Boiron ColdCalm – Alívio dos Sintomas do Resfriado Comum
Os comprimidos Boiron ColdCalm são uma solução eficaz para o alívio dos sintomas comuns do resfriado, como espirros, coriza, dor de garganta e congestão nasal. Com uma embalagem que contém 120 comprimidos (2 pacotes de 60), este produto é formulado para atuar em diferentes estágios do resfriado, proporcionando um alívio contínuo e eficaz. Ao contrário de outros medicamentos que apenas mascaram os sintomas, os comprimidos ColdCalm trabalham para tratar a origem do desconforto, garantindo que você se sinta melhor ao longo de todo o processo de recuperação.
Uma das principais vantagens dos comprimidos ColdCalm é que eles não causam sonolência. Isso significa que você pode tomá-los a qualquer hora do dia ou da noite, sem o risco de se sentir cansado ou sonolento. Além disso, os comprimidos não apresentam interações conhecidas com outros medicamentos, tornando-os uma escolha segura para quem já está em tratamento com outras substâncias.
Recomendados para todas as idades a partir de 3 anos, os comprimidos ColdCalm são adequados para toda a família. Seja para adultos ou crianças, você pode contar com ColdCalm para aliviar os sintomas incômodos do resfriado, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com mais conforto e disposição.
Além dos comprimidos ColdCalm, a Boiron oferece uma variedade de outros produtos para tratar diferentes sintomas. Se você estiver enfrentando sintomas de gripe, pode experimentar o Oscillococcinum. Para alívio da tosse, a linha de xaropes Chestal é altamente recomendada. Os comprimidos ThroatCalm são especificamente formulados para acalmar a dor de garganta, enquanto o SinusCalm proporciona alívio da dor sinusal.
- Alívio eficaz dos sintomas do resfriado comum
- Não causa sonolência, permitindo o uso durante o dia
- Sem interações conhecidas com outros medicamentos
- Recomendado para todas as idades a partir de 3 anos
- Opções adicionais para outros sintomas relacionados, como tosse e dor de garganta
Para obter os melhores resultados com os comprimidos ColdCalm, siga as instruções da embalagem. Geralmente, recomenda-se tomar um comprimido a cada 15 minutos nas primeiras horas de sintomas, reduzindo a frequência para um comprimido a cada hora conforme os sintomas melhoram. Continue o uso até que os sintomas desapareçam. Caso os sintomas persistam ou piorem, consulte um médico para avaliação adicional.
Randall W. Rasner –
I’ve been turning to homeopathic remedies more and more often over the last few years. This brand has proven especially good but I had not tried ColdCalm yet. When I began to feel sick this week I decided to give it a try before any other meds. Amazon delivered it same day and I took the recommended dose right away. Within an hour I was feeling remarkably improved. I slept well without needing any traditional cold medicine. The next day I was feeling much better, my sinuses were actually draining (a constant challenge for me) and I had my energy back. No sore throat, no post nasal drip, my cough had improved and my chest felt clear, my ears drained too. I will make sure we keep ColdCalm on hand from now on!
Randall W. Rasner –
Honest review of Boiron ColdCalm Tablets for Relief of Common Cold Symptoms Such as Sneezing, Runny Nose, Sore Throat, and Nasal Congestion – Non-Drowsy – 120 Count (2 Pack of 60)
Ever since I had a collapsed lung while I was younger and, in the US Army, I became more prone to getting colds. They are usually quite severe when I do get them. Taking other supplements has helped, but I wanted to try these after seeing all the positive reviews. I received 2 boxes of 60 tablets for a total of 120 tablets.
They are small and easily dissolved under the tongue with negligible taste (pictured atop a US Dime)
They seem to work. I began getting that scratchy throat like a cold was coming on, so I began taking these as directed (8 in the 1st hour of the first day of onset, 6 per day after that until the symptoms are gone. I did this for 3 days after the first day and used 24 tablets). I never really felt like I had more than a sniffle. Having said this and to be forthcoming, I did reinforce this with extra Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin, D3, Magnesium and some colloidal silver.
This order is large enough to share 1 box with a family member
This product is homeopathic as opposed to other OTC and prescription products that only mask symptoms
Expiration date 09/2025
None so far
I would prefer that they did not hot glue the boxes together because when pulling them apart it defaces some of the directions on one of the boxes.
The price is a little high in my opinion, but worth it to help stop a cold
Hopefully this honest review helps someone decide about this product.
analia –
Product was as described.
Angie –
If you are new to homeopathy, and even if you aren’t this is a great product. If you are in a situation (like late at night) and you don’t have the brain power to try and figure out which single remedy to give yourself or sick one, this is a wonderful go to. I use it frequently bc it has worked so well to either lessen the cold or shorten it. The pellets are small and dissolve right away. My 1 year old is able to handle them.
Anonymous –
I’ve used homeopathic remedies for years. This one is really great. As soon as you recognize you are coming down with a cold you take this remedy; follow the directions on the package. I gave it 4 stars because it is really good if you want to selfheal without all those chemicals in the over the counter medicines. However Homeopathy works slower than allopathic medicine. You’ll have to purchase 2-3 boxes per cold season because you take them hourly at first then dwindle down as you improve. It’s not an 8 hour dosage type medicine. So you have to stay on top of taking your dosages. It helps in less severity and length of time of a cold. Going natural is always best for ones system.
God’s Servant –
I have always struggled with traditional cold medicine because it makes me feel even worse. This does an excellent job relieving symptoms, without the added side effects. Take it right away when you notice symptoms, and stay on top of doses. It really works great!!
DoffleN16 –
Is good
YaYa Sister –
This is good for kids who is picky and won’t take any medicine, either liquid nor flavored chewable medicine. This the only cold calm that he is taking. It is tiny and melts quickly. Just put 2 tablets under tongue and it’s done. It’s a little pricy, but it’s worth it as long as he gets better.