As Bolsas de Gelo para Lesões, modelo clássico, são a solução ideal para quem busca alívio rápido e eficaz para dores e desconfortos. Com um design elástico e respirável, essas bolsas não vazam, garantindo que você possa utilizá-las sem preocupações. Elas são versáteis, podendo ser usadas tanto para tratamento com frio quanto com calor, sendo eficazes no alívio de dores de cabeça, enxaquecas, inchaços e lesões esportivas. Disponíveis em três tamanhos diferentes — 6″, 9″ e 11″ — essas bolsas atendem a diversas necessidades, desde o uso em crianças e adolescentes até áreas maiores do corpo.
Cada pacote de gelo reutilizável é projetado para proporcionar alívio imediato da dor. O uso imediato pode reduzir o inchaço, abrasões leves, hematomas e dores musculares, tornando-se uma ferramenta essencial para primeiros socorros e recuperação de lesões. O tecido de poliéster é confortável e amigável à pele, garantindo que o produto seja seguro e fácil de usar. A bolsa de gelo de 9″ pesa apenas 3,6 onças, tornando-a leve e fácil de transportar, ideal para ter sempre à mão em sua bolsa, mesa ou carro.
Durante o uso, é normal que ocorra condensação do lado de fora da bolsa em ambientes quentes, um fenômeno físico que não compromete a eficácia do produto. A Vitaminer Shop se compromete a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade e um excelente serviço ao cliente.
1. Alívio imediato da dor: Proporciona alívio rápido para dores de cabeça, enxaquecas, dores musculares e inchaço.
2. Versatilidade: Pode ser usada como compressa fria ou quente, atendendo a diferentes necessidades de alívio.
3. Reutilizáveis e à prova de vazamentos: Garantem durabilidade e eficácia, sendo uma opção econômica e sustentável.
4. Tamanhos variados: Disponíveis em três tamanhos, adaptam-se a diferentes áreas do corpo e faixas etárias.
5. Fácil de transportar: Compactas e leves, podem ser levadas para qualquer lugar, garantindo alívio imediato onde quer que você esteja.
Para utilizar a bolsa de gelo, preencha-a com cubos de gelo ou água quente, conforme a terapia desejada. Aplique a bolsa diretamente na área afetada e utilize a tira de compressão para fixá-la no lugar, garantindo que permaneça estável durante o uso. Recomenda-se deixar a bolsa agir por cerca de 15 a 20 minutos para obter os melhores resultados. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde se necessário, assegurando um tratamento seguro e eficaz.
Bobjaky –
Home projects, kids playing, bumps, bruises, muscle strains… It’s nice to have a refillable set of packs like this that you can keep with the first aid kit. Fill them with ice or hot water as needed, and they will settle around the area needing treatment for better coverage than you can get from a flat ice pack or even a heating pad.
When done, drain and let dry, then pop it back into the first aid kit so you always know where they are.
The three bags have screw-on caps (interchangeable) that have not leaked when I’ve tried them. The largest bag is almost the size of an adult beanie when filled, and the smallest is a good size for a sore wrist. I haven’t tried using one with the included strap, but the tops of the bags fit snugly in the hole and stay put, and the velcro is pretty strong.
Kindle Customer –
With large mouth openings (making it easy to fill with ice), these three bags remind me of “old style” ice packs. The major differences are the improvements in design and detail which make these even nicer. Having a polyester outer shell increases the comfort of placing this against my skin. My previous ice bag was make of a rubberized outer shell which required that I place some type of protective layer between the bag and my skin. Plus, the condensation of that bag was extreme, and I often ended up with a dripping mess. While these bags don’t claim to have zero condensation, the issue is dramatically improved. The bags have a secure plastic closure and metal clamp ring between the fabric and the top opening. I filled the bag with water and tested for leakage. There was none. I wasn’t gentle with the bag and still was unable to produce any dripping. Another nice feature which is a bonus is the hands-free compression strap which permits the user to position and hold the bag in place against the area needing treatment. These bags work for both hot and cold application. The current price of $18.99 with an additional $6 off coupon makes these a good value. Overall, these bags deliver as advertised. 5 stars.
Chris L –
I tested these ice packs using water and they did not leak. To use the included strap, insert the empty ice pack bag through the opening then fill with water or ice. These will come in handy to quickly add cold or heat to an injury or sore muscle.
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FlyboyTR –
This is a nice set of three ice packs in varying sizes. The strap that comes with it can easily be used to keep any one of the ice packs in place over your knee or any part of your body where you can maneuver this strap to hold the ice packs.
This is a good set to have and can be used for a variety of reasons. I like that there is a small ice bag that can be used for children. or when small areas need an ice pack without having to full a regular size ice pack bag.
I’m happy with this order and at this price point I would recommend it. I think you get a bang for your buck with this product.
Thanks for All the Fish –
I try to always be prepared, so wanted to have these in my medicine chest. Ended up using them before I knew it!
These are different than the ones of old, that your grandma probably had. They’re more waterproof and won’t leak. The opening is large enough to put whatever you want in each one, including ice cubes. They are flexible to fit the shape of whatever body part you’re using them on. Exterior is soft and comfortable.
Can be used with ice, ice water, hot water–whatever you want.
Lids are nice and secure, too.
I like the three sizes that you get with this product.
LaughingSage –
These cloth ice packs will come in handy should my family and I injure ourselves or need something to relieve our pains. They come in three different sizes, so you’ll find a size that’s appropriate. I like that this set includes a strap to hold the ice packs in place. You’ll be prepared with these whether you’re at home or traveling.
FlyboyTR –
I just threw away my bazillionth “reusable” soft ice pack the other day, and I couldn’t help thinking about these old-school ice bags that also double as heat packs. When I saw this one, I was surprised to see the wrap adapter that turns the smallest one into wearable pain relief. They arrived today, and they are even better than the ones I remembered. Those had black rubber o-rings that had to be removed for cleaning and replaced frequently. These have silicone seals. And they come in a bunch of sizes to fit different applications. I have painful swollen joints, so these are basically instant pain relief for me. If you have chronic pain, you know that’s priceless. Why did I ever stop using these? Oh, I
remember. My kids lost the o-rings every fifteen seconds. Highly recommend!
Kindle Customer –
These ice bags came in three different sizes with an additional elastic band to which one of the ice bags can be attached and wrapped around a limb for knee or elbow injuries. I found the smallest bag works the best as the other sizes are a bit large for that purpose.
I tested the bags filled with both ice and warm water and they produced results that were neither too uncomfortably hot nor cold. They held that temperature for quite some time.
These ice bags remind me of the old-time hot water bottles one sees in movies or cartoons when a character has a headache or hangover. I found they are much better than standard ice packs as they not only maintain the cold or heat longer but are less messy. The expandable coverings make the product much more comfortable than an ice pack as the source of the cold or heat are not in direct contact with the skin.
Overall, these ice bags are a good deal for injury treatment and cold or hot therapy.