Blueshift Real Food Electrolytes: Hidratação Natural e Eficaz
Blueshift Real Food Electrolytes é um produto premiado de hidratação que se destaca pela sua formulação única e natural. Composto por 5 eletrólitos essenciais — cálcio, potássio, magnésio, sódio e cloreto — este suplemento em pó é projetado para oferecer uma reposição eficaz de eletrólitos, equilibrando os minerais do corpo de forma rápida e eficiente. O uso do Sal Rosa do Himalaia, rico em 60 minerais traços, potencializa ainda mais os benefícios, proporcionando uma fonte natural de eletrólitos que ajuda a reequilibrar os fluidos corporais.
Enriquecido com framboesas orgânicas, limões e limas, Blueshift Real Food Electrolytes não só oferece um sabor refrescante e equilibrado entre o doce, o azedo e o salgado, mas também traz 2g de fibra prebiótica, essencial para a saúde intestinal. A fibra insolúvel presente na mistura não se dissolve completamente, o que contribui para uma experiência de hidratação mais satisfatória. Com zero açúcar e apenas 10 calorias por porção, este produto é uma escolha saudável para quem busca controlar a ingestão de açúcar ou seguir dietas específicas, como a keto ou com baixo teor de carboidratos.
Além de ser uma opção deliciosa, Blueshift Real Food Electrolytes foi reconhecido no Delicious Living Awards, sendo votado como um dos favoritos devido à sua qualidade, eficácia e inovação. A combinação de ingredientes naturais e a ausência de aditivos artificiais fazem deste produto uma escolha preferida para quem busca suporte de hidratação sem compromissos.
1. Produto premiado: Reconhecido no Delicious Living Awards pela sua qualidade e sabor excepcionais.
2. Suporte completo de hidratação: Fornece os 5 principais eletrólitos em uma forma facilmente absorvível pelo corpo.
3. Sabor delicioso e natural: A mistura de framboesas, limões e limas orgânicas proporciona uma experiência de sabor equilibrada e refrescante.
4. Sem açúcar e baixa caloria: Com zero açúcar e apenas 10 calorias, é ideal para quem controla a ingestão de açúcar.
5. Suporte à saúde intestinal: Contém fibra prebiótica que promove o crescimento de flora intestinal benéfica, contribuindo para a saúde digestiva.
Para utilizar o Blueshift Real Food Electrolytes, misture um sachê do pó em 250ml de água. Agite ou mexa bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É recomendado consumir a bebida durante ou após atividades físicas para repor os eletrólitos perdidos e garantir uma hidratação eficaz. A fórmula é projetada para ser facilmente absorvida pelo organismo, proporcionando uma experiência de hidratação superior e natural.
Deuce & Coco –
Good! Does what it’s supposed to do.
Laike Shian –
I have to supplement electrolytes. I was excited by what these were said to contain. Many focus on just one or two types of electrolytes and ignore the others. This is a nice balance. It’s Keto friendly and sugar free. I am exceptionally glad it’s sugar-free. Too many electrolytes packets contain a lot of sugar.
The powder smells great–like raspberry lemonade. It even smells nice when mixed in. I don’t find the taste as appealing. I’ll admit that I’m a tiny bit biased because of a distaste for Raspberry-flavored things. This was very tart. It does taste like raspberries, lemon, and salt.
They mention in the product description that it doesn’t dissolve 100% so you need to give it a shake with just about every sip to get all the bits. However, my first attempt with this mix, did not go well. I used slightly cooler than room temperature water. Instead of dissolving, it made large clumps. I shook it off and on for over 10 minutes with little-to-no improvement. The flavor was WAY off since it didn’t dissolve. I was ready to toss the box!
The next time, I used the same water and it dissolved to the point they said it would. It’s still pretty tangy and not my favorite flavor, but I don’t hate this bottle as bad as the first.
Kindle Customer –
This is the best, unlike others this doesn’t have that dry weird salty after taste. This reminds be of bubblegum at the end. I love it
Ben Niehaus –
I’ve been using this during high exertion exercises and it has been great from what I can tell. I stay hydrated and have a delicious drink as well. This brand offers a better value than some of the higher profile ones you hear about on the podcasts but offers the same function and benefits. I love that they don’t have sugar (it’s stevia based) and don’t feel bad drinking these occasionally when I need the extra electrolytes. Give them a go!
mrsdschulz –
I really am enjoying these and use these as a sports drink or the day after I go out with friends to rehydrate. I like the taste and that it has clean ingredients in it. I appreciate that it uses stevia instead of sugar for a sweetener.
Overall a nice taste that helps me drink more water and replenish my electrolytes! Highly recommend!
J. Brewer –
This is an interesting electrolyte blend, I appreciate all the quality ingredients such as himalayan pink salt, magnesium malate, organic antioxidant juice blend consisting of raspberry, lemon & lime juice, the other ingredients listed are also great quality, with natural flavors and no artificial sweeteners or sugar added (it’s sweetened using monk fruit and stevia leaf), since this electrolyte is pretty tame with sodium (175 mg), I like to use it for daily hydration and easy workouts like hiking, so far the mix agrees perfectly with me, and it is enjoyable to drink.
I was a bit confused with the actual sodium/salt levels in this mix, on one hand it says 175 mg of sodium, but lists Himalayan pink salt at 500 mg, I think it is divvying up the salt up as both chloride, sodium & the 60 trace minerals, both the chloride and sodium list as himalayan pink salt as the source.
The individual packets are small, portable, and easy to tear open, the powder semi-mixes and often clumps up in water, so I like to use a 21 fl oz sports bottle and shake it up which seems to be the most effective mixing method, though a milk frother or spoon also works ok, the flavor is a pleasant raspberry taste that’s not too sweet, I didn’t notice any saltiness or have any weird aftertaste..
Overall I recommend, great ingredients, pleasant taste, antioxidants and electrolytes, 10-individual 6.8g packets.
Kindle Customer –
Easy to throw in gym bag and mix w water at the gym! Large portion. All natural. with All 5 Electrolytes, Pink Himalayan Salt, Magnesium. Great tasting with Organic Raspberries, Lemons and Limes, Sugar-Free
Laike Shian –
I really like the flavor of these packets and they mix in well with water. I tend to mix my electrolyte water a bit thin so they aren’t as sweet, but these aren’t too sweet to begin with so that’s nice. They have a nice mild berry flavor, maybe most closely flavored like blueberries, at least to my palette. I don’t notice any unnecessary boost of energy or anything with drinking these so just good old hydration with some added electrolytes, just what I was looking for.