize it’s been almost 2 years since my original review.
This is Still the only sleep aid that consistently works on my stubborn insomnia and,
allows my to wake up feeling rested not like I’ve been drugged.
I don’t know how or why it works but it does. (Still haven’t lost an oz & still don’t care. Sleep is Gold.)
I took the BPI Nite Burn all through 2017 & maybe forgot what a struggle sleep was before BPI.
In 2018, sleep aids became a thing & the BPI price went up so I shopped around.
ZzzQuil, Nytol, Genius’ Sleep, even Tylenol PM and so many more homeopathic & drug induced, all OTC.
All worked for a minute, and most made me get up to pee as I was finally falling asleep.
I just got my BPI back last night & it is the first time in a long time, I slept all night. I feel Great.
I am a 49yo, post menopausal woman, who was a nite owl from an early age.
Drove my mom nuts. She thought I was being difficult, my brain just comes alive after the sun goes down.
Since my hormonal change 7 yrs ago, sleep to me is a distant cousin that visits a couple times a year.
After my BPI reunion, last night, I’ve learned my lesson & will not stray again.
Original review-
I honestly don’t care if this burns fat or not.
It would be a nice bonus and I should just deduct stars since I don’t think it has had that effect for me but…
I have chronic insomnia and won’t take prescription medication. I have tried everything & they maybe work for a couple days at a time then nothing.
This has worked consistently for over 2 weeks.
I usually fall asleep within 90 minutes & then my body does it’s usual wake up after only 20 minutes of sleep. With the BPI, I’m back asleep All. Night. Long.
If you have ever gone days or weeks without being able to sleep for longer than maybe an hour at a time, you would understand why this is a Lifesaver. My sanity is back.
I can never thank you enough BPI!!
You’ve saved my mind
Amazon_Guy_ –
DO NOT BUY UNLESS YOU’RE ON KETO! Bought this off keto and it did NOTHING! Honestly only reason to use this off keto is for the hunger suppression part, but that’s very minimal.
If you are on keto or trying keto or restarting keto this pill is helpful. Increased ketone levels in your sleep, it helps you get into ketosis faster and helps a little bit when you’re trying to sleep but still hungry before your body adjust to keto.
It’s okay, you’ll feel like you’re burping raspberries so if you don’t like raspberries maybe reconsider.
Overall, good for keto, zero effect off keto.
Amazon Customer –
EXCELLENT Service by the seller ‘Hitesh Enterprises’ . Product is as per description . It works .
Ali paknejad –
it really does work for better and deeper sleep but doesn’t really burn that much fat. at least that’s what I felt for the 2 month that I used it.
Ms Lady T –
This product was recommended to me by a friend. I have definitely been able to get some sleep. Usually if I wake up I can’t go back to sleep. With this product I can wake up and go back to sleep immediately. I definitely feel rested in the morning.
Joa –
First of all, I love the fact that this product is formulated specifically for nighttime use. The ingredients are carefully selected to enhance fat burning while also promoting a restful sleep. This is perfect for someone like me who struggles with both weight loss and sleep issues.
stephenallen019 –
NiteBurn! I’m not doing anything else while I’m sleeping so I might as well be burning away some of those calories my body was thinking I should store and turn to fat. No thank you!
This product is simple, one blue pill before bed (not that kind of blue pill) and it slowly starts to put you in a sleep state (that’s the melatonin, which is natural=non addictive btw and tryptophan). Then the ketone and green coffee bean extract get to work on boosting your body’s digestive thermogenesis which is what your body does to start breaking down macronutrients (fat, carbs and protiens) into usable to calories to refuel your body. This is a process that will take place anyway, you do burn significant calories while your body sleeps, it’s your body regenerating cells so you feel like a new human the next day. This simply introduces supplements that help boost that process into super calorie burning mode.
Simple observations with NiteBurn: When I take the supplement before bed my circadian rhythm which tells my body I’m tired and ready for sleep feels a bit stronger helping me go to bed and go straight to sleep rather quickly, but when I do stay awake I tend to feel and hear my stomach turning a little bit like it’s breaking down some of what I ate earlier even if it was 3-4 hours earlier. Not at all uncomfortable or anything that would keep me up or disrupt my sleep. I do not notice these symptoms when I do not take NiteBurn. As far as overall results of NiteBurn as a total body reconstructive wonder tool, I cannot speak to that as I have used this supplement in conjunction with a well balanced diet and several other nutrients that I have been taking in the AM to keep my body fueled for fat loss and muscle gain.
I do believe the product works and I’m very happy to say that I will continue using it for quite some time.
Dhruva Kumar S –
Amazing product. I can find difference very much with intensive workout. Mere taking tablets doesn’t make any sense so, it’s always good to take after doing a great workout. I have experienced awesome results. Thank you
Khaotic_Unicorn –
Worked well, lost weight. Can’t solely rely on this one product however