Diga Olá à Hidratação: Mantenha-se hidratado e energizado com o sabor refrescante da nossa mistura de bebida Hydromom de limonada de framboesa azul!
O Boobie Hydromom Superfood Electrolyte Drink Mix, sabor Limonada de Framboesa Azul, é uma bebida energética refrescante que combina superalimentos e eletrólitos essenciais. Ideal para mães que buscam uma solução prática e saborosa para se manterem hidratadas, essa mistura transforma água comum em uma verdadeira fonte de energia e vitalidade. Cada caixa contém 15 pacotes individuais, perfeitos para levar a qualquer lugar.
Superalimentos Aprovados pela Boobie
Desde o combate à enjoo matinal até o aumento da produção de leite materno, nossos pacotes de eletrólitos com superalimentos oferecem suporte em diversas situações: reidratação durante a gravidez, hidratação para lactantes, reposição após exercícios e recuperação de ressacas (para mães que estão criando uma família). São veganos, não contêm OGM e são sem glúten, garantindo que você esteja nutrindo seu corpo com os melhores ingredientes.
Projetado para Energizar
Se você está grávida, amamentando ou passando pela fase pós-parto, os pacotes de pó de eletrólitos Hydromom são essenciais para a gravidez e pós-parto. Com energia livre de cafeína proveniente de vitaminas do complexo B, eles ajudam a combater a fadiga e a manter você energizada ao longo do dia.
Desenvolvido por Especialistas
Nossos pacotes de pó de hidratação foram elaborados por Wendy Colson, enfermeira registrada (RN), Consultora de Lactação Certificada Internacionalmente (IBCLC) e mãe de três filhos. Com sua experiência, você pode confiar que este produto foi projetado para atender às necessidades únicas das mães, proporcionando a hidratação e o suporte energético necessários.
Explore Mais Superalimentos para Supermães
A Boobie oferece uma variedade de produtos com superalimentos e essenciais para amamentação para apoiar sua jornada na maternidade. Desde shakes de proteína substitutos de refeição até vitaminas diárias, temos tudo o que você precisa para nutrir seu corpo e aproveitar cada momento com alegria e vitalidade.
- Hidratação eficaz com eletrólitos essenciais.
- Aumento da energia sem cafeína, ideal para mães ocupadas.
- Suporte à produção de leite materno durante a amamentação.
- Fórmula vegana, não OGM e sem glúten, adequada para diversas dietas.
- Praticidade com pacotes individuais para uso em qualquer lugar.
Para aproveitar os benefícios do Boobie Hydromom Superfood Electrolyte Drink Mix, misture um pacote com 240-300 ml de água. Mexa bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma conforme necessário ao longo do dia para se manter hidratada e energizada. Armazene em local fresco e seco.
Michaela –
I thought maybe I missed a key warning in the ads for this stuff on here or on their website but nothing says “sugar free” or “Stevia” other than the ingredient list. I guess it’s my bad because I usually do a better job of seeing that in an ingredient list but I missed it this time until I got an instant headache and nausea and I couldn’t understand why until I look at the label again. It also tastes like cheap protein powder you would buy at a fitness club I even tried to water it down more but even at the most diluted it still tastes like chemicals. Yuck
Alexandria Stirnaman –
I was worried after trying a different product of theirs and not liking the flavor but this one is good! It’s a little salty (but to be expected with this type of product) and little sour but a good flavor with no after taste. I have drank a lot of just water this pregnancy, so this is nice clean alternative. I feel like a do see a little energy boost but it’s no caffeine so it’s nothing major. Just like a tasty little pick me up.
MommaRee –
I LOVE THIS BEVERAGE! This product is marketed to pregnant and breastfeeding moms but is honestly good for anyone. I am not pregnant nor and I breastfeeding but this helps me stay hydrated while traveling or even if I have a busy day and don’t get as much water as I need. You know when you get a headache and it’s probably because you didn’t drink enough water? This helps me get rid of that without taking meds. I would add, I don’t drink more than 1 a day, I start to feel like I’m retaining water when I do.
I’ve purchased both the strawberry kiwi (kind of tastes like jello) and the blue raspberry (kind of tastes like a bombpop) and both flavors are amazing. What I like most about this is that it doesn’t have the salty taste that you get with some hydration packets (I’m looking at you Liquid IV); so I can enjoy the experience vs pounding down a glass of mildly favored salt water.
Alexandria Stirnaman –
I’ve used this for about a month now. My third baby is currently 6 months at the time of this review. Typically, my supply starts dropping some around the 5 month mark and I have to take something to help keep it up from here on out.
1. I love that this powder mixes so easily. Some powders are hard to dissolve, this one is not.
2. It works wonderfully for me. I’ve tried other things before like smoothies, protein mixes targeted towards breast milk, and all usually give me an abundant supply that doesn’t last. This right here gives me the little boost that I need that lasts and helps keep me hydrated. I only drink one packet a day. I’m sure if you need a lot more milk you could drink more, but just read the instructions.
3. Flavor – it doesn’t have the best flavor in my opinion, but it does taste decent. I mix a little bit of another flavor (Skittles packets are my fave) in with it and it’s pretty yummy.
4. Price – I think the price is actually pretty decent. I do try to drink one once a day, but it’s usually every other day or when I’m feeling a little dehydrated. The bag has lasted me for over a month. Compared to others, it’s not too bad.
All in all, definitely recommend.
shanice –
I am not a fan of the taste of this product I just wish it was a little sweeter. But for a quick electrolyte drink it is easy to make. The product is individually wrapped and the quality of the powder is decent, there may be clumps so just mix it well!
SuperJeepGirl –
Tastes a lot like lemonade pretty sweet. Does feel hydrating. I take this and body armour as a breastfeeding mom to help with milk supply
SuperJeepGirl –
I happened to love the taste and texture of the water flavors. I think I first bought some off the website and then I came to Amazon to buy more. I did not like the green apple but the other two were good. The blue raspberry is my favorite though. I bought a few other things from the company and I don’t feel like they have helped my milk production at all. I was excited to find something that was fenugreek-free. But for the price and it not helping my milk supply it’s really not worth it to me. Also, the ones I ordered from Amazon all the packets were clumped up and some of it was hard as a rock and I had to break it up to even be able to put it into my water.
NattyPoo87 –
This is the best hydration packet I have tried so far. Other brands I have tried were so slimy in texture I couldn’t stomach them. I enjoyed the blue raspberry lemonade flavor. I feel like the powder dissolved fairly easily, minimal stirring required. In general I assume I used more water than it called for because I don’t like a super strong flavor. I fill up a large plastic cup with ice and water and would mix the powder in.
My one complaint is the packets are a bit difficult to open. The scored area does not work well all the time and I had to use my teeth/ a knife/ scissors to open enough to dump out the powder. Will buy again .