Boiron Arnicare Creme para Alívio de Dores nas Articulações, Músculos, Cansaço Muscular e Inchaço de Hematomas ou Lesões – Absorção Rápida – 75g
O creme Boiron Arnicare é um produto eficaz para alívio de dores nas articulações, dores musculares, sensibilidade muscular e inchaço causados por contusões ou lesões. Sua fórmula de rápida absorção proporciona alívio rápido, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto. Com uma embalagem de 75g, o creme é fácil de aplicar e transportar, tornando-se um aliado indispensável para quem busca conforto e bem-estar.
Este medicamento homeopático utiliza a planta Arnica montana, conhecida por suas propriedades analgésicas naturais. O creme é ideal para aliviar temporariamente a dor muscular e rigidez resultantes de pequenos ferimentos, esforço excessivo e quedas. Além disso, é excelente para reduzir o inchaço e a descoloração de hematomas, proporcionando um cuidado completo para a sua pele e músculos.
Com uma fórmula não oleosa, leve e sem perfume, o Boiron Arnicare é livre de parabenos, garantindo uma experiência de uso agradável e segura. É uma opção perfeita para quem pratica esportes, realiza atividades físicas intensas ou simplesmente deseja um alívio rápido após um dia cansativo.
- Alívio temporário da dor muscular e rigidez, permitindo maior mobilidade.
- Redução do inchaço e descoloração de hematomas, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
- Fórmula não oleosa e leve, que não deixa resíduos na pele.
- Produto livre de parabenos e sem perfume, ideal para peles sensíveis.
- Medicamento homeopático seguro e eficaz, sem causar sonolência indesejada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina do creme Boiron Arnicare na área afetada. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. A aplicação pode ser repetida até três vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Para otimizar a eficácia do creme, recomenda-se limpar a área antes da aplicação, garantindo que a pele esteja livre de impurezas e pronta para receber o tratamento.
Lou Georgiades –
I love Boiron Arnica in gel, pellets, and cream. My mom, her mother, all my brothers, and now me – we all bruise easily. I did’t know there was a way to speed up the healing of bruises until a friend came to stay with me 3 days after I had a total knee replacement and she gave a tube of Arnica gel. After surgery I had a lot of bruises, which spread out further and darkened each day post-op. Before I ran out of the gel, I ordered Arnica Pellets from Amazon, as my PT recommended them. Another friend told me the Arnica cream is even better. I ordered the Arnica cream for one of my brothers, as he has more bruises than the rest of us. I’m using the pellets for now, but when my gel and pellets run out, I’m going to stick with the cream. Photos above are from 7/2/22, 7/5/22, 7/8/22, and 7/2/22.
Theresa –
massage therapist recommended this product to me years ago. Good for pain and bruising. I’ve bought a tube several times. Box was torn open when it came but tube was fine and still sealed.
Robert McKrell –
The first time I used this brand of Arnica cream for bruising (I have always bruised easily) I was amazed at how, despite the soreness in the injured area, the bruises just didn’t appear! The tube I had was old and had a leak, so I bought a new one, but the new one doesn’t seem to have the same potency. I’ve used it for myself and my daughter’s ‘booboos’, immediately after injury, but the bruises still show up. So I’m disappointed with what was previously a miracle cream and wondering if there’s a stronger variety that I ought to have gotten instead.
Lou Georgiades –
That ugly bruise is on the right side of my right thigh. I fell through the ceiling from the attic, and got stuck between two 2X10 rafters. OUCH!!.
When I started to use the Arnica cream that area on my leg was totally dark. I rubbed the cream in
Twice a day. It quickly reduced the pain about 50% In the first hour.
In 2 days this very large bruise looked like the first photo, well on its way to healing. I was pleased because this bruising goes quite deep within my leg.
Two days later and the bruise is spreading to a larger area as it heals. The second picture, the one with my knee, shows how the bruise is dissipating. I expect this will take another week. Now it only hurts when I press Against my leg in the middle of the damaged area.
In other news, the Arnica cream increased The mobility of my left arm. I have arthritis in my shoulder and I can only lift my arm about 20° from my side. The pain was most severe in the tricep muscle on the outside of my arm between the elbow and the shoulder.
Within half an hour the pain was greatly reduced. At that point I could lift my arm almost vertically over my head. The pain went from continuous to only when I moved my arm quickly.
I prefer the cream over the gel. Like others have said, the cream feels better as you massage it in the skin , It Absorbs more quickly, and doesn’t leave a sticky residue on my hands like the gel did.
Three cheers and five stars for Arnica cream !
deb –
Works very well.
Theresa –
This is a great product. The cream glides on smoothly and absorbs quickly. The odor is very pleasant; very light and smells great. I will purchase more.
holmanart –
I give this as a gift to every new mother for a baby shower. I tell her she won’t appreciate it now, but in a year she will call me and thank me, and they always do!
I could be the poster child for arnica, as I am on blood thinners, and I bruise very easily. I can’t tell you how many times this stuff has saved my skin. Dozens upon dozens of times, if applied right after being injured, I can avoid a bruise almost entirely most of the time. Prior to surgeries, after blood draws, post injury with stitches, after terrible IV placements, getting my finger stuck in a spring loaded clamp, the stuff is amazing! My favorite was the time I spread it around on my arm after a really bad IV, and a few days later could see that I hadn’t spread it far enough. Around the IV hole my skin was beautiful and clear, and about 2 inches out from the hole, was a giant gray ring.
I would recommend anyone using this to consider the path of gravity and treat below the injury as well as around it. The blood pooling under the skin has a tendency to move downward. For example, a cheek injury may cause bruising beneath the cheekbone. Make sure to apply the arnica around the injury and for some distance below it, again following the path of gravity.
Like I said, poster child!
Amazon Customer –
It works but I think you got to be careful and not use it all the time just like any NSAID.