Descrição do Produto: Bonk Breaker Energy Chews
Os Bonk Breaker Energy Chews são a solução perfeita para quem busca energia rápida e foco em um formato prático e saboroso. Cada caixa contém 10 pacotes de gomas energéticas veganas, com duas porções em cada pacote, totalizando 20 porções. Os sabores variados incluem Cola, Maçã Verde, Morango, Tangerina, Laranja, Rainbow Blast e Root Beer, garantindo que você tenha sempre uma opção deliciosa à mão.
Essas gomas energéticas são formuladas para fornecer energia de ação rápida, utilizando fontes de carboidratos orgânicos. Com duas das opções contendo 100mg de cafeína proveniente do chá verde por porção, você pode contar com um impulso extra quando mais precisa. Além disso, os Bonk Breaker Energy Chews são enriquecidos com eletrólitos e vitamina C, ajudando na reposição de nutrientes essenciais durante os treinos intensos ou nas reuniões da tarde.
Com ingredientes saudáveis e fáceis de pronunciar, essas gomas são livres de glúten, soja, laticínios e são veganas, tornando-se um lanche portátil e nutritivo. Ideal para quem está sempre em movimento, esses chews são perfeitos como combustível pré-treino ou como um reforço energético durante atividades como corrida, ciclismo, triatlos e esportes em equipe.
– Energia Rápida: Proporciona um impulso imediato de energia, ideal para treinos e atividades físicas.
– Foco Aumentado: A presença de cafeína ajuda a melhorar a concentração e o desempenho mental.
– Reposição de Nutrientes: Contém eletrólitos e vitamina C, essenciais para a recuperação e hidratação.
– Ingredientes Saudáveis: Livre de glúten, soja e laticínios, com uma fórmula vegana que é fácil de digerir.
– Praticidade: Gomas portáteis que podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter o máximo benefício dos Bonk Breaker Energy Chews, consuma um pacote (duas gomas) cerca de 30 minutos antes de atividades físicas ou sempre que precisar de um impulso energético. Para um efeito prolongado, você pode ingerir uma goma adicional durante a atividade, especialmente em treinos prolongados ou competições. Mantenha os chews em um local fresco e seco para preservar sua frescura e eficácia.
Tastes fine. Creative flavors. Not enough bang for your buck tho.
MP –
I really like the size and texture of these chews (not sticky); the fruit-flavored ones are similar to fruit snacks. Are they an amazing burst of energy? No, but I can feel their impact, especially the caffeinated flavors (Cola and Root Beer). I also like that there are caffeinated and non-caffeinated options, as you can decide which variety to consume depending on whether you’ve already had caffeine that day.
Elisa –
I love them. Little high for my budget,but, i biy them anyway
Anon –
They work as described. Easy on the stomach and provide good energy.
Basically, the text section the product description lists 6 specific flavors — Cola, Green Apple, Strawberry, Tangerine Orange, Rainbow Blast, and Root Beer — so I was expecting to receive at least one packet each of the Cola and Root Beer flavors in the mixture, and one or more packets of each of those other 4 specific flavors.
See the attached screenshot from this seller’s Amazon listing, taken Tuesday, October 22, 2024. The Cola and Root Beer flavors are clearly included in the list.
Instead, I received two packets each of 4 of those 6 flavors:
Green Apple, Strawberry, Tangerine Orange, and Rainbow Blast.
I also received two packets of Orange Mango Guava, which was not one of the flavors listed in the text of the variety pack.
There was no Cola.
There was no Root Beer.
The variety pack was selected specifically, because I was hoping to try both of the caffeinated flavors of root beer and cola.
I also have an allergy to mango, so the text listing for the variety pack seemed perfect — because it DID include Root Beer and Cola, and did NOT include the Orange Mango Guava flavor.
The “may contain” disclaimer added as an illustration on one of the photographs here is NOT sufficient. Perhaps the seller changed the composition of the variety pack at some point after first listing the product, but in that case they should have also changed the TEXT listing description for the variety pack.
I gave away the packets containing mango, since I am allergic. The other caffeine-free fruit flavors I have tried so far taste OK, but are nothing special, and are extremely overpriced for what you get, even taking into account the natural colors and the supplemental vitamins they contain.
This $27.50 price only would be worth it if they were also caffeinated. And I figured it was worth paying the higher price one time only for the variety pack, so I could try both of the caffeine flavors (root beer and cola) and determine if I had a preference for one flavor over the other for future orders..
Extremely disappointed, and feel like I was tricked by the variety pack listing.
Lynn –
These taste great and are perfect for a quick energy boost. I love that they’re gluten-free and dairy-free. The variety pack is a nice touch for trying different flavors. Perfect for workouts!
Stephen K. –
The flavor of the “orange tangerine” is my favorite. Tastes a lot like the long-since-canceled “Gator Gum”, which alone is worth the price.
These did a great job of providing a quick burst of energy on long hikes. I highly recommend them, and have purchased two full boxes for my next 26-mile hike.
Erin W –
Excellent taste- easy to take on runs