Bold Cranberry Plus – 36 mg PAC 100%% Solúvel a partir do Extrato de Suco – Suporte ao Trato Urinário UTI – Comprimidos de Cranberry para Mulheres
O Bold Cranberry Plus é um suplemento de cranberry formulado para promover a saúde do trato urinário e da bexiga em mulheres e homens de todas as idades. Cada cápsula contém 36 mg de PACs solúveis do tipo A, provenientes do suco de cranberry, que têm atividade antiadesiva comprovada. Os PACs insolúveis encontrados na fibra da casca e das sementes não apresentam essa atividade.
A fórmula do Bold Cranberry Plus é testada em laboratório independente usando o método de teste DMAC/A2, o mesmo método utilizado pelo Consumer Labs. Isso garante a qualidade e a eficácia do produto, proporcionando confiança aos consumidores.
Além dos PACs solúveis, o Bold Cranberry Plus contém extratos concentrados de cranberry, tanto das frutas inteiras quanto do suco, para fornecer uma ampla gama de bioativos. A fórmula também é enriquecida com vitamina C não transgênica, potencializando ainda mais os benefícios para a saúde.
O cranberry é conhecido como um superalimento devido ao seu alto teor de compostos fenólicos. Ele contém a maior concentração de fenóis entre todas as frutas, sendo rico em proantocianidinas, polifenóis, antocianinas e flavonoides. Esses antioxidantes ajudam a combater os radicais livres e protegem o corpo contra danos oxidativos.
A Bold Botanica se preocupa com o meio ambiente e utiliza ingredientes provenientes de fontes sustentáveis e limpas. Os produtos são livres de transgênicos, veganos, sem glúten e não contêm sabores ou corantes artificiais. Além disso, a Bold Botanica tem um compromisso com a natureza: a cada frasco vendido, uma árvore é plantada!
- Suporte para a saúde do trato urinário e da bexiga, reduzindo o risco de infecções.
- 36 mg de PACs solúveis do tipo A por cápsula, garantindo alta eficácia.
- Extratos concentrados de cranberry que oferecem uma ampla gama de bioativos benéficos.
- Ação antioxidante potente, combatendo os radicais livres e promovendo a saúde celular.
- Produtos sustentáveis, livres de transgênicos e veganos, alinhados com um estilo de vida saudável.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Bold Cranberry Plus por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. A regularidade no uso pode potencializar os benefícios do produto, contribuindo para a saúde do trato urinário e bem-estar geral.
Trystan A. Knight –
I have a long history of Kidney stones, having suffered them 4 times in my life. I drink loads of water to keep the kidney stones at bay. I know that drinking Cranberry juice is great for the entire urinary system but you can only drink so much straight Cranberry juice. They add a ton of sugar to it so you can drink it which just burdens your body with empty calories and stresses your body to keep sugar in balance. I love knowing that I can just take one of these with water and get the same results without all the garbage they put in juice. And just like their other products I love that these are vegan so there is one less thing to worry about.
luke demuth –
This product really helped me with frequent UTI’s. Easy to swallow and inexpensive.
Anita Allen –
This product seems extremely fresh and strong. With a lot of herbal formulas I’ve tried, they arrive and seem very old, stale, or lifeless. Bold Botanica always seem extremely fresh and high quality. I appreciate that as their products also seem very potent and effective! I also like buying from them as they plant a tree for every product bought. Very cool!
Marilyn Got –
Expiration date (5/23) on the bottle was covered by a sticker with a (5/26) expiration date. Bold Cranberry Plus is a supplement with the initial exp. date indicating the product has expired. Not good business especially when selling consumable items. Not able to return!!
luke demuth –
What I like about this cranberry extract is that its highly concentrated. I don’t have to worry about drinking a bunch of cranberry juice and waking up all night having to pee because of it! I work in the Healthcare feild where UTIs are such a common ongoing/chronic issue for so many woman, some times leading to other complications. Its great to be able to take preventative measures with this cranberry extract pill in order to prevent those UTIs from ever happening! There’s no bad taste, and it goes down smoothly, not getting caught in my throat like some other pills do. Definitely recommend.
A Ravel –
I’ve been using this product for a few weeks now and very happy with it so far. I usually try to have a small amount of cranberry concentrate daily but often forget and/or avoid taking it since I don’t love the sour taste. Taking these capsules has been incredibly helpful in that they’re easy to swallow, the contents still seem very fresh, and are in fact better than what I was taking before! The guarantee of PACs is excellent and the vitamin C is a huge plus, this supplement has certainly worked its way into my daily routine – will definitely be reordering. Overall, every bold botanica product has been great so far! Excited to see them grow so I can buy all of my supplements from them!
4 Lil Lambs –
I don’t know why this is so expensive .. 85 cents each at the sale price!
Both Vit C and Cranberry are usually cheaper to buy.
Distributed by a company in Georgia. Where is it manufactured or sourced?
Comes in a box – inside there are no anti tamper seals at all.
Brown glass bottle with easy open lid.
Foam freshness seal lifts easily
Each purchase plants a tree.
Bottle is less than half full.
Standard capsule.
HeatCane –
I’m very particular on ingredients…especially additives and preservatives…so I was excited to try this cleaner-than-most option. I deal with UTIs when I do not take regular cranberry and ACV supplements. Whenever I try a new one, I go off everything to allow the new supplement time to saturate my system and see how I feel and what presents. So far…perfect…and the capsules are smaller than the horse pills that I normally take in cranberry supplements…these are half the size but super potent!!