O Boiron Arnicare Gel é um produto homeopático que oferece alívio temporário da dor nas articulações, dor muscular, dor muscular e inchaço causados por contusões ou lesões. Sua fórmula à base de água é não oleosa, absorve rapidamente e não contém fragrância ou parabenos. Este gel refrescante é ideal para aliviar a dor após uma lesão, um treino intenso ou esforço excessivo. O ingrediente ativo deste gel é a Arnica montana, uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades analgésicas naturais. A medicina homeopática utiliza substâncias biológicas, botânicas ou minerais altamente diluídas para aliviar os sintomas, sem os riscos de contraindicações ou interações medicamentosas conhecidas. A Boiron, líder mundial em homeopatia, está comprometida em fornecer medicamentos de qualidade desde 1932. Nossa paixão é a sua saúde e nossa promessa é a sua satisfação.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio da dor muscular e rigidez: O Boiron Arnicare Gel é especialmente formulado para aliviar temporariamente a dor muscular e rigidez causadas por lesões menores, esforço excessivo e quedas.
- Redução do inchaço e descoloração: Este gel é eficaz no alívio do inchaço e descoloração causados por contusões, proporcionando uma recuperação mais rápida.
- Fórmula não oleosa e de rápida absorção: Sua fórmula à base de água é não oleosa e absorve rapidamente, deixando a pele suave e sem resíduos.
- Ingrediente ativo natural: A Arnica montana é uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades analgésicas naturais, oferecendo alívio da dor sem causar sonolência indesejada.
- Medicina homeopática confiável: A Boiron é uma líder mundial em homeopatia, comprometida em fornecer medicamentos de qualidade que trabalham em harmonia com o corpo, sem riscos de contraindicações ou interações medicamentosas conhecidas.
– Para obter melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina de Boiron Arnicare Gel na área afetada e massageie suavemente até ser completamente absorvido. Repita conforme necessário, até 3 vezes ao dia. Evite o contato com os olhos, mucosas e feridas abertas. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
Amazon CustomerJeanne Anderson –
Is just alright
Pepper –
no odor
Dieter R. Hauser –
This gel is very easy to use. It has a slight scent which is quite nice. It dries quickly and leaves no trace on your hand, nothing at all. Not a strong pain reliever but a gentle, natural plant extract. Soothing for sore muscles. I have used it for several years. I like it and recommend it.
Colleen Collins –
Use for everything love it
Charmaine –
This stuff really works, and without the heat and mint smell of other topicals. I found this product year or two ago and haven’t used anything else since.
Lorraine Nathanson –
This is truly a great product for fast pain relief. We have been using this for many years before it became mainstream and changed the name from Arnica (which was made by Boiron in France) to Arnicare (made by Boiron in the USA). It was only available at retailers who offered homeopathic products and of course in Europe, but once they changed the name and production to US facilities it became more prominent and offered pretty much everywhere, including on Amazon.
I have had knee pain since I was 9 years old from a degenerative osteoarthritis problem which I subsequently had three knee surgeries to stave off having knee replacement, which I eventually had, 14 years ago. Arnica gel/Arnicare gel has always worked quickly to give me relief.
I have given this to everyone over the years from our mailman whose arm/shoulder was aching from carrying heavy mail pouches on his shoulder, to athletic neighbors with groin pulls, to my vet who had a sore shoulder from lifting really big dog onto his exam table and for his knees as he got older that resulted from his annual skiing sojourn with friends. Absolutely everyone became a convert and fan of Boiron’s Arnicare gel.
BTW the cream also works well but I found (as I also have used this on my dogs legs, they are Shar-pei who often have swollen hocks to give them relief) that the gel absorbs much more quickly which is why I prefer the gel. Also unlike other products there is absolutely no scent as it is a completely natural product made from the Arnica flower. I highly recommend this product. I promise you will not be sorry you gave it a try.
Nancy –
Makes your muscles feel good
Mollies Mom –
Last year before my son had his 4 wisdom teeth removed, I ordered Arinca Gel, having heard that arnica montana supposedly would alleviate pain, bruising and swelling – so we tried it. Lightly rubbed a thin layer on his jaw 2 hours after the extractions, then twice a day for 3 days. It worked SO well, I thought maybe there wouldn’t have been any problems without having used this magic gel.
Months later, a piece of metal slid out of my vehicle and hit me in the middle of my right shin. Anyone who has experienced pain where everything around you turns black, the world fades out and you almost pass out, you can relate. After the initial pain eased up and I realized my leg wasn’t broken, I went to the medicine cabinet and decided to really put this stuff to the test. I very gently put a thin layer on the knot that had immediately formed on my shin, all the while thinking, this will be black and blue for days. Applied a thin layer later that day, then 2 or 3 times a day for 4 days. The knot lingered for several weeks but it never hurt (unless it got bumped), and incredibly – it didn’t bruise AT ALL. Since then, I’ve used it for TMJ relief and any time I think “that’s going to bruise” , I dab some on. Of course, it may not work for everyone or in all situations, but it is certainly worth a try. I’m a believer!