Boiron Oscillococcinum para Alívio de Sintomas Semelhantes aos da Gripe, como Dores no Corpo, Dor de Cabeça, Febre, Calafrios e Fadiga – 30 Comprimidos
O Boiron Oscillococcinum é um remédio homeopático que trabalha em conjunto com o seu corpo para ajudar a aliviar temporariamente a fadiga, dor de cabeça, dores no corpo, calafrios e febre associados aos sintomas semelhantes aos da gripe. Seguro para crianças a partir de 2 anos, deve ser tomado ao primeiro sinal de sintomas semelhantes aos da gripe.
Procurando um alívio homeopático para a gripe para toda a família? Os pellets de sabor doce do Oscillococcinum dissolvem rapidamente e facilmente sob a língua, sem a necessidade de água, mastigação ou deglutição.
Oscillo tem sido comprovado em estudos clínicos para ajudar a reduzir tanto a duração quanto a gravidade dos sintomas semelhantes aos da gripe quando tomado no início. Alívio fácil de tomar e sem sonolência!
A medicina homeopática utiliza substâncias biológicas, botânicas ou minerais altamente diluídas para aliviar os sintomas. Nossos comprimidos, pellets e tratamentos tópicos trabalham em conjunto com o seu corpo, sem o risco de contraindicações ou interações medicamentosas conhecidas.
A Boiron acredita que há mais de uma maneira de se sentir melhor. Desde 1932, estamos comprometidos em fornecer medicamentos de qualidade. Como líder mundial em homeopatia, nossa paixão é a sua saúde. Nossa promessa é a sua satisfação.
- Alívio eficaz de sintomas semelhantes aos da gripe, proporcionando conforto rápido.
- Seguro para crianças a partir de 2 anos, permitindo que toda a família se beneficie.
- Fácil de tomar, sem necessidade de água ou mastigação, ideal para uso em qualquer lugar.
- Comprovado em estudos clínicos para reduzir a duração e a gravidade dos sintomas, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
- Medicina homeopática sem risco de contraindicações ou interações medicamentosas conhecidas, garantindo segurança no uso.
Para adultos e crianças a partir de 2 anos, dissolva um pellet de Oscillococcinum sob a língua a cada 6 horas, até que os sintomas melhorem. Se os sintomas persistirem por mais de 3 dias, consulte um médico. É importante ressaltar que este produto é um remédio homeopático e não substitui o acompanhamento médico adequado. Sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer tratamento.
Boris –
you have start to use it when first symptoms is appear .
mimik. –
This is my go-to for anytime someone doesn’t feel quite right. It can be for a digestive ailment or respiratory illness. If taken when symptoms begin, it usually nips it in the bud. This is my #1 go-to medical OTC remedy. Easy to administer because you don’t need water. Just dissolve the tiny granules in your mouth.
Sandra Sain –
Oscillococcinum is such an amazing product! I have used it for decades & when I married shared them with my husband who had a miraculous recovery from the flu by taking Oscillococcinum! He travels a great deal & he now makes sure they are always with him everywhere he goes, never having to worry about getting sick with a cold/flu on the road again & has even shared them with Friends and coworkers so they could experience a miraculous recovery from taking Oscillococcinum too! I have always recommend this product to everyone I know. So this year when I saw the 30 pack size I had to buy it and made gift boxes of Oscillococcinum & a few other natural remedies that I Believe in and cannot live without, and gave them to my all my friends and family that hadn’t taken my recommendation to try Oscillococcinum in the past. Those that used them are 100% converts now! Especially our new college students! This new large size is so convenient and affordable I highly recommend it and have already ordered more so we can keep them on hand in the car, backpacks, purses, suitcases….and since there are zero side effects anyone over 2 yo can take them at the first sign of a scratchy throat, sniffles, fever etc without worrying about being overmedicated & beat their cold/flu sentence and 18 to 24 hours! BTW: with any homeopathic medication one way to tell it is working, is it will “often exacerbate” the symptoms after your second dose, so if you start to feel a little worse know that you will feel much better in 6 hours after your 3rd and final dose!!!!! (A great benefit of this huge size if 1 treatment doesn’t work try 2 treatments, I have to you don’t work you aren’t dealing with a cold/flu and may need to see your MD/ND
This is the best multi homeopathic product made and I recommend it almost as often is I recommend Arnica!
Be Well, Dr. Sandi
Endless Summer –
Have this on hand JIC. At first sign, start shooting. You’ll be good in 24 hours
G. A. Nord –
I have tried and compared both Zicam and Boiron Oscillococcinum, and I am going to set my opinion at Zicam is the better product for adults and Boiron Oscillococcinum is the better product for young kids (not babies). Young children should love this medication. It has a wonderful flavor and is distributed in candy form. Yum. It just is not strong enough for a grown adult. Definitely this should be shelved in the children’s isle.
Pamela J. Bell –
Works great
MayberryInTheCity –
When I spent the weekend with 2 relatives who promptly came down with bronchitis, I knew what was coming a few days later when I started to get the 3:00 scratchy throat and lethargic feeling at the office. A coworker recommended this. Being hesitant of some claims in the homeopathic industry, I did some brief internet research and read some reviews on my favorite place for reviews, Amazon. The active ingredient is Anas Barbariae….a fancy Latin term for duck liver. Apparently it’s so diluted, that there’s virtually no liver in the product, the claim is it leaves “imprints” that help cure the flu. Please keep in mind, I’m a marketing major with absolutely NO medical background, this is just what I understood through some quick research. While there is no scientific proof that this works as anything more than a placebo in curing the flu, there are also no side effects or dangers to taking it.
This is all a very long justification for why I felt comfortable enough to head to my local CVS and purchase a box of 6. Keep in mind, it’s not cheap, but worth the money if it works. The product comes in small individual vials filled with a sweet, crystal substance that you melt in your mouth. It tastes like candy and melts quickly, so that’s a good start. You take it every 6 hours so I was able to get 2 doses in the first night. I continued to take the rest of the box the next day and while I was still a little tired and tried to take it easy, I never got worse and felt fine by the following day. Knowing the condition of my bronchitis-infected relatives that struggled for weeks trying to recover, this was a huge difference. My husband also took it where started feeling bad and felt fine the next day.
So…I’m a believer. Science or no science, I believe that it works for me. You can argue that it’s placebo and mind over matter, it’s still worth it to me. I have a hard time believing that its ineffective though since I was so skeptical to being with. I now keep them in my purse and take one at that first sign of “oh no, here it comes”.
In regards to cost, Amazon carries the 30 pack for the close to the same price CVS had the 12 pack. My mother was also able to find it at Walgreens. Buy the big pack to keep it readily available, I wouldn’t recommend waiting for shipping if you’re starting to feel bad though. Head straight to the drug store and start taking it ASAP.
Yolanda –
When you aren’t feeling yourself nothing like getting this right at your door.