As toalhinhas de soro fisiológico para bebês da Boogie são a solução ideal para os pais que buscam praticidade e segurança na higiene dos pequenos. Com uma fórmula especialmente desenvolvida, essas toalhinhas são suaves e delicadas, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz tanto no rosto quanto no corpo do seu bebê. Embebidas em soro fisiológico, elas não apenas removem impurezas, mas também ajudam a hidratar e acalmar a pele sensível, tornando-se um item indispensável na rotina de cuidados.
Cada toalhinha é hipoalergênica e livre de fragrâncias artificiais, álcool, parabenos e ftalatos, garantindo que a pele delicada do bebê esteja sempre protegida contra irritações e alergias. A fragrância de uva, feita com ingredientes 100% naturais, adiciona um toque agradável à experiência de uso, tornando o momento da limpeza mais prazeroso. Com dimensões compactas de 7,62 cm L x 12,7 cm L x 27,94 cm A e um peso leve de 2,2 lbs, essas toalhinhas são perfeitas para levar em passeios, viagens ou mesmo para ter em casa, sempre à mão.
Além disso, as toalhinhas são fabricadas nos EUA, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade, o que garante um produto confiável e seguro para o seu bebê. Elas são especialmente eficazes na remoção de crostas secas e grudentas de muco, aliviando narizes escorrendo e congestionados, o que é um grande alívio para os pais e um conforto para os pequenos.
- Limpeza eficaz: Remove impurezas e crostas de muco com facilidade.
- Suavidade para a pele sensível: Fórmula hipoalergênica que evita irritações.
- Fragrância natural: Aroma suave de uva, feito com ingredientes naturais.
- Praticidade: Embalagem compacta ideal para uso em casa ou em movimento.
- Qualidade garantida: Produzidas nos EUA com altos padrões de qualidade.
Para utilizar as toalhas umedecidas Baby Saline Wipes by Boogie for Face, Body, retire uma toalha da embalagem e passe suavemente sobre o nariz e o rosto do bebê, evitando o contato direto com os olhos. Após o uso, descarte a toalha de maneira adequada. Não é necessário enxaguar. Utilize sempre que necessário para manter a higiene e a limpeza do seu bebê, garantindo conforto e bem-estar em cada aplicação.
April Blake –
They’re meant for kids, but Boogie Wipes are awesome for adults. Unlike our snot-nosed little ankle-biters, we can appreciate just how great it is when we have a cold, to be able to blow our noses and not have the dry tissue irritate the daylights out of a raw and weary nosal area. The grape smell is just wonderful, especially if you’re really stuffed up and it’s one of the few things that you can actually smell. The wipes are sturdy and soothing. Finally, on her third go-around of the Seasonal Virus, my kid DID come around to using a Boogie Wipe instead of being stubborn about blowing her nose, and she decided that she loved them, too. For the time-being. She’ll have forgotten she said anything of the sort by the next time she gets sick. The germs this year are awful, though. Do yourself a favor and buy the 12-pack.
Amani –
l_xi –
Love these for my toddler but they dry out easily so only open one pack at a time. The smell is great and they get the dried crusties off his face easily.
Diana Michelle Long –
My closest stores don’t sell the large packs like this, I can only get singles or quantities of 3. This is WAY cheaper than buying two packs at the store, plus my store doesn’t have scents available only original or unscented. I love using these on my son when he has a yucky nose, it doesn’t make his nose chapped and sore like regular tissues do.
Lauren –
We love these for when the kids are sick, I even use them as an adult when I’m sick! Amazon had the best price for quality. They are great, help prevent a hurting red and raw nose and have a great smell! A favourite and staple in our house at all times.
Jerry G. –
Arrived in good condition. I love these wipes.
Luke Andrew Baker –
We’ve used these for years. So much better than tissues to clear out my kids noses.
GadgetFamily –
These are absolute perfection for tender little noses! We have used both the unscented and grape Boogie Wipes for 10+ years now (though we prefer to call them “Nose Wipes” in our home…lol) and we love both of those scent options! They have a magical way of dissolving the yuckiest of crud from noses and even stuck on food from tender cheeks/mouths.
If you are sensitive to strong fragrances, the grape probably isn’t for you, but it’s potent scent is what we love about it! It’s kind of a grape soda type scent…our kids have never had soda, but most of them love the strong fruity flavor of these wipes and they don’t struggle over face cleaning or nose wiping when we use these!
Personally, I like to warm the wipes if the kids are sick and I’ve done this myriad ways, depending on where we are and what resources are available to me. At home, I like to put some in a silicone zipper pouch and run hot water over the pouch or bend it into a glass of hot water to warm while the kids eat or before I have to wipe noses. Even if the wipes get pretty warm, they cool quickly so I need to move fast! When we were camping, my husband was shocked to discover that I slipped some of the “Nose Wipes” into a Ziploc bag and tucked them into my bra to warm them for the littles lol. Yes, it’s probably embarrassing to admit, but it was amazingly effective! lol.
We consider these a staple and get them through Subscribe & Save!
silkybee –
These cloths are nice and wet, some other cloths are too dry. They smell delicious, like grape! But not too strong. The scent doesn’t linger long, which I really like because that means fewer chemicals. Great for sore noses and a lot of other applications too! I wipe down my body with these in between showers or whenever I want to feel fresher. They are a perfect size, large, but not too huge. They stay nice and fresh in the package for a really long time, even if my daughter leaves the seal open. So no waste! They are very gentle. I have sensitive skin and have never experienced even a hint of irritation. I have these on subscribe and save order every month. Wouldn’t want to even be without them!
Tiana Nunu –
Definitely LOVE this product. The smell too isn’t overbearing, it’s perfect. I reside in Vegas, so the dry heat either comes with dry boogers or a bloody nose from the heat. And it’s great overall when it comes to wiping either boogies off of my son.