Conheça o BodyHealth PerfectAmino Electrolytes Powder, um pó de hidratação sem açúcar que fornece uma hidratação duradoura e repõe os eletrólitos perdidos durante o suor. Completamente livre de açúcar, este pó de eletrólitos fornece uma dose energizante de minerais e PerfectAmino para mantê-lo energizado durante e após o seu treino, ajudando a prevenir a desidratação. Além disso, este mix de eletrólitos é amigável para dietas Keto e Paleo, além de ser livre de OGM, garantindo que você se mantenha hidratado sem adicionar ingredientes desnecessários. A mistura é fácil de preparar, basta adicionar 1 colher do suplemento de eletrólitos em 16 oz de água quente ou fria e misturar. Você pode se hidratar rapidamente e facilmente com este impulsionador de hidratação suave antes e depois de correr, levantar pesos, praticar yoga, andar de bicicleta ou se exercitar. E o melhor de tudo, este aditivo de água eletrolítica tem um sabor delicioso, sem deixar um gosto de giz ou medicinal. Mantenha-se hidratado diariamente com este pó de eletrólitos natural, refrescante e saboroso.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação Duradoura: O BodyHealth PerfectAmino Electrolytes Powder repõe os eletrólitos perdidos durante o suor, proporcionando uma hidratação duradoura.
- Impulso de Energia: Este pó de eletrólitos sem açúcar fornece uma dose energizante de minerais e PerfectAmino para mantê-lo energizado durante e após o treino.
- Amigável para Dietas Keto: O mix de eletrólitos é livre de açúcar, Paleo e Keto friendly, permitindo que você se mantenha hidratado sem comprometer sua dieta.
- Fácil de Preparar: Basta adicionar uma colher do suplemento de eletrólitos em água quente ou fria e misturar para obter uma hidratação rápida e fácil antes e depois do exercício.
- Sabor Delicioso: Este aditivo de água eletrolítica tem um sabor delicioso, sem deixar um gosto de giz ou medicinal, tornando a hidratação diária uma experiência agradável.
Will –
I was previously taking the pill version of perfect aminos until I found this electrolyte powder. I struggle to get enough water intake throughout the day and try to add in electrolytes when I can. This tastes good and helps me to drink more water. I have been using perfect aminos for over 3 months now and can see an increase in strength as well as visible muscle mass with increased definition. I like that this product does not break your fast but provided needed aminos to build muscle while fasting.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion –
This was a recommendation from a spa specialist, while I’m sure it has plenty of good things in it, the after taste and smell is quite off putting. Perhaps it’s the watermelon flavor isn’t the best but I will find it hard to finish a whole container of this. Also it doesn’t fully mix in which leaves your last sip grainy.
Crystalkr –
I had some digestive issues before using this. The issues are not totally gone but have vastly improved.
Paige Carew –
I’m sure this is an excellent product BUT I could not muster down on complete serving. I even went back and diluted mine with extra ice and water. Just couldn’t do it. Awful going down and even worse after taste. Really wish it would have worked out, unfortunately it did not.
Danielle –
The quality of this product is fantastic. The taste isn’t great but it isn’t terrible. It’s tolerable and worth having such great ingredients.
Will –
I was hooked on Gatorade until I went for my last checkup… This is my new electrolyte source. Does not dissolve easily and settles atop the liquid are my only gripes. So i dropped in a marble and made me a shaker. Good quality. Effective. Noticeable difference in energy at day 3. Excellent taste. Value is subjective, adjust the price and watch this fly off shelves! Go get you some!!!
Paige Carew –
Great addition to the perfect amino powder. Put a mix in before during and after. I’ll put a scoop into my jug and it’s easy drinking.
David Lamb –
I got this based on the recommendation of my nutritionist. She said a lot of electrolytes mixes are full of sugars/assorted vitamins and don’t actually have enough of the sodium and potassium we need. This has it all! And the monk fruit sweetener has less aftertaste than stevia to me. It took a few doses to get accustomed to drinking a salty tasting drink, but now I’m hooked! I no longer need coffee to pick me up midday, this is more refreshing and I feel better energy. I love the watermelon and orange flavors! Strawberry was not my favorite but that’s probably a personal preference.