O Tônico Matificante Purificante Tea Tree Skin Clearing da The Body Shop é um tônico facial vegano formulado especialmente para peles oleosas e com imperfeições. Com 250ml, ele é ideal para quem busca controlar a oleosidade, reduzir o brilho e minimizar a aparência de poros dilatados. Sua fórmula contém óleo de tea tree, um ingrediente conhecido por suas propriedades purificantes e antibacterianas, que atua diretamente no combate às imperfeições da pele. Ao aplicar o tônico, você sentirá uma refrescância imediata, deixando a pele suave e revitalizada.
Remova sujeira e impurezas dos poros para uma sensação de limpeza: Nosso Tônico Matificante Tea Tree Skin Clearing elimina sujeira e impurezas que se escondem ao redor dos seus poros e ajuda a purificar, refrescar e preparar sua pele.
Revele uma pele com aparência mais clara e matificada: Se você não está satisfeito com sua pele oleosa, basta aplicar este tônico em todo o rosto para revelar uma pele com aparência mais clara e matificada; simples assim.
Poder purificador totalmente natural: Se você costuma lutar contra as imperfeições, é hora de recorrer ao óleo de tea tree – um poderoso ingrediente natural que ajuda a pele a se sentir limpa, purificada e matificada.
Vegano e comércio justo: Todos os nossos produtos com óleo de tea tree são veganos e enriquecidos com óleo de tea tree do Comércio Justo da Comunidade, proveniente das encostas do Monte Quênia, proporcionando centenas de agricultores com uma renda justa e estável.
Negócios como força para o bem: Desde 1976, somos mais do que uma marca de beleza; oferecemos produtos e rituais de beleza para todos – obtidos de forma ética, com base natural e nunca testados em animais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpa profundamente os poros, removendo sujeira e impurezas
- Deixa a pele com aparência mais clara e matificada
- Contém ingredientes naturais e veganos
- Contribui para o comércio justo e sustentável
- É produzido por uma marca comprometida com a ética e o bem-estar animal
O Tônico Matificante Tea Tree Skin Clearing oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Ele proporciona uma limpeza profunda, removendo impurezas e excesso de oleosidade, o que resulta em uma pele mais clara e saudável. Além disso, sua fórmula vegana e natural é ideal para quem busca produtos éticos e sustentáveis. O tônico também ajuda a minimizar a aparência dos poros, promovendo uma textura mais uniforme e suave. Por fim, ao apoiar o comércio justo, você contribui para a melhoria da vida de agricultores que cultivam o óleo de tea tree, tornando sua escolha de beleza ainda mais significativa.
Após limpar o rosto, aplique o Tônico Matificante Tea Tree Skin Clearing em um algodão e passe suavemente sobre a pele, evitando a área dos olhos. Para melhores resultados, utilize o tônico duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite. Em seguida, siga com seu hidratante ou tratamento facial habitual para potencializar os efeitos purificantes e matificantes do produto.
Summer Brewer –
I waited to write this review. I have had this for atleast a month probably a bit over. I love this tone. This is my first toner but I did a lot of research before buying and I’m glad I got this one. I use it atleast once a say before I go to bed every night and I usually use it in the morning when I get up but sometimes I dont. In the time that I have used it I have only used 1/3 of the bottle. I will surely purchase this toner again. I have noticed that my skin in so clear and smooth and I rarely get any acne. I have more blackheads in general but this has done an excellent job to reduce them in appearance. I love it! I always shake it because the stuff settles at the bottom. It gives it a bit of sting but then leaves my face feeling super refreshed and in perfect balance. Not dry or oily just soft.
Amazon Customer –
I like it
BeUtyTradeReVue –
Price should be less
Pediatric Therapist –
Great but a little $$$
Amanpreet kaur –
Nay Naung Win –
Start using this recommended by my little sister who has been using this. Firstly it has to be shaken very well because of sediment at the bottom. Second smell is kinda strange to me , I thought smell shouldn’t be like leaf medication smell but I’m okay now used to with it. I feel like it is natural leaf smell but smell won’t bother you trust. I’m just saying it because other cosmetic put a lot of nice smell but this one is just natural. It is more suitable for oily skin type . Remember any toner has to be used after washing face . Natural guide line for your skin care is STEP BY STEP 1 facial foam ( make up remover / soft / scrub .. anyone base on what last you ware on your face ) 2 Toner . 3 Milk lotion ( I use tonymoly emulsion ) . 4 Moisturizer ( skin care anti aging moisturizer / make up moisturizer ) . 5 Make up ( anyone you prefer, I just ware a bit of mineral make up to be smoother face ) . 6 Translucent powder ( only if you want ) . Then you are ready to rock. So you don’t need to worry about sun or wind or snow or anything. You have already wore skin care and sun protection. You will get more confidence while working.
WonderWomanMomma –
I have always used the tea tree line from the Body Shop, but this has become my favorite thing!! I carry it in my purse for a midday swipe or two just to feel refreshed. Tea tree has so many amazing benefits you should check this out. Ease of use , great quality, smells great, and is great for the skin you can’t go wrong.
finngirl13 –
Rating skin care products is subjective but for what it’s worth I love this toner. It “tames” my skin. It refines the appearance of my pores and makes them look smaller, it calms my skin, it clears clogged pores. There’s a slight tingle along with the familiar tea tree aroma. It made a positive difference the first day and that has continued. My skin gets used to products pretty quickly and the initial honeymoon phase rarely lasts long. I am surprised that I’m liking this toner three weeks into using it as much as I did the first day I tried it. I don’t have pimples, my complaint is clogged pores – probably 75% of my pores normally are clogged. Not blackheads, not whiteheads, just flat white dots. Not milia, which is slightly raised and lumpy. We all know what we do to clear our pores – let’s skip the gory details – and after I do any or all of that my skin looks amazing for 24-48 hours and then… back to my normal. Using this toner 2-3 times a day has kept my skin looking pretty close to amazing for 3 weeks now and that is a personal record. I’ve used tea tree hair products a few times but never came across it for skin care. I wish I’d found it years ago. You might like this if your skin complaints are anything like mine.
Perfect product. Delivery at perfect time –
I like the product. I use it twice a day along with my serums and moisturizer. It works really well. It makes my skin look good and feels smooth . The scent is also nice. But I think it’s not for sensitive skin.
BeUtyTradeReVue –
Since being reintroduced to the wonders of toner, I have tried and tested several different brands. Several of them are full of powerful ingredients that are designed to leave your skin feeling completely fresh and clean and ready to absorb any serum and moisturizer you choose to apply. However, this light green liquid that contains the fresh scent of tea tree oil is leaps and bound above the competition. When you use a cotton pad to wipe it across your face, you feel a slight tingling sensation that assures you it is working deep into your skin to clean it and refresh it and prepare it for the next step in your skin care routine. Beings I have extremely sensitive skin, I was hesitant to use this product. Needless to say, I had nothing to worry about. My face has never been clearer. This toner works hard to penetrate deep to combat any signs of blemish prone skin. I’m extremely happy with this product and recommend it for anyone who wants to combat acne and oily-prone skin.