Nordic Catch Freeze Dried Cod Bites – Snacks de Proteína de Bacalhau Islando
Descubra o sabor e a nutrição dos Nordic Catch Freeze Dried Cod Bites, uma opção de lanche saudável e prática que combina a pureza do bacalhau selvagem da Islândia com a conveniência de um snack crocante. Cada mordida é uma explosão de sabor, resultado do processo de liofilização que preserva todos os nutrientes e a essência deste peixe de alta qualidade. Com apenas dois ingredientes – bacalhau islandês e sal marinho – esses chips de proteína limpa são a escolha perfeita para quem busca um lanche nutritivo e saboroso, livre de açúcar, conservantes, glúten, OGM e aditivos.
Com impressionantes 29 gramas de proteína por porção e apenas 120 calorias, esses chips são ideais para quem segue dietas como a keto ou paleo, além de serem uma alternativa saudável a muitos snacks tradicionais. A presença de ácidos graxos ômega-3 torna esses chips não apenas saborosos, mas também benéficos para a saúde, contribuindo para uma alimentação equilibrada e nutritiva.
A praticidade é uma das grandes vantagens dos Nordic Catch Cod Bites. Não requerem refrigeração e vêm em embalagens resseláveis, permitindo que você leve seu lanche para qualquer lugar – seja na academia, no carro ou em trilhas longas. Assim, você pode desfrutar de um lanche saudável e nutritivo a qualquer momento do dia, sem preocupações.
O bacalhau, um peixe branco de sabor suave, pode ser apreciado puro ou com acompanhamentos. Experimente os chips de proteína liofilizados com manteiga derretida ou um toque de limão e temperos de sua preferência. Embora não necessitem de refrigeração, armazená-los na geladeira pode realçar ainda mais seu sabor.
– Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 29g de proteína por porção, ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão proteica.
– Baixo em Carboidratos: Zero carboidratos e zero açúcar, perfeito para dietas low carb e keto.
– Praticidade: Embalagem resselável que facilita o transporte e o consumo em qualquer lugar.
– Saudável e Nutritivo: Rico em ômega-3, contribui para a saúde cardiovascular e bem-estar geral.
– Sabor Versátil: Pode ser consumido puro ou combinado com outros sabores, adaptando-se ao seu paladar.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os Nordic Catch Freeze Dried Cod Bites, abra a embalagem e consuma diretamente como um lanche crocante e nutritivo. Para uma experiência gourmet, experimente mergulhá-los em manteiga derretida ou espremer um pouco de limão sobre eles antes de adicionar seus temperos favoritos. Armazene os chips em um local fresco e seco, e feche bem a embalagem após o uso para manter a frescura e a crocância. Ideal para ser consumido a qualquer hora do dia, seja como um lanche entre as refeições ou como um complemento à sua refeição principal.
hungry eye –
Here’s what I recommend: put these in a toaster oven, edge to edge in an aluminum pan, and broil them at about 375 degrees Fahrenheit for a couple of minutes, then carefully turn them over and do the same on the other side. Get them to the point where they turn a nice orange. Remove them before they burn—you must keep an eye on them. Enjoy with butter and caper salt or garlic salt. Also good as a kind of Melba toast base for tuna salad, cream cheese, sardines…sky’s the limit! The perfect keto cracker!
Ryan Reynolds –
I love codfish, so I was really excited when I saw these. They were not crunchy at all. And the flavor was a bit bland, maybe missing a bit of sea salt.
Dennis –
Healthy. I like the taste of fish, so I was okay with that. Chips are fragile, many broken. Maybe worth abouot half the price. Cats like them.
Matthew R. –
Obviously, you’ll need to really like whitefish to enjoy these, as it’s a chunk of cod minus the water. If you are a fish lover though, you’ll not be able to stop eating these. They’re fantastic, and it’s great to have a compact, non messy and long shelf life fish snack ready to go. In my opinion, they taste better than beef jerky and is certainly better for you too. Texture-wise, they have a slight crisp to them; they’re not thin enough to crunch like a chip, but they’re also not tough like jerky.
I think the biggest issue with them is the price point being ~$10/bag for individual units. Fish does come at a premium compared to farm meat, but it is still quite a bit per bag. Buying 10 at a time via the subscription service takes it down to ~7$/bag which is much more reasonable.
Ahsaan Shah –
Terribly fishy (both in taste and smell), “soft feathery texture” – no crunch…Very small bag for $13.79!
I was so surprised that the bag was the size of a small snack bag of chips that you get in bulk at Costco! I was taken aback so much so that I thought when I get back from the camping trip, I’d return it. I mean, this little bag was literally $13.79! I did not even check the size when I ordered, assuming it would be at least $13 worth of chips! But anyway… then, okay, tried them and OMG – the texture was like a soft, pliable, feathery pad of smelly fish! The smell was not that offensive – at first! But after tasting and definitely not liking them, I closed the zip closure so to preserve the chips to return once I returned home from camping but the smell was so offensive, everyone started asking what was that smell. I tried putting them in another ziplock freezer bag but the smell continued to permeate through even that! I ended up throwing them away. However, I was so upset with this purchase that I had to write a review to let others know what a RIPOFF this product is. Too bad there is no way to get a credit for it. It was just horrible!
Lou –
I am not a fan of dealing with any carcass so these are great that I don’t have to and the cats love them but they are too pricey. Considering these companies can get the fish for almost free bc Fishmongers just throw it away if you boil if off the bone, mix it to discs and dehydrate it the cost is pennies not including your labor.
My cats deserve a treat (they are well behaved and leash trained) and I like a break from making them so this is a nice go to.
Seems human edible too and I like that it’s not junk food, I can tell what it is.
Amazon Customer –
So chewy, but it is cod and it taste how I think it should just textural issue recommend that if you purchase keep open mind they are very chewy and pungent.
Kimberly Greenwell –
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Never had these in my life before until I traveled in Iceland. ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!
They do smell so bad lolol but what do you expect it’s fish! and they are expensive life beef jerky.
They taste so good!!! Ate the whole bag in one day!
lindquich –
So you’ve decided on expanding your taste buds with fish jerky?
Here’s the quick and dirty of it:
1. Tastes like fish.
2. Smells like fish.
3. You will need a breath mint after.
4. If you burp, you will have fish burps and need subsequent breath mints.
5. Probably not the snack to take while camping-even though the bag is resealable, the amount of fish odor will attract bears. If you do take this with, consider a breath mint for the bears. They will be appreciative of the gesture.
6. It’s super healthy and high in protein so either you or the bear (from #5) will get super yoked after eating it. I suggest to eat it before the bears arrive, there’s not much scarier thing in the woods than a super yoked bear that needs a breath mint.
7. If Bears ever figure out Amazon, quickly order as much as possible, most likely it will be a new form of currency during the animal revolution.
8. This has a higher propensity to attract a Sasquatch than Jack Links beef jerky. #messin with Sasquatch
9. Probably gonna need mints for the Squatch.
10. Enough jokes, it’s actually pretty darn good and you should totally indulge in eating this snack. In a well ventilated area free of bears and the possible Squatch, unless you’re into that sort of thing.
ellie –
– nice and light for roadtrips
– does not melt when it’s hot like many protein bars
– not too salty
– too expensive to eat regularly
– very dry as expected, I wouldn’t be able to eat it without a glass of water nearby (but I also find this true with protein bars)
Overall 7/10