### Bolsa de Lama do Mar Morto (Israel) 600g/21,16 oz – Benefícios para a Pele
Em seu estado natural e único, o lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto é composto por camadas e camadas de argila sedimentar formada ao longo de milhares de anos. Esse rico lodo contém magnésio, potássio, cálcio, brometos e sulfatos, além de elementos traços de lítio, estrôncio, iodo, selênio, cromo e zinco, que são benéficos para a limpeza e revitalização da pele. O lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto limpa e purifica a pele, permitindo que ela absorva a umidade de forma mais eficaz, deixando todo o seu corpo com uma aparência radiante e revigorada. Além disso, a alta concentração de elementos traços e essenciais no lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto melhora a circulação, pode ajudar o sistema imunológico e reduzir a tensão muscular e dores reumáticas. Com um peso de 600g/21.16oz, este produto é uma excelente opção para cuidar da sua pele.
1. Benefícios minerais: O lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto contém uma variedade de minerais benéficos para a pele, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda e revitalização.
2. Absorção eficaz de umidade: Ao limpar a pele, o lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto permite que ela absorva a umidade de forma mais eficaz, mantendo-a hidratada e com uma aparência radiante.
3. Melhora da circulação: A alta concentração de elementos traços e essenciais no lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto ajuda a melhorar a circulação sanguínea, promovendo uma pele saudável e revitalizada.
4. Alívio de dores musculares e reumáticas: O lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto possui propriedades que podem ajudar a reduzir a tensão muscular e aliviar dores reumáticas, proporcionando um alívio natural.
5. Produto de qualidade: O lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto é um produto de alta qualidade, importado de Israel, conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas para a pele. A Vitaminer Shop garante a autenticidade e qualidade deste produto.
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Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma camada generosa do lodo mineral preto do Mar Morto na pele limpa e seca. Deixe agir por 10 a 15 minutos e enxágue com água morna. Recomendamos o uso uma vez por semana para manter a pele limpa, revitalizada e radiante. Aproveite os benefícios deste produto natural e cuide da sua pele da melhor forma possível.
Ken –
This mud feels very soft and silky to the touch, and the experience of applying and rinsing it off is very enjoyable. I found it to have noteworthy benefits for pain issues, and would suggest soaking in the tub with the mud after rinsing it off. It has a distinct smell when used in large amounts, as I found out when I decided to rinse the last of the bag out into the bath instead of directly applying it, first. There was more left than I had realized, and the scent was overpowering, but not horrendous. I’d describe it as the earth-minerals equivalent of “gamey”. Just something to be aware of if scent-sensitive. Used in moderation, I did not detect any scents.
Lena Kravch –
Great for your skin all over body ,healing joins and bones . The only thing I would be recomend to uply it with thin lair in early morning not in a middle or late night . Wash it away after 20 minutes or when dry with a soap . It’s washes good just with a water but better to use soap . For some reosen I uply it twice and I can not fell a sleep for whole night twice! First time I thought it’s just coincidence but when happens after 2nd time I am like… yeah it’s after mud. Never had it before for not to sleep whole night at all . So it gives me energy but in a morning I tired and can’t even think clear and concentrate on work . It is not necessarily will be with you the same . Just saying on my experience.
Stephanie –
I like the mud drying on my face cause I think it extracts all of the crud out of your pores and shrinks the pores on your face. My face also feels much softer after as well. A little goes a long way. I use the mud mask right before I take a shower – that why when it has dried I just jump in the shower to easily rinse it off. It is the best way cause there is more mud on your face than you think. Had no problems with any type of irritation on my face.
austin –
I originally bought it for ritual use and figured i might as well do a mask….I’m 30yr old straight male retired infantry marine, I’ve had acne my Whole life and put this on for a funny pic and the next day all pimples and zits gone 4 days later finally got one, Best stuff I’m goin to buy this stuff every month and use once a week. Now ppl say they had burning I didn’t at all, but I have used a lot of strong face creams. Also it smells like silly puddy or something toy like from the 90’s can’t quite figure it out. Great stuff though, do a mask till 1 hr after you think it’s dry and wash off. It will crumble during so have a vac ready or something.
Janet Toland –
A nice smooth texture, needs to dry before you take it off, just like the real Dead Sea mud.
Sunny –
I like the product
I like the result. I I used it for my face and neck so far.
I would have loved if it had that heating sensation when you apply it.
Morris Stupak –
Works like it’s supposed to, deeply cleanses the face and any other body parts you care to put it on.
Janet Toland –
I like that it does draw out toxins, rough dead skin , and leaves skin ore absorbent to moisturizing.
I DO NOT LIKE, that it’s quite gritty, hard to spread, and the bag will not reseal. You’ll have to put It into another bag, like a zip lock or something that seals.
Shy Bird Dog –
Real Dead Sea mud, thanks
ganendal –
The gift was appreciated and the recipient seems to be very happy with the choice.