Descrição do Produto:
Os Bluebonnet Nutrition Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops 5000 IU são uma forma eficaz e prática de garantir a ingestão adequada de vitamina D, essencial para o crescimento muscular e esquelético. Com uma fórmula líquida de fácil absorção, cada gota fornece 5000 IU de vitamina D3, que é a forma mais bioativa e benéfica dessa vitamina. Este produto é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), glúten, soja e laticínios, tornando-se uma opção segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Além disso, é certificado como Kosher e possui um sabor cítrico agradável, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária. Ideal para quem busca fortalecer ossos e músculos, especialmente em períodos de baixa exposição solar, os Bluebonnet Nutrition Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops são uma escolha inteligente para a saúde geral.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: A vitamina D3 é crucial para a absorção de cálcio, ajudando a manter ossos fortes e saudáveis.
2. Apoio Muscular: Contribui para o crescimento e a função muscular, essencial para atletas e pessoas ativas.
3. Fórmula Prática: A apresentação em gotas permite uma dosagem precisa e fácil, ideal para quem tem dificuldade com comprimidos.
4. Isento de Alergênicos Comuns: A ausência de glúten, soja e laticínios torna o produto acessível para pessoas com alergias ou intolerâncias alimentares.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor cítrico torna a suplementação mais prazerosa, incentivando o uso regular.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 gota por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção da vitamina D3. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou misturadas em bebidas, como água ou sucos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para ajustar a dosagem conforme as necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Holly Jahangiri –
I started off at 17.5 ng/ml Vitamin D. I was taking a gel cap supplement that got me up to 20.5 ng/ml after about 7 months. I switched to this product in December 2020, and am now at 26.1 ng/ml. I’m hoping to be out of “deficiency” range by the next time the test is run!
The dropper tip is a little confusing, at first; just hold the bottle upside down to drip out a drop or two (I take two/day, per doctor’s orders). Tip it back quickly to keep from wasting any. Thanks to another reviewer for the tip to just put a couple of drops on the back of the hand and lick it off – that’s easy. The slight citrusy flavor is pleasant – not too strong, not heavy or oily.
I definitely recommend this product, and apparently it’s made locally!
Demi –
I take this vitamin d3 daily- great product highly recommended.
Palmer –
I like this product because it’s easy to take with just about anything I eat. It also has a great taste. I’ve been taking this for a while now and have had no adverse reactions to it. I will say, I am taking a combination of vitamins (Zinc, Selenium, and magnesium) along with it and I feel anew. I feel rested in the morning, I no longer struggle with acid reflux, and my brain fog is nonexistent. My only complaint is that the dropper isn’t the best. More times than not, I have dropped double the recommended daily amount because the dropper drips too quickly and allows excess liquid to pool around the tip.
Debora W. –
Dr suggested switch to liquid as have chrones and was not absorbing other vit d easy to put on a bite of bread each morning and dropper bottle works great flavor hardly noticeable but nice
Neil –
5000 IU is more than is recommended by some authorities. But when I’m exposed to people with colds, or if the Flu-map shows that there’s widespread infection in my region, or if I’m getting a scratchy throat or something, I take multiple drops. And there are a bunch of problems that interfere with absorption — like being over 50 years old, so taking more than a couple of thousand IU seems like a good thing, anyway.
The small print on the bottle says “Shake Well First.” Recommend you don’t forget.
There’s no eye-dropper. Built in to the top of the bottle is a plastic dispenser. I keep the bottle in the fridge, which thickens the oil and makes it difficult for any drops to come out. But applying warm water to the bottle is all it takes to get it flowing more quickly. Just warm the bottle, then shake the bottle well, take off the cover, turn the bottle over, and the drops come out one by one, the warmer the faster. I use a teaspoon to catch the drops.
I read that Vitamin D is fat- oil-soluble, therefore for best absorption, take with dietary fats and/or oils. I chase down my drops with a teaspoon of cold pressed coconut oil. However, the carrier for this Vitamin D is an oil, so maybe it’s not necessary to add any additional oil to the regimen.
The taste is mildly citrusy, very mild flavor of lemons and oranges, no problem for the taste buds.
I’ve had big pills with much less D in them, like 400 IU. Hard to imagine one drop of this contains 5000 IU.
Griselda Vogt –
A few days ago, I became very sick and was taken to the ER; I had acute renal failure. Many tests were done, and repeated, to find what cause the kidneys my fail. My levels of vitamin D were extremely high, toxic levels high.
The toxicity caused my kidneys to fail.
Symptoms developed over a period of three months, I believe. I don’t know why when I bought the second bottle, and started taking it, symptoms started to develop. We couldn’t find the cause, until I insisted my doctor to check vitamin D levels. By then I was already very sick, but thought it was stomach flu; next thing was the ER.
Perhaps the fact that the bottle doesn’t have a dropper caused me to take more than one drop. Perhaps the bottle I bought had higher doses. I don’t know, all I know that it caused my kidneys to fail, and now the recovery will take months.
I will contact the maker to let them know of this, perhaps they will consider a dropper for this bottle.
A.S. Peeps –
Great product! As a woman and living plant based my vitamin D levels were always low. (living in the northeast, ugh). I’m happy to report my recent blood work FINALLY shows perfect levels for Vitamin D. My moods are much more consistent and i can absorb my minerals easier with a proper vitamin D level. The drops taste fine. I take it mid day after lunch usually with good fats. Also, it will last a long time since you only need a couple of drops!
Keerava –
The flavor is fair, but in all fairness I didn’t buy it for flavor. I just need an easy way to get vitamin D as I spend most my time indoors. The importance of vitamin D can’t be overstated.
This bottle has a ‘dropper’ top, you tilt the bottle and the drops come out as they will. I prefer a dropper that I can squeeze and control. Other than that, this works just fine.